30" Display choices?

Thanks for all the insights guys.

Picked up a mint U3011 for $910.

That is a very nice price, especially of it has warranty intact.

haha...i don't get why/how they can sell it 400 bucks cheaper in CA and not the US. maybe they need to move stock up there.

For you guys buying U3011's new and wanting a 2nd monitor to match it perfect, the 2007FP is the monitor to get, its 4:3 ratio 1600 x 1200 res match up perfect (bezel/height as well). Found a guy on eBay selling them and called and spoke to him on the phone, he has a ton of them with L at the end of the S/N (IPS Version). Just picked one up, we'll see.

Yea, if you can find the 2007fp ips versions for under 100 (and you definitely can), they're great monitors to run I portrait on the sides. I got one off CL for 50, the other for 90 off eBay, and for such a minimal investment, they really give you a nice desktop.

Thanks for the link smo, i'll definitely do that.

Tip- Purdue?

Yup, spent some good years there, was up in Chicago after, and now am back down in Indy for the time being.
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Yea, if you can find the 2007fp ips versions for under 100 (and you definitely can), they're great monitors to run I portrait on the sides. I got one off CL for 50, the other for 90 off eBay, and for such a minimal investment, they really give you a nice desktop.

Sadly i paid a little more, but i hope its worth it. the guy said they are almost brand new condition and go through a very strict review process. There inst 'crap out there for sell, and i don't want to chance it via dell outlet for $200. Somehow i can never get the DFS $89 deal, but i hear the last few batches were all non IPS