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    The Router Recommendations Thread (Consumer)

    which router? I need the following: - 1Gbit wan port. (i have a 120-140mbit internet connection, in the future even more) some of the traffic is downloading from 2-3 pc's. - port forwarding - firewall that can be adjust. - Ipsec vpn (server) for streaming to another home what a speed of...
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    Post Your Connection Speed

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    Whs 2011 questions

    My windows is 200%:P uptodate. I will look into the amd driver, i am not sure about that. i use RDP to, only i want to know if there is something to do about the loading time of the dashboard. Why has it a long loading time??... Update: No improvement. Install the amd drivers and have...
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    Whs 2011 questions

    update: no errors whit memtest
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    Whs 2011 questions

    Oke, i will run the test. The speed of the hdds are average. my problems are that the dashboard is loading a really long time. And that the medialibrary in the remote website gives a unknown error. And that i can't change my workgroup. I have 4 gb ram in the whs. When I try to open the...
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    Whs 2011 questions

    Why must i run memtest? All there other stuff on the pc is running fine?
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    Whs 2011 questions

    sorry, i have a 120mbit/10mbit cable connection and the spec's are: MSI E350IA-E45, 2x 2 tb hdd's
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    Whs 2011 questions

    have a few questions / problems I find some help. 1. Loading va folders within the WHS site takes quite a long time, how can I shorten. 2. The library gives an unknown error. I did one week ago, what about eel found, but only that more with the same problem. No solution .... 3. I can...
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    The Router Recommendations Thread (Consumer)

    i need to replace my draytek 2130n. I am searching for a good router that can do: 120 mbit download. VPN-server Vlans Wireless/WIFI NAT etc.... What are the options? I have search a lot but i get every-time back to the router i got.
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    The [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread - Post your 10TB+ systems

    Which RAID / SATA controller supports multiple 2TB (3TB) and Western Digital drives do spin down and up right?
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    New Server

    What do you do whit all that storage. how many electricity consumes it all? And what was there price of it :P?
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    Project: Galaxy 5.0

    now put it full whit hdd's :P. Thanks for the pictures. A really big case.
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    Project: Galaxy 5.0

    Blue Fox nice and big case, do you have a picture of the inside? If it is so heavy how do you move it than yourself?
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    Pictures Of Your Dually Rigs!

    Game motherboard whit 1 processor have laot of this on it for gamers. You don't miss that? And what about for example you have a GTX295 nvidia can you pc/server run that?
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    Pictures Of Your Dually Rigs!

    Want to know. Are you all using the pc's for gaming or are it servers?
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    harddisk speed 3,6 mb/s

    All disks have that enabled.
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    harddisk speed 3,6 mb/s

    i have use hd tune to measuring it. How do you mean whit Write back cache?
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    harddisk speed 3,6 mb/s

    Hello, After a weak, when i reconnect all sata in diferent ports( now 2 times). The speed of 1 of my 2 samsung spinpiont 1 TB drops from +-114 mb/s to 3.6 mb/s. So can sameone tell me what is wrong. Have replace the moaderbord, processor, psu, harddisk and sata cables. :(:(:(:( System...
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    1.5T vs 1T

    import from the usa. :P for the price of 100$. (and shipping cost)
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    Post Your Workstation 2009!

    Great storage have u there board2death986
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    Hdd's leds

    oke good idee. Dont know that. Whit on off i mean, i want to see if the hard disk is on or off. Now i must open the case and see if the drive is spinning/on or not.
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    Hdd's leds

    I want to know how to get activity led's on every of my 5 sata hdd's. I have a antec P180 mini so i cant bye a hdd bay. So i hope i can make it myself.. And meby to see if the hdd is on or off.
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    The [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread - READ requirements in first post

    It is a small server for you all, but for my is it alot of GB's. i use it for bittorrent, fileserver and printserver. the 1TB disks i store my movies and series. I backup the western digital 500 Gb whit the samsung 500 GB. On it are all my files, music, photos and word files. The...
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    Post your workstation 2008 !

    funny, dont you want on the picture whit you own pc:p
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Wallpaper link :eek:
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    that is a great setup. Why do you have it?
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    What is that for a screensave Jstamsek?
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    it can be. but i have 3 monitor 2 of them are a lg 226 WTQ and connecting whit dvi to the same pc, (only on 2 8800 GT). But the left has a dof, yellow color and no dynamice blacklight. So it dont need to be only the connection
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    No my systems are consume that power. The supply's in my systems are: game, 650 Watt antec and download, 550 Watt antec.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Thanks Skit. i dont know anymore where i get it. I got it on a usb hdd....
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    You mean that white table ding under the tv? than i can sea it is old wood/beam. And 2 old boxes whit white towels. Need to go to the ikea....
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    1. my "dowload"pc have a energy use of 45-55 Watt. My game pc have about 250-300 Watt. 2. i have a printer on it. So is the printer 24 hour a day online so all the pc's can use it. Not realy, i life in holland and my isp is KPN. I have 8 mb download and 1 mb upload. I am solve the...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    but it is a 22 inch. All of them are 22. The 32 inch tv i dont have a picture off it but i will put one in the post. know sameone where i can find a monitor arm for the 3 x 22 inch's?
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    have update my system whit now 3 22 inch monitors. it are 2 lg's and 1 samsung. I like it use it for games and study. On the left monitor is the download pc for downloading films. and the right one i use for internet and and typing. You can sea that little hp pc, that is the pc on the right...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    where found you it?
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    Post your workstation 2008 !

    u mean a realy great setup Great idea of that keyboard on the it hot in hte room when the pc's are running?:D
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    The LE32M87BDX/XEC hdmi problem

    I have a LE32.. samsung lcd hd-ready tv. Now have i put him whit a hdmi cable to a 8600 GT 1GB nvidia card to my pc. This ideocard has no sound so i have a sound cable (to the sound card of my pc and the red and white plugin in the tv). So it works......not, i have no sound when i turn the tv...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    why do you have no case for u pc?
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    Post your workstation 2008 !

    the cpu cooler is to big, but i dont have to put a fan on it. there is under the cooler a amd athlon 64 x2 3800+ he won't get hot than 37 degrees. it all fit nice. I love it. o yes that black inside is great, that is one of the things i wanted that case.
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    Post your workstation 2008 !

    I love him, in holland it cost 106 euro.