Find Open Parking Spots Via Android’s Open Spot


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Open Spot is a new Android app that enables motorists to search for open parking spaces that have been marked by other Open Spot users. Then once you have departed, you can notify other users of your previous parking spot.
Once a spot is marked, the color gradually fades from red to yellow the longer it remains unclaimed.
How many people are going to bother using this to mark their spot as open?
Think of all the people making mad rushes to get to the open spots.
This relies on the Honor System. Do you really think people will mark open parking spots? I can see this being used to totally screw people over. In fact, it could be used to divert people AWAY from actual open spots.
Yea all we need is a bunch of 'tards marking open spots rather than actually paying attention.
This relies on the Honor System. Do you really think people will mark open parking spots? I can see this being used to totally screw people over. In fact, it could be used to divert people AWAY from actual open spots.

Yea all we need is a bunch of 'tards marking open spots rather than actually paying attention.

Agreed. Or looking for a spot on their cell phone instead of paying attention to other cars and crashing.

Not only that, but not everyone will use this system. thus a spot may say it is open and by the time you get there it has been taken by somebody else but will still say it is open. Thus resulting in people trying to go after the best open spot on the map a few times and not gettting a spot instead of just going into the first open spot they find.

In theory this could be nice in some areas if it would be worked out to work perfectly, but in actually deployment in the real work it isn't going to be very useful.
How many people are going to bother using this to mark their spot as open?

I can see it catching on to a point. I mean look at Four Square and how that caught on with checking into places. Same concept except leaving now.
whatever...why bother with this? Like any number of people are going to have this app to matter. Oh great! i can break out my phone, load an app, wait for slow 3g to load my parking lot, look for spots, all while driving around a busy parking lot full of pedestrians.

And since i only will see an uber busy parking lot a few times a year this makes it even more great!

Really? Really? Its obvious someone has programming skills to make this, but this idea should have been scrapped, its a waste of talent.
Uhhh ... this is one of the problems with our societies obesity rate, no-one wants to park far away anymore. Walk for christ sake. ;)
Uhhh ... this is one of the problems with our societies obesity rate, no-one wants to park far away anymore. Walk for christ sake. ;)

wtf does this have to do with parking far away and obesity.. guess you have never driven in new york or SF.. or hell most downtown area's of major cities in california.. i've lost count on how many gallons of fuel ive wasted driving around just to part within 2 miles of the place im trying to get to in SF.. with this i could just wait for some one to show an open spot and drive to it.. and since my phone sits just right of my steering wheel since i use it as an mp3 player and GPS it really wouldnt effect my driving..

i mean hell look at it this way.. you could be paying money for this app on the iphone and it would be the next greatest thing.. but instead its a free app and everyone spits on it..
The necessary user input will make it useless. People are either gonna forget or not care to do the check in or check out. Don't forget about the majority of the people who will have not even heard of OpenSpot. When someone takes the spot that doesn't have a smart phone, what then? It just can't work. Nice try though. I'm putting in another vote for web enabled meters and garages instead.
i mean hell look at it this way.. you could be paying money for this app on the iphone and it would be the next greatest thing.. but instead its a free app and everyone spits on it..

The concept won't work no matter what phone it's on...
The necessary user input will make it useless. People are either gonna forget or not care to do the check in or check out. Don't forget about the majority of the people who will have not even heard of OpenSpot. When someone takes the spot that doesn't have a smart phone, what then? It just can't work. Nice try though. I'm putting in another vote for web enabled meters and garages instead.

No one is saying it will be perfect. That doesn't make it useless, however.
Yeah, I'd wager that 99% of spots marked as open would be taken by someone without this app specifically because they were not wasting time looking on their phone while driving. Plus, encouraging more phone use while behind the wheel...fantastic idea.

While it's not entirely useless, it will be in practice unless the city itself pays a massive amount of money for no reason to ingrate sensors and transmitters into spots.
This is just like Trapster, which is used to mark where the Police are sitting.
It's only as effective as the people reporting it. Which isn't very effective.