iPhone Catches Car Seat On Fire?

His iphone overheard him say he was on his way to get the new black berry, and this happened, crafty crafty apple.

Or maybe it just got so mad it couldn't copy and paste until just recently and exploded
And your point is? Under no circumstances should a phone begin to spontaneously combust. If you were trying to induce flames, it's one thing.. for the "sweltering sun" to set off a fire on your phone, it just tells me how great of a quality Apple's products truly are. I don't exactly hear about any BlackBerries suddenly combusting and setting cars aflame.

My point is that anything can be damaged and overheat to the point of combustion in a car if it's hot enough outside. If a car has all the windows closed and it's sitting in glaring sunlight, it's gonna be WAY hotter in the car than it is outside. You're acting as if it's unheard of or something. And jeeze, even as a PC/Windows user I know that Apple's products are of extremely high quality. If you haven't heard of the countless other digital devices who's batteries have caught fire out of nowhere, then you need to step out from under your rock. It's not like all of Apple's products are suddenly catching fire and burning down cities. :rolleyes:
My point is that anything can be damaged and overheat to the point of combustion in a car if it's hot enough outside. If a car has all the windows closed and it's sitting in glaring sunlight, it's gonna be WAY hotter in the car than it is outside. You're acting as if it's unheard of or something. And jeeze, even as a PC/Windows user I know that Apple's products are of extremely high quality. If you haven't heard of the countless other digital devices who's batteries have caught fire out of nowhere, then you need to step out from under your rock. It's not like all of Apple's products are suddenly catching fire and burning down cities. :rolleyes:

Bad soldering...

Cracking Mac's...

Stop presenting Aplle as "High Quality"...it's the same as all other hardware.
And your point is? Under no circumstances should a phone begin to spontaneously combust. If you were trying to induce flames, it's one thing.. for the "sweltering sun" to set off a fire on your phone, it just tells me how great of a quality Apple's products truly are. I don't exactly hear about any BlackBerries suddenly combusting and setting cars aflame.

Well, with respect Blackberry phones are geared more towards the business crowd who always keep them onhand to get updated emails. Personally I wouldn't leave any phone or MP3 player in the car, especially here in Houston during the summer. Leaving any electronics device with a battery in that heat is just asking for problems IMO.
My point is that anything can be damaged and overheat to the point of combustion in a car if it's hot enough outside. If a car has all the windows closed and it's sitting in glaring sunlight, it's gonna be WAY hotter in the car than it is outside. You're acting as if it's unheard of or something. And jeeze, even as a PC/Windows user I know that Apple's products are of extremely high quality. If you haven't heard of the countless other digital devices who's batteries have caught fire out of nowhere, then you need to step out from under your rock. It's not like all of Apple's products are suddenly catching fire and burning down cities. :rolleyes:

Rather odd.. I leave things in my car ALL of the time and they don't spontaneously combust. You say anything can come to combustion in a car? I guess my bible and my bowling balls that NEVER leave the car should be charred rubble right now. :rolleyes: .. as for your comment about other digital devices batteries spontaneously catching fire, why does it seem that we hear about it a lot more with the iDouche? Find me one article where a Blackberry started to spontaneously combust.. or an HTC device.. or a Palm device.. for every one you find, there are ATLEAST three stories of someones iDouche combusting. If you call that an extremely high quality product.. :confused::(

Oh, and for your enjoyment, here's a story for you:
Went out to a brackish water lake to go tubing with a friend, forgot I had my Razr in my pocket for the first to runs and then tossed it onto the boat afterwords. In order to get the water out of it I doused it down with rubbing alcohol and then you know how I dried it? Left it sitting on the dash of the car for a week.. the phone sat in one spot and the battery sat next to it. That battery was directly exposed to heat and sunlight for an entire week and it refused to spontaneously combust.. I never thought Motorola was great at making "high quality" products.. but obviously the quality was better than the iDouche :D
Well, with respect Blackberry phones are geared more towards the business crowd who always keep them onhand to get updated emails. Personally I wouldn't leave any phone or MP3 player in the car, especially here in Houston during the summer. Leaving any electronics device with a battery in that heat is just asking for problems IMO.

:rolleyes: You would think on the [H] we'd be alittle more aware of our surroundings than to make such a blatantly wrong stereotype of something. The Blackberry was originally geared more towards business people.. today it's open to anyone that wants a smartphone. You can't tell me that any company that is STRICTLY geared towards business would make a touch screen phone (Storm).. because everyone knows that the touchscreen isn't the greatest design you could use for business purposes.

The Storm was just a great demonstration of how they're caving in and pandering to the average customer in order to make more profit. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with them making handsets more open, available and enticing to the general public.. but that doesn't fall in line with the idea that they're 'geared towards business". Sure that's where their roots are.. and they still offer the same business usability in all of their phones.. but the Storm was geared more towards the average consumer that is deciding between which touchscreen smartphone he wants than business people. The Pearl is another one that comes to mind where Blackberry is opening up the product line to be more enticing/ available for the average consumer. They started with business people but have started to branch out and grab everyone now. A lot of people don't use Blackberries for business nowadays.. in it's own right, Blackberry seems to have a cult like following with people addicted to their messaging capabilities (Crackberry anyone? hehe).
Rather odd.. I leave things in my car ALL of the time and they don't spontaneously combust. You say anything can come to combustion in a car? I guess my bible and my bowling balls that NEVER leave the car should be charred rubble right now. :rolleyes: .. as for your comment about other digital devices batteries spontaneously catching fire, why does it seem that we hear about it a lot more with the iDouche? Find me one article where a Blackberry started to spontaneously combust.. or an HTC device.. or a Palm device.. for every one you find, there are ATLEAST three stories of someones iDouche combusting. If you call that an extremely high quality product.. :confused::(

