U3011 and Xbox 360 Image Quality Issue


Mar 26, 2008
I hooked up my xbox 360 to my u3011 via hdmi. I am seeing really poor quality/jaggy edges on text and outlines of pretty much everything.

I am assuming it's because it's scaling everything to 16:10? Just from a quick thought on it, should I throw the u3011 into 16:9 mode for that input and match that with 1280x720 on the xbox? currently can't check the xbox to see what res it's on, but wanted to see if I could get a quick answer or if anyone has/had a similar experience with hooking their 360 up to a comp monitor.


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You can try 1:1 scaling and see if its any better but it could just be that you're seeing the product of 720p video on a small tight dot pitch monitor at only a few feet away. Low resolution just look bad up close. 720p is fine from 6-8ft away but when you view it on a monitor with a very tight dot pitch, you're going to see everything.
I'll give it a shot tonight, I feared that was the case of 720p being scaled. Thanks for the response.
Set the monitor to aspect, best you can do. The native resolution is 2560x1600 so 720p is twice below the monitors resolution, if I set my desktop as that it looks horrid from computer viewing distances.
Set the monitor to aspect, best you can do. The native resolution is 2560x1600 so 720p is twice below the monitors resolution, if I set my desktop as that it looks horrid from computer viewing distances.

Home now and tried that, looks very similar to "fill" and 16:9. the 1:1 looks insanely good(such a small box), which is it's native I am assuming, like you said its more than double when "filling".

Thanks for the reassurance guys, was going a little out of my mind thinking something was wrong!
hi smo,

I don't have a 3011 but just thought i'd suggest something for you to try in case it helps (i do this with a 2707 and 2711 so it may be ok for the 3011). Try changing your 360 to output at 1080i (not 1080p as the frame rate suffers with that...especially if you play things like C.O.D with its nice 60fps) and have your screen keep the 16:9 aspect ratio (i.e. you'll have a letter-boxed appearance).