Selling In-Game Cut Scene Movies for $30?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Repackaging in-game cut scenes and selling them as a $30 movie? If Activision Blizzard head honcho Bobby Kotick has his way, that is exactly what will happen. Thirty bucks? I think he meant to say THREE dollars.

"If we were to take that hour, or hour an a half, and take it out of the game and we were to go to our audiences, who we have their credit card information a direct relationship, and say to them 'Would you like to have the StarCraft movie?'" he told the America Merrill Lynch Media, comms and Entertainment conference.
It is a great idea, I hate my money so much, I feel like just giving it away to any jackass with a moneygrubbing idea.
omg these people in the game industry need to stop!! evertime i read crap like this it just makes me sad, i hope this fails to the nth degree.

oh wait, he's serious? :(

They can't sell REAL movies for 20$ these days, how do they expect to sell that?
I am waiting for the punch line here but it does not seem to be coming :p
this is crazy!
I was watching the DragonAge 2 trailer at PAX and I thought it looked better than half the movies I have seen in the last year. If they animated a "movie" like that, I might Netflix it, but I sure as hell wouldn't buy cut scenes stringed all together.
I'd love to see them try so that every idiot involved can lose their job and ability to loose their hair-brained schemes upon the world.
Sadly. They already did this with Starcraft and Warcraft. Not like a movie but they just put the stuff on DVD. It was a packaged deal. I think i bought it on clearance or something. The commentary as least for what they did had some interesting points.

But $30 bucks is just stupid. What they should do is pack it as part of a "final" expansion pack and then charge $60 bucks for a "limited edition" expansion.
Stop buying Activision games and this guy will be replaced in no time. Unfortunately, people lack foresight and self control.
First, I doubt these 'movies' would sell, and second, even if they did not sell it would piss me off. Those cut scenes are kind of exclusive reward for the gamers who play through the game to enjoy. If you start selling them as movies, I wouldn't enjoy seeing them in games as much and thus I would feel less inclined to play them game at all.

Bad, bad idea.....
I can see it now - you play Starcraft 3 to the end, and instead of an ending cutscene you get 'Buy the Starcraft 3 Movie Edition and watch the thrilling ending today! Digital download - click here.'

You click, you pay, and it says 'Unlocking cutscene (that was already on your game disc).' You know, just like most 'downloadable' content.
It's a good idea, even more great for interactive movies like Wing Commander games. $30 is a steep price though.
Stop buying Activision games and this guy will be replaced in no time. Unfortunately, people lack foresight and self control.

MUCH easier said than done considering you'd have to boycott Blizzard games as well which I don't think most PC gamers would be willing to do.

Bobby Kotick IS the devil though... he needs to be banned from the industry as a whole because he's only going to burn through the good will that others have earned.
Unlike OST, aren't most of these cut-scene are meaningless on its own?
I would like this. Without letting my nerd rage take over my logical thinking, i can see this as pretty cool. The price is laughable though. $5 - 10 range is a much better entry point. I would love to watch all the metal gear solid movies without having to play the game or buy a ps3. I also would like one for the Star Wars Apprentice game. There are many games I dont have the time to play but their storyline intrigued me.

Now let me be real. The chances of me personally paying for this at all, are slim to none. But I wouldn't mind if a million other people wanted to so they keep making them. Why? Cause arrrrhhhh matey, I will get my way. I see it as a win win.

Now carry on with your Bobby hate, because all of you know how to run a billion dollar gaming company that is leading the industry in performance. An industry that is doing shitty overall, and Activism is the one of the few gaming companies in the black right now.
Apparently this douchebag has so much money he has forgotten the value of a dollar and what people are willing to spend 30 of them on. Hint: Its not the cut scenes you've already seen and are used to getting for free because no one in their right fucking mind would pay for an hour of segmented cut scenes from a video game.
Somebody hook me up with whatever Kotick is smoking because it must be good to dream up $hit like that. The folks at the phone companies would love to have him as CEO, imagine all the surcharges and extra fees he could dream up for them.
The only way my money and Bobby Kotick could ever be used in the same thought is if my money bought a Ma Deuce which would then be used on Bobby for every fucked up idea he comes up with.
1. Die in a fire!

2. No


4. How could anyone think this is a good idea.
Every time this guy opens his mouth, he just proves how he knows nothing about gamers or Activision/Blizzard's customers. Why Blizzard merged with this monstrosity is beyond my comprehension--Blizzard actually cares about their customers, Activision couldn't care less.
I would gladly pay to be able to skip in-game intros, ads and cut-scenes. Too many games force you to watch them over and over again. I wouldn't pay $30 though.
I would most certainly love to get my game cinematics as a movie on physical media!

That is why I will gladly buy them at the local second hand CD & DVD shop for 6 dollars tops. so what if its scratched up a bit? I know how to resurface discs. It won't be professional, but it'll work, and frankly that's all I care about!
Blizzard already did this. They made a DVD of all their cut scenes to date and sold it. I think it was $14.99 or $19.99.

They aren't getting $30 for the cut scenes from one game, not even if they mesh together as a seamless, well edited narrative.
I tell you what, if these guys have a movie of this guy pulling his head out of his ass, I would have to give it a look.
I would like this. Without letting my nerd rage take over my logical thinking, i can see this as pretty cool. The price is laughable though. $5 - 10 range is a much better entry point. I would love to watch all the metal gear solid movies without having to play the game or buy a ps3. I also would like one for the Star Wars Apprentice game. There are many games I dont have the time to play but their storyline intrigued me.