Oh, and for your enjoyment, here's a story for you:
Went out to a brackish water lake to go tubing with a friend, forgot I had my Razr in my pocket for the first to runs and then tossed it onto the boat afterwords. In order to get the water out of it I doused it down with rubbing alcohol and then you know how I dried it? Left it sitting on the dash of the car for a week.. the phone sat in one spot and the battery sat next to it. That battery was directly exposed to heat and sunlight for an entire week and it refused to spontaneously combust.. I never thought Motorola was great at making "high quality" products.. but obviously the quality was better than the iDouche :D

YOU'RE the one making it an issue of "Blackberry vs. iPhone", so don't bring your little agenda on my doorstep. Apple isn't the only company who's batteries combust, dude. It happens with Sony, Dell, Lenovo, and any other company you can think of who makes "stuff" with batteries in it. "iDouche", right. Come talk to me once your bias toward a specific company goes away. It's not that you don't hear stories about other things combusting, it's just that you selectively choose to pay attention to the Apple stories.:rolleyes:
YOU'RE the one making it an issue of "Blackberry vs. iPhone", so don't bring your little agenda on my doorstep. Apple isn't the only company who's batteries combust, dude. It happens with Sony, Dell, Lenovo, and any other company you can think of who makes "stuff" with batteries in it. "iDouche", right. Come talk to me once your bias toward a specific company goes away. It's not that you don't hear stories about other things combusting, it's just that you selectively choose to pay attention to the Apple stories.:rolleyes:
You would have thought Apple got it right this time. No. They didn't. Seriously, it sucks. ;)
YOU'RE the one making it an issue of "Blackberry vs. iPhone", so don't bring your little agenda on my doorstep. Apple isn't the only company who's batteries combust, dude. It happens with Sony, Dell, Lenovo, and any other company you can think of who makes "stuff" with batteries in it. "iDouche", right. Come talk to me once your bias toward a specific company goes away. It's not that you don't hear stories about other things combusting, it's just that you selectively choose to pay attention to the Apple stories.:rolleyes:

Actually I don't have any problems with Apple at all, just the iPhone.. nor have I ever owned a Blackberry or do I have an agenda to make it Blackberry vs. iPhone. Dell and Lenovo make phones now? Case in point.. HOW many other phones do we REPETITIVELY hear about them setting themselves on fire, or spontaneously combusting?
I'm wondering if it was a 3rd gen, My 2nd gen has never even gotten warm charging or just in use. Man that sucks when your phone frys your car, thats a double tea bagger! I bet his friends are gonna be baggin on him for years...
Actually I don't have any problems with Apple at all, just the iPhone.. nor have I ever owned a Blackberry or do I have an agenda to make it Blackberry vs. iPhone. Dell and Lenovo make phones now? Case in point.. HOW many other phones do we REPETITIVELY hear about them setting themselves on fire, or spontaneously combusting?

Stop playing like you don't know what I'm taking about. You have a brain, use it. No shit Dell and Lenovo don't make phones. Re-read all of my posts. Do it, step back a minute, and look. I was talking about electronic devices with batteries. Don't try to twist my words around. As I said before, it's not like people's iPhone's are just catching fire all over the place. I know like 4 people with an iPhone, and it hasn't burnt their houses down yet. You're acting like an iPhone catching fire is just this commonplace thing, when it's not. :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: You would think on the [H] we'd be alittle more aware of our surroundings than to make such a blatantly wrong stereotype of something. The Blackberry was originally geared more towards business people.. today it's open to anyone that wants a smartphone. You can't tell me that any company that is STRICTLY geared towards business would make a touch screen phone (Storm).. because everyone knows that the touchscreen isn't the greatest design you could use for business purposes.

The Storm was just a great demonstration of how they're caving in and pandering to the average customer in order to make more profit. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with them making handsets more open, available and enticing to the general public.. but that doesn't fall in line with the idea that they're 'geared towards business". Sure that's where their roots are.. and they still offer the same business usability in all of their phones.. but the Storm was geared more towards the average consumer that is deciding between which touchscreen smartphone he wants than business people. The Pearl is another one that comes to mind where Blackberry is opening up the product line to be more enticing/ available for the average consumer. They started with business people but have started to branch out and grab everyone now. A lot of people don't use Blackberries for business nowadays.. in it's own right, Blackberry seems to have a cult like following with people addicted to their messaging capabilities (Crackberry anyone? hehe).

He said more geared, not strictly geared. Blackberries are best intended for businesses, but yes, anyone can use it.

You can argue that Windows 2000 was intended for business but a lot of people ended up using it to get away from 9x kernels (thus XP was born - as with the BB Storm).
Stop playing like you don't know what I'm taking about. You have a brain, use it. No shit Dell and Lenovo don't make phones. Re-read all of my posts. Do it, step back a minute, and look. I was talking about electronic devices with batteries. Don't try to twist my words around. As I said before, it's not like people's iPhone's are just catching fire all over the place. I know like 4 people with an iPhone, and it hasn't burnt their houses down yet. You're acting like an iPhone catching fire is just this commonplace thing, when it's not. :rolleyes:

Actually you're the one that's misquoting. I've never said iPhones catching fire is commonplace.. I merely asked you to find another device that has had as many issues as we've heard about the iPhone having :rolleyes:.. It's not like there's an article about a G1 or a Storm or an Omnia or a Fuze, etc. etc. suddenly combusting.. no it was the iPhone. :D