Wozniak Loves The Google Phone

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Steve Wozniak says his favorite new gadget is….wait for it….the Google phone. Uh oh, I think somebody just got cut off the Steve Jobs Christmas card list. :D

The cofounder of Apple -- the company that made him millions -- told NBC Bay Area a dirty little secret. He's ditched the iPhone for Google's Nexus One. Well, not ditched, exactly -- but he did say it was his favorite gadget.
I had a chance to try one out and I have to say the Nexus One is a nice little device. I currently have a G1 and I might just have to upgrade to the Nexus One in the near future... although in all honesty I don't need it but still.
Could this possibly be a early warning sign of an upcoming apocalypse? LOL
It seems like he's anti-Apple anything. I believe he didn't like the iPod either. This could be why I admire the man so much. Haha. :p
“I have two iPhones, sometimes I wear a Droid on my belt, and also a Nexus One,” said Wozniak. “At any given point, I might have BlackBerrys. My main phone is still an iPhone.” - Steve Wozniak in an update to the story posted by the Bay Area NBC affiliate.
In other words, he's just a geek that happens to have enough money to buy absolutely any nifty new gadget he wants and doesn't show full devotion to any one brand (a good thing).
“I have two iPhones, sometimes I wear a Droid on my belt, and also a Nexus One,” said Wozniak. “At any given point, I might have BlackBerrys. My main phone is still an iPhone.” - Steve Wozniak in an update to the story posted by the Bay Area NBC affiliate.
So the total weight of the all of phones he's carrying at any given time is equivalent to the total weight of his person, which is, as we all know, quite immense. That's genuinely hilarious.
It always seems like Wozniak is the technical/functionality guy and Jobs is the design/marketing guy. Design and functionality types often clash; must have been some interesting arguments when they were working together.
“I have two iPhones, sometimes I wear a Droid on my belt, and also a Nexus One,” said Wozniak. “At any given point, I might have BlackBerrys. My main phone is still an iPhone.” - Steve Wozniak in an update to the story posted by the Bay Area NBC affiliate.

He would be perfect for Luke Wilson's commercial featuring the need for multiple devices if you want to multitask on Verizon network. lol
If I had Woz money, I'd probably have an iPhone along with my Droid just for iPhone-specific apps, although the Droid would still be the one that I'd regularly carry.
Here's an update to the original article. The guy just loves his gadgets.


But scratch the surface, and you'll find a serious geek who drives with four or more GPS devices -- two iPhones, a TomTom and a Garmin.

It surely helps to be a billionaire when you've got that kind of gadget habit.

"In my life, I must have been through a hundred different cell phones," said Wozniak. "That's a serious estimate. I got my first one in the '90s, from Motorola. At one point, I had a special VIP model that came in black and you couldn't get in the store."
Wozniak doesn't love every phone out there.

"I spent four months with my main phone being a BlackBerry," said Wozniak. "I didn't really like that much. I've had some Android phones, earlier ones, that sucked to me. The Droid and Nexus One are excellent phones, but that's not true of every Android phone."
So what does he recommend people buy? Even though Wozniak's still on the Apple payroll, he said he doesn't like to push iPhones or Macs on people.

"I don't like treating it like a religion," said Wozniak. " I don't like telling people that they're bad or wrong [for picking a particular device]. The right computer for you, based upon your family income and your type of work, might be a PC and not a Macintosh. I'd rather be a true salesman who cares about the customer -- though I try to bend them a bit of the way to the advantages of iPhones and Macintosh."

Cool guy. Lord, I shudder to think what kind of sig I'd have if I was rocking Woz money. :D