8-bit Left 4 Dead

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember that 8-bit Left 4 Dead project we told you about last year? Well, you can grab the full game now here. The download weighs in at just 21MB so grab it if you want it. Here’s a video of the game in action.
Only 15??? More like 60 or so DSDD 5.25.

Geez...now I remember all the things I hated in the 80's...8 bit graphics and Burger Time.

Better than text based "Adventure"...maybe....

friggen hell just hurry up and select the player ammount, ive already been looking at the loading screen for 10 secs, friggen retard video makers
doh. No edit button. It's Francis who hates everything, pardon me! >.>
while cool, it seems like the action is rather sparse

the graphics remind me of Pokemon's from the Gameboy games
It needs zombie rushes and co-op. Up the zombie count a bit too. I guess smokers and hunters wouldn't be possible in single player ...unless it's a button mashing affair to get free.
Crap, lack of edit (again), meant to say hope your SO isn't getting 64-bit hardness from someone else.
That is so freaking great. Nothing better than a bit of nostalgia mixed with current gen awesomeness!
Must put this on 15 floppies...

Only 15??? More like 60 or so DSDD 5.25.

Geez...now I remember all the things I hated in the 80's...8 bit graphics and Burger Time.

Better than text based "Adventure"...maybe....


WOW mrpc9886, Spartan was right and you are WAY wrong no offence :rolleyes:

it is 21 MBs... so how many times does 1.44MB (size of a floppy) go into 21

about 14.58, so 15 floppies would work perfect :cool:

This is totally cool :D
Btw guys here are the required specs: :p
-2xCore i7 975 oc'd at 6ghz
-12gb ddr4 4200mhz ram
-Nvidia gtx 395 Quad-SLI
-4x80gb intel SSD in raid0
WOW mrpc9886, Spartan was right and you are WAY wrong no offence :rolleyes:

it is 21 MBs... so how many times does 1.44MB (size of a floppy) go into 21

about 14.58, so 15 floppies would work perfect :cool:

This is totally cool :D
yes, but he is not using 3.5" floppys, 5.25"... which are roughly off the top of my head... 360k? ... I remember having cases of those back in the apple ][ and commodore 64 days...
Does this game support PhysX or hardware-based Havok? How about Shader Model 4.0? DirectX11? No?

Good thing it doesn't have a level editor.

don't worry, we'll end up getting Crash Course DLC, and we will get a full "expansion" a year from now, and everything will be in 16 bit by then!!

oh wait . . .
This isn't an eight bit game, that executable is a Win32 binary.

Shame for misrepresenting as an 8-bit game, shame for making it Windows only (where's the linux version? where's the source code?), shame for that bullshit download link where you have to sign up for some phishing site to get the game.