New Server

Um - It'll be 12TB tomorrow.........

I transferred about 3TB of data from my old server. I now have room to continue ripping the rest of my DVD collection, and should still have plenty of space left for other downloads............
Looks great. Rack mount builds are great, but that Lian Li is one amazing case, I wish I had one to play with. So many expansion spots to experiment with too. You have a lot of horsepower under the hood, what all do you plan on doing with it? I saw TVersity but didn't see any other plans.
I wish I had told you about that eatx motherboard that will give you some serious clearing issues. Also, this was one of the reasons I didn't use ICY Docs on my 343, they are too deep, the athena/istar/buffalo units are very shallow and will still accomodate for motherboard hardware.
atbnet - For the moment, just TVersity and one VMWare virtual miachine. This server was all about future proofing - For this kind of investment, I need it to last me a very long time. So in the short term, it will be heavily under utilised.

Ockie - We have a pretty limited choice of drive caddies over here - only really Supermico or icy docks available. As someone mentioned, a 1U heatsink and fan would solve the CPU clearance issues, and by the time I need to upgrade, other drive caddies might be available.

Back to the worklog - It's Done!!!!!!!

The final five (four are known, one will be revealed);

Lotsa Space;

All that's left to do is move it into my loft, hook up my UPS and USB backup storage, configure the Areca's SNMP and email notification, setup RSync for backing up my workstations, and it's finished.
1875GB unallocated! That's twice what I have in my computer, and about all the drives in my house!
Ya - Wasn't sure what to do with the leftover space on that volume - It seemed silly allocating it all when it wasn't needed.
Ran out of space so got one of these and 8 more 1TB drives;


It's called an Edge10 DAS801T (Although I've seen it advertised under a few differnt names) and somes with an ESATA card.

Was fairly cheap ~ £230.
I have the same caddy-in a CM 690. I ran into the same issue with the EATX board. However, if you provide the case with enough airflow, you should be able to pull the fan off of the back. That should solve your space issues.
I love your case ;), I use Athena Power Caddies myself, and sometimes wish I bought yours, but I like em, nice build!
Lets see more pics Shaun :), of how it looks now, with everything. Also can you bench you Areca? I personally still not sure what to run on mine, since I don't have matched HDDs, etc.
Here's the server sat in my loft - You can just see the Edge 10 sitting on an UPS behind it;


Here's my pitiful comms cab - The old Dell is my IPCop - You can never have too many firewalls, and I like to run a content filter to keep out the nasties;


And although this is unrelated, I found a desk under a pile of **** today, so thought I'd take a photo before it gets buried again;


And here's my little gaming rig;


(If pics are not loading try again in a couple of days - Changed webserver IP this morning, so DNS may still be propegating........)
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What do you do whit all that storage. how many electricity consumes it all? And what was there price of it :p?
You just don't ask... :D
1300w at 60% useage is ~800watts, thats not cheap whever you are, and thats the main rig. Figure everything in and your over 1kw :eek:
Nah - Server spins down all the drives when not in use - which is at least 90% of the time - plus it's a low power Xeon, so idles quite nicely.

My workstation however......... Lets just say the wife has noticed the extra power usage and isn't too thrilled..........