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  1. S

    U3011 and Xbox 360 Image Quality Issue

    Home now and tried that, looks very similar to "fill" and 16:9. the 1:1 looks insanely good(such a small box), which is it's native I am assuming, like you said its more than double when "filling". Thanks for the reassurance guys, was going a little out of my mind thinking something was wrong!
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    U3011 and Xbox 360 Image Quality Issue

    I'll give it a shot tonight, I feared that was the case of 720p being scaled. Thanks for the response.
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    U3011 and Xbox 360 Image Quality Issue

    I hooked up my xbox 360 to my u3011 via hdmi. I am seeing really poor quality/jaggy edges on text and outlines of pretty much everything. I am assuming it's because it's scaling everything to 16:10? Just from a quick thought on it, should I throw the u3011 into 16:9 mode for that input and...
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    Which 670 to buy?

    Just got my shipping notification that it left the warehouse
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    Which 670 to buy?

    Ordered mine as soon as they were Member, paid for 1 day shipping Delivery Estimate: Friday May 11, 2012 Shipping Soon
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    Which 670 to buy?

    good info, thanks - looks like it's still in stock at the Egg, but i get taxed from them... hence why i pulled the trigger on the EVGA from amazon!
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    Which 670 to buy?

    pulled the trigger on the EVGA 670 SC from amazon (love prime...). The gigabyte version was either OOS already or not released? Hope i don't regret waiting for the 4gb model, lets see how long it takes amazon to get the 4gb model, might be good for a return!
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    Which 670 to buy?

    amazon does not have any 4gb models up yet...
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    Which 670 to buy?

    wondering i should wait for the 4gb version to be sold... running a u3011 at 2560x1600. 670 should be more than enough power at 2gb. what do you guys think?
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    Which 670 to buy?

    wheres newegg at with these releases!!! thinking of pulling the trigger on the EVGA 670SC from amazon
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    EVGA site has gtx 670s

    waiting on the egg and amazon myself... lets see how long it takes. My luck i'll head to a meeting and BAM they get posted and sellout within the hour.
  12. S

    Just got my U3011 Dell 30" today. First thoughts.

    you know what's funny, mine are defaulted with minimal changes, i would give them to you but it wouldn't make a difference. the color profile is what made the biggest difference :( sorry bro!
  13. S

    Just got my U3011 Dell 30" today. First thoughts.

    dcho, others settings might not work as well as you think cause of differences in panels (blue tints, uneven color etc..) best to pickup a spyder to calibrate it if you are already spending 1k on the monitor. just my 2 cents!
  14. S

    Gaming moments you want of the best..

    Wow man, you made me think of some great memories... busting out the tape recorder to get past that one part you had to match the tones in myst... haha ever play 7th Guest?? heard there is an iOS version out. Couple that come to mind for me(in no apparent order): 1. Mad Dog McCree... hahaha...
  15. S

    Just got my U3011 Dell 30" today. First thoughts.

    Great to hear. I calibrated mine with a Spyder 3 Pro and it came out perfect. Can't ask for a better monitor.
  16. S

    30" Display choices?

    Sadly i paid a little more, but i hope its worth it. the guy said they are almost brand new condition and go through a very strict review process. There inst 'crap out there for sell, and i don't want to chance it via dell outlet for $200. Somehow i can never get the DFS $89 deal, but i hear the...
  17. S

    30" Display choices?

    haha...i don't get why/how they can sell it 400 bucks cheaper in CA and not the US. maybe they need to move stock up there. For you guys buying U3011's new and wanting a 2nd monitor to match it perfect, the 2007FP is the monitor to get, its 4:3 ratio 1600 x 1200 res match up perfect...
  18. S

    30" Display choices?

    wow that's a hell of a deal especially with the coupon.
  19. S

    microcenter won't pricematch dell U3011 with

    Damn, you got lucky!! The rep i talked to on the phone said it was mostly due to warranty replacements and their facilities in Canada etc. Glad it worked out for you and that i know its possible now!!
  20. S

    30" Display choices?

    I tried at least once every day via chat or phone to get them to lower the price. This was even when had the monitor for $999. They wouldn't budge at all, best they could do was $100 off at the $1399 price, which is what they end up selling it for anyways. I got to the point where I...
  21. S

    30" Display choices?

