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  1. R

    Kingwin LZP-550 550W Power Supply Review @ [H]

    The reason why I and presumably Flyinfinni would prefer a good sub 300w power supply for a very low power system (think ~60w) is not because we believe that just because we're using a 550w power supply, we're going to use 550W of power. It's beccause of the efficiency curve of power supplies...
  2. R

    When Your Company Kills Your iPhone

    lenardo, her company did have something to do with her phone since she was accessing company e-mail on her phone. That means that it can have information just as sensitive as the workstation on her cubicle desk. A company won't allow that type of network access without a remote wipe...
  3. R

    Microsoft: Blu-ray is Going to be Passed by as a Format

    I'll love it when digital downloads and streaming completely overthrow blu-ray but I think we're at least...5 yrs from that. We'd need some infrastructure first: 1. At least 60% (pulled out of ass, but a large percentage) of America needs 25MB or greater internet download speeds with either...
  4. R

    Selling In-Game Cut Scene Movies for $30?

    I'd love to see them try so that every idiot involved can lose their job and ability to loose their hair-brained schemes upon the world.
  5. R

    Android Smart Phone Shipments Grow 886%

    If done right, it may actually boost the market acceptance. If the easily crackable nature of apps is affecting sales (hard to say) and the DRM isn't a pain in the butt, developers may make more for the platform with the knowledge that less people are playing without paying. More developers =...
  6. R

    CoolIT ECO C240 Performance Review @ [H]

    Ahh, ok. I know that [H] usually tests heatsinks in open air which is fine since they're still all under the same conditions. I thought that it would skew the results a bit compared to the air ones but I guess that's not the case for water.
  7. R

    CoolIT ECO C240 Performance Review @ [H]

    I don't understand why the air coolers weren't tested inside the case. I'm guessing that, since the water cooler was inside a case while the air coolers weren't, in an apples to apples comparison, the water cooler would look even better on the charts? I don't really know what the...
  8. R

    Plextor’s $99 USB Powered External Blu-ray Drive

    Because, as people start to get new movies in blu-ray, they want to be able to still watch them on a portable player. It's not about getting the extra blu-ray quality, it's the fact that you can't watch your blu-ray movies on the road at-all unless you have a laptop. Some come with DVD copies...
  9. R

    Find Open Parking Spots Via Android’s Open Spot

    The concept won't work no matter what phone it's on...
  10. R

    Find Open Parking Spots Via Android’s Open Spot

    The necessary user input will make it useless. People are either gonna forget or not care to do the check in or check out. Don't forget about the majority of the people who will have not even heard of OpenSpot. When someone takes the spot that doesn't have a smart phone, what then? It just...
  11. R

    DIY Pedal-Powered Porsche 911 GT3 RS

    Yeah, might be fun for a day but that thing's gotta be heavy even if it's just plastic and tape.
  12. R

    [Complete] Sega Exodus - Old School is New Again

    Awesome. You should look for that extender piece that Sega used to give for hooking an older model genesis to the newer model Sega CD. It would fill in that area under the left of the genesis and make the look complete.
  13. R

    Wall of iPads Concept

    Agreed. I'm sure would be simple to have dumb input and output touchscreen tiles with a single computer driving them instead of buying a bunch of computers and using them as simple touchscreen tiles. Yes, it mentions the customizable apps but how many people are really going to use them on a...
  14. R

    Wozniak Loves The Google Phone

    It always seems like Wozniak is the technical/functionality guy and Jobs is the design/marketing guy. Design and functionality types often clash; must have been some interesting arguments when they were working together.
  15. R

    8-bit Left 4 Dead

    It needs zombie rushes and co-op. Up the zombie count a bit too. I guess smokers and hunters wouldn't be possible in single player ...unless it's a button mashing affair to get free.
  16. R

    Cool Invention of the Day

    I was thinking that this should be built into the table. Not something that can be purchased separately. I've seen little carts with power strips built-in. Why not tables? The outlets would definitely have to be on the the two opposite sides of the ones in the picture though.
  17. R

    Awesome Costume FAIL

    Oh, guess my eyes/screen isn't so good. I didn't notice that it was just cardboard. Can't say if it's funny or not now, didn't make me laugh but things rarely do after they're expalined to you.
  18. R

    Awesome Costume FAIL

    Same here...
  19. R

    Intel Core i7 Cooler Review @ [H]

    And on that note, why is the TRUE spirit three degrees different from the TRUE-120 in the cost to performance table? It was never more than a degree away in the performance charts.
  20. R

    Intel Core i7 Cooler Review @ [H]

    Something is wrong with the data in the price to performance ratios for the TRUE spirit and the TRUE-120. I noticed because the TRUE-120 should have a near equal ratio to the Megahelems from the price and performance but the TRUE-120 is given a better number. I decided to run the numbers after...
  21. R

    Comcast Pop-ups Alert Customers to PC Infections

    It should be an e-mail or automated phone call. As others have said, it's just good practice to ignore pop-ups; especially the ones saying "YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED!!!!"
  22. R

    Will Yourself A Sharper TV Picture

    Agreed, I've never seen a study where a group didn't lean towards an opinion because they were told that it would be so.
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    Uncool To Be a Mac User in These Tough Times?

    Sometimes the grammar on the front page confuses me a bit. Commas help with parsing sentences.