O/C Issue or ? I am stumped.


Mar 26, 2008
I am having a slight issue here...

For some reason I get Green and purple lines in 2 videos I have (random video files, divx i assume when not having the codec i hope), after about 5 min of playback. It also causes the mouse to get hieroglyphics on it and lock the system if I try to do anything. I'm at a dead end here... I installed divx / xvid codecs this morning. Video player = WMP 11. Haven't tried anything else yet as I am at work. I let an episode of heroes play this morning as I was getting ready for work and didn't see the issue. This happened within the first 5 minutes mind you last night.

E8400 CPU @ 3.6(9x400)ghz on 1.29v and 1.3v fsb. MCP at 1.525 SCP at
1.4?. Memory at 2.0v. And SCP<>MCP at 1.35v. CPU sits at 37c idle and
45 when running orthos (haven't had a chance to let it run for 12+ hours).

XFX Alpha Dog 8800gts g92 (512mb) SLI w/ 174.70 drivers then Driver Clean back to 169.21 same issue and updated to 169.44. Sits at 50C(atitool) w/ fans at 40% in rivatuner.

Card Default (what im sitting at now) 650 / 1625 / 970

What i had the card w/ no 3d errors 705 / 1905 / 1005

I did have card of to stable after using ati tool with no errors on
the 3d scan test. I have played WoW for 12 hours and let the system
sit an have ran 3dmark 2006 with no errors.

Anyone have any ideas? Is it just the g92's and their drivers? Or is
this a hardware issue? (hard to believe cause of the 12 hour gaming
session / 6 hour test on ati tool) Could I of damaged the cards? I see posts about these cards
going WAY higher... Plus I always checked my temps on them and they
were never above 62c with atitool running the 3d test or 3dmark going.


One thing i am going to try is booting into vista 32bit with the 174.70 drivers and seeing if the videos do the same thing...we'll see.

posted this on a few diff sites.... looking for feedback / help. Thanks a ton!

System is sufficiently cooled, specs are below:

Windows XP 32 Bit (vista 32 Bit Dual Boot, haven't touched vista yet though)

EVGA nForce 780i

Antec 900 case w/ all fans on medium

Thermaltake P0310 cooler w/ as5.

PATRIOT PVS24G6400LLK 4gb kit (2gb x 2) viper pc2-6400 800mhz 4-4-4-12 240
***unlinked sitting at 800mhz 5-5-5-12-2t

SEAGATE 750gb ST3750640AS SATA300 16mb 7200rpm

THERMALTAKE W0106RU toughpower 700w modularized ATX 12v v2.2 nvidia quad-sli / 80 plus certified active pfc power supply
Its a overclock issue on you E8400...

I had the same problem when I tried 4ghz. It let me in windows, I started up a video, and what you described happend. Shortly there after It would just freeze, and I would have to manually reboot. Im surprised its happening to you at 3.6, you may need to up the voltage a little, and that might stabalize you. I got a X3110 stable at over 4ghz now tho w/ less voltage, and never had that type of problem.

One way to test this for sure, open up orthos and run it and see if it BSOD or errors out right away, this was the otehr symptom I experienced.
my voltage is showing 1.2999 or something in cpuz and 1.3175 in the bios. i hear the max you want to go on the e8400's is 1.35 or so for 24-7 usage. also is my idle temp normal? it sits between 35 and 38 usually(in realtemp), in the bios it reads 34 or so.

what would you suggest bumping the voltage up to? is this definitely not a video card issue? it seems when i crashed sometimes i would get nv4_disp errors(cant remember)

the only reason i don't think it is a video card issue is due to atitool being run for 5 hours and not one single pixel being picked up.

also how does the ram look? when i had them set as linked, it o/c the ram to 960mhz...didn't think that as too good.
well....after some testing last night and reading a tad more on my ram here are the settings that i accomplished stability on the processor with.

1.31875v cpu
ddr @800mhz
4-4-4-12-2t (what my ram is supposed to be at)
2.2v on the ram as per manufacturer
fsb = 1.2v
spp 1.40 (auto)
mcp 1.525
spp<>mcp 1.25

Video cards sitting at stock settings in SLI with 169.44 beta drivers from nvidia's website.


So I booted up WMP 11 again and tried a diff video and after about 5 minutes, it did the same thing (green lines / purple lines. I was able to use the system but the mouse cursor was f'd and it had blurry images when i tried opening start menu / explorer)

I think by having ATItool and Orthos running or 5 hours and testing both the video card / cpu that i can safely say it is either:

1) Video Card Drivers (with my 8800 gts 512mb g92 alpha dogs in SLI)
2) WMP 11 having conflicts with my hardware (possibly codecs? I installed divx / xvid)

I also downloaded VLC and WMP classic...havent had time to let them run and see though.

Would everyone agree that it is NOT the cpu / video cards being f'd?

Thanks for reading :)