    Yeah i found a few for 135 shipped and they say no dead pixels or scuffs / marks on the screen but could be blemishes on the plastic.... we'll see. might pull the trigger. buying something "off lease" makes me get cold feet. Guess you gotta take a chance!
  22. S

    Dust prevention in cases...

    yeah, so far i am finding dust clinging to the air conditioner filter. looks to be working out ok after 3/4 days. lets see about 3/4 months and then i'll know haha.
  23. S

    30" Display choices?

    Nice man, where from? that's a great price! I need to find somewhere reputable to pickup another 2007FP IPS to match it on the side!
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    I cried a little last night, first time Blu Ray experience

    Try avatar next, you'll be shocked at how amazing it looks!!
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    microcenter won't pricematch dell U3011 with

    I would also wait for a deal from Dell, I've seen the u3011 go for as low as $1024. had it for $999 a couple weeks back, but they would not ship to the US/warranty problems :( I contacted a CSR and he said to hold out for promotions that will be coming soon for the u3011. Not sure what...
  26. S

    Dust prevention in cases...

    Wish I could do that, desk only fits my U3011 and 2007FP right now. no way possible to put this rig on the desk and i am not sure elevating it any would help. I'll see how this air conditioner material works out for now and report back in a month... haha
  27. S

    30" Display choices?

    nah, didnt think you were arguing at all :) hope it all works out for you. Make sure the warranty is in tact and if you need to transfer it here is the link!
  28. S

    30" Display choices?

    i would set up deal alerts for all the monitors you are interested in. I just so happened to look at the for sale section here and found a guy selling one literally brand new (only used 3 months) for $900 shipped, 1 dead pixel you cant even notice and no real problems with bluing on the screen...
  29. S

    30" Display choices?

    Adding in another vote for the U3011. I picked one up barely used from here on the FS forums (thanks picool!). Loving it so far, 2560x1600 is an unreal. I don't notice any delay at all and I have played skyrim / diablo3 beta / SWTOR so far on it for long stints. I came from 2x LG 22" 1680x1050...
  30. S

    Dust prevention in cases...

    Thanks for the info all. The problem with the HAF is that there is only one rear spot for exhaust, I could reverse that top fan, but its exposed and i feel like it would pull anything down into it that floats by since it sits under an open sided desk in the corner. I might try the material i...
  31. S

    Dust prevention in cases...

    I have a Cooler Master HAF Mid tower, sitting on hardwood floors. The room is a decent size for a NYC area apartment (12x35 for the kitchen and living room?). My fiance and I trek near the computer desk a lot as it sits between our kitchen and living room. I am running the front fan as an...
  32. S

    Computer Chair Question

    Nice - tell them you are looking to carpet an office or computer room. Ask for samples to take with you to "match", they should hook you up, maybe try to get 4 similar colors. Let us know how it turns out!
  33. S

    Dell U3011 + 2 x E2011H in PLP setup?

    Just curious where did you pick up the 2007fp's at? I missed them in DFS not too long ago.
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    Synology 411J

    I own a 411j as well on a gigabit network and i max at 38 or so as well. not just you.
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    HP ZR2740w - 27" IPS - 2560x1440

    Thanks for the info, can't find the rebate information to try and argue for that price anywhere... Looks like i really did miss out on a bad ass deal.
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    Computer Chair Question

    you can also go to a carpet store and get free samples and make your own larger square from 4 or so smaller ones. Just a cheap free solution...
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    HP ZR2740w - 27" IPS - 2560x1440

    How did you get it for 500ish after rebates? i checked a few sites & forums, didnt see anything about a rebate?
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    Bit-HDTV invites

    would love to get an invite if possible, also an invite, i can trade a iptorrents invite? [email protected]
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    Dell 2208wfp color settings?

    did you ever find any settings for this? I actually picked up 2 of these...mine out of the box seem to have a "yellowish" tint to them, but tweaking them w/ diff contrast / brightness settings i can get them decent. also with using the preset color settings, multimedia and desktop is 2 diff...
  40. S

    O/C Issue or ? I am stumped.

    well....after some testing last night and reading a tad more on my ram here are the settings that i accomplished stability on the processor with. 3.6ghz 1600x4] 1.31875v cpu ddr @800mhz 4-4-4-12-2t (what my ram is supposed to be at) 2.2v on the ram as per manufacturer fsb = 1.2v spp...