Now let me be real. The chances of me personally paying for this at all, are slim to none. But I wouldn't mind if a million other people wanted to so they keep making them. Why? Cause arrrrhhhh matey, I will get my way. I see it as a win win.

Now carry on with your Bobby hate, because all of you know how to run a billion dollar gaming company that is leading the industry in performance. An industry that is doing shitty overall, and Activism is the one of the few gaming companies in the black right now.

I know, right? These idiots on these forums who actually want some sort of value for their money? Screw you all, be good consumers and shut your face holes. I prefer publishers push more crapware and watered down gameplay, I was getting sick of innovation and actual game developing talent too.

Phew, my sarcasm quota is done for now.
Bobby is an idiot. He says crap like this all the time. I've learned to just ignore him and let me wallet do the talking.
They aren't getting $30 for the cut scenes from one game, not even if they mesh together as a seamless, well edited narrative.
This is what I was assuming, that there is some sort of heavy post-processing/editing being done. But then again I am lacking of the nerd rage department. I do agree that $30 is laughable. But the idea itself isn't stupid if done right.

I know, right? These idiots on these forums who actually want some sort of value for their money? Screw you all, be good consumers and shut your face holes. I prefer publishers push more crapware and watered down gameplay, I was getting sick of innovation and actual game developing talent too.

Phew, my sarcasm quota is done for now.

Phew, so was your reading comprehension. When did I say this was a great value? Don't worry, I'll wait....

Gaming is big business, these companies main purpose is to make money. What has Activision done to you that makes you hate on someone you don't even know? They make good games that sell millions of copies, so yea they completely lack innovation. Companies don't give a fuck about your individual wants or needs. They care about the the consumers wants and needs as a WHOLE. Most Nerds forget that they're opinion isn't the world's opinion or in some cases anyone who lives outside of their basement dwelling.
This is what I was assuming, that there is some sort of heavy post-processing/editing being done. But then again I am lacking of the nerd rage department. I do agree that $30 is laughable. But the idea itself isn't stupid if done right.

Phew, so was your reading comprehension. When did I say this was a great value? Don't worry, I'll wait....

Gaming is big business, these companies main purpose is to make money. What has Activision done to you that makes you hate on someone you don't even know? They make good games that sell millions of copies, so yea they completely lack innovation. Companies don't give a fuck about your individual wants or needs. They care about the the consumers wants and needs as a WHOLE. Most Nerds forget that they're opinion isn't the world's opinion or in some cases anyone who lives outside of their basement dwelling.

And consumers don't care about a corporations bottom line. I dont give a fuck about Bobby's wants or needs. If you aren't aware of the detriment to gaming culture as a whole perpetuated by Bobby himself, I will leave you to your pro corporate anti consumer ideals. Nerds and "they're" opinions are what got these companies their start.
And consumers don't care about a corporations bottom line. I dont give a fuck about Bobby's wants or needs. If you aren't aware of the detriment to gaming culture as a whole perpetuated by Bobby himself, I will leave you to your pro corporate anti consumer ideals. Nerds and "they're" opinions are what got these companies their start.

It's fine, you obviously don't see/get the point. So we'll have to agree to disagree. If you have any more gems to share, feel free to PM me. Just stop making up stuff to argue about.
It's fine, you obviously don't see/get the point. So we'll have to agree to disagree. If you have any more gems to share, feel free to PM me. Just stop making up stuff to argue about.

No actually, I have to say the other guy is correct. No one cares about corporations. We care about our satisfaction. Our satisfaction brings them money indirectly. Why do you think insignificant things such as reviews and surveys are such a big deal now? They want to know what they are doing wrong, and this is certainly one of them.

I love Blizzard, I hate that Activision bought them (or merged?). But if you make mistakes that can obviously be prevented by doing some research into your customers than I don't give a fuck. Money hunger leads to mistakes, mistakes lead to shit products. I have no compassion for companies I like, I just care about me.
It's fine, you obviously don't see/get the point. So we'll have to agree to disagree. If you have any more gems to share, feel free to PM me. Just stop making up stuff to argue about.

Look, in game cutscenes are currently used as marketing to sell a game. Are you really telling me you would go out and pay to see their marketing videos? Cutscenes were absolutely used, up until now, to make you want to go out and buy a game after seeing a clip online. Paying a company to convince you to buy their games seems a bit silly. They recently released the Red Dead Redemption videos free for the public to see, and that game was one of the better acted/scripted games in recent memory to use such lengthy cutscenes.

What's to stop them from removing the cutscenes from the game and selling it seperately eventually? This, accompanied with DLC and rehashed $15 map packs seems pretty obvious that he wants each individual aspect of a game to eventually to become a paid feature. He got a whiff of the monthly payments from WoW and his Spidey senses were tingling. Did you not see his comments about eventually charging for online play for CoD style games a couple months back?

Gamewise, I don't see Activision pushing innovation in gameplay, rather just rehashing whatever derivative CoD 11 type of game they are publishing. Activision is great at innovating new ways to get you to pay for the same old shit, though.