Post your workstation 2008 !

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Where the magic happens (no, seriously... I have a girlfriend).

I am in love with that bed, it looks really nice. However, I think I'd regret it on a single, drunken night.
Very nice setups everyone. I see many keep their things as to not scratch it up. ( I admit anxiety myself ) Love the huge mouse pads !

Perhaps off topic, however.. what is it like having the lcd tv over the lcd comp monitor ? Aswell that new cheap desk material, has anyone worn through it with their mouse ( reason to use a mouse pad ).
Lastly, how decent are the big white apc units for up time / months before battery is toast.
CHAoS_NiNJA... it's as rayman2k2 said... I just cut a window in the side panel and cut out the fan grills for better airflow. There's also a few mods to allow for water cooling (that was my first water rig). I still have that case in the storage room, the only difference from the picture is that I cut a window in the top panel as well.
Recently cleaned:

How you afford all that in med school is beyond me.
Which is why I'm purchasing all my fun toys I anticipate wanting for the next several years over the next year or so before I start, cuz I'm gonna be one broke ass biatch.

Where the magic happens (no, seriously... I have a girlfriend).

Does anybody know where to get this. It seems to be the Double Waterfall by EQ3 part of the Replay series... but it seems they do not sell them anymore :(

I want one... badly!
I have got a new dowloadpc (last version, 4) my old get a short-circuiting:p. So i have to buy a now one, only the WD hdd still work, the have 2 diferent powerconnectors.


anno... I love that new little Antec... I was actually thinking of building a rig in one. I love how they started painting their internals black. Oh yeah and that CPU cooler looks sweet... looks like a serious chunk of metals :)
the cpu cooler is to big, but i dont have to put a fan on it. there is under the cooler a amd athlon 64 x2 3800+ he won't get hot than 37 degrees. it all fit nice. I love it. o yes that black inside is great, that is one of the things i wanted that case.
Alienware cases are cool :) but they arent cheap, so when than just buy the case with lighting and built it self!! much cheaper :p
The computer was actually a gift from my grandparents a few christmases ago. Since then, I've rebuilt it alittle bit. The only thing that is still Alienware is the Mobo and PSU.
hmm easy to afford most those monitors since they are just low end brands. They are lookin good however lol

I've got 2 of the same monitor you have, those arent "low end" ? I always considered my dells to be less than uber quality. *shrugs*
haven't been on for a year now hehe, my specs have changed from whats in my sig, well here is my rig





don,t be to harsh i am finishing my second rig this week which should add to the cool points hehe
still looking for a card but i have to build the media server so all post how that looks too hehe
I'm not. I am running Media Center 2005 with Service Pack 3.... 32bit.
thanks for reply
i asked because you have the d975xbx motherboard, i can't make vista 64bit work stable on this mobo...:(:)
i am soon buying an evga 780i motherboard.
hey all, finally got around till taken some pics of my current setup..
hope you all like it..

- mine and the little ladies PC's


- her little work station I made for her :)



- where I work..... ... ... and play



- kind'a went crazy with my camera , hehehe :p


- some pics of my toys



- inside my baby



Me too. Wal-Mart Clearence Special $69.99. I also snagged the matching audio rack as well for another $69.99 but I don't use it anymore.

consider selling the audio rack? ;) :D

i bought the tv stand for $30 :). haha sick i know :D

post some pics :)
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