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  1. T

    Android Tablet issues.

    Best to go to xda developers and find out if there's a section there. They have a lot of experts. I think that you'll need to use fastboot and/or adb but you're best going to that forum.
  2. T

    So is there another Nexus 10 Tablet scheduled to be released?

    According to PCWorld (in the UK), you can order the Excite Pro for delivery on 1st of July. I'm tempted as my Xoom is overdue for replacement but I will definitely wait for reviews as Toshiba's software updating track record is spotty at best. But for £350 it's an unbeatable price considering...
  3. T

    Tablet Confusion - Need a Hand

    As I said before, you're better off getting an e-reader like a kindle which is only £70 or so now. Try one out with the PDFs you regularly use and see if it's a good fit. E-readers are far better in this department in that you won't eye strain as it doesn't refresh constantly and the battery...
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    Tablet Confusion - Need a Hand

    Hey guys, can you please create your own discussion thread? This is all getting a bit too heavy...
  5. T

    Tablet Confusion - Need a Hand

    Those are fair points but the Tegra 3 chipset pales in comparison to the A15 Exynos and the Snapdragon S4 Pro otherwise the Infinity would be ideal. Asus have pretty good build quality so I think it's worth waiting.
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    Tablet Confusion - Need a Hand

    Well if the iPad 3 is a possibility then you definitely can't discount the Nexus 10. I know it sounds silly to keep waiting but we're right on the edge of another wave of new tablets with A15 ARM cores which will yield substantial increase in performance; not saying it's a necessity but always...
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    Tablet Confusion - Need a Hand

    What's your budget? I'm only familiar with prices from UK POV but you should hold off till Tegra4 tablets arrive if only because they will drive down the prices of other tablets. Although I loathe to recommend Toshiba they've recently announced their Excite Pro tablet which has a 2560x1600...
  8. T

    It's dead, Jim: "Microsoft Surface RT price drop continues"

    No price drops in the UK, the basic model still costs around £400 which 500USD if we remove the VAT. Lame but I doubt they're shifting many units here either. Shouldn't have gone Tegra 3, that chipset was a poor choice for late 2012.
  9. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    The iPhone screen is quite a bit smaller. Assuming they have the same aspect ratios; 4in^2 = 16, 4.7in^2 = 22.09 22.09/16 x 100 = 138 ish. So the Nexus 4 has (with my pathetic sloppy maths) about 40% greater screen area display to power. Also, Apple designs their software and hardware hand...
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    Aliens: Colonial Marines Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

    So erm, the article has still not been corrected. AvP 2010 was a DX11 not DX10 game.
  11. T

    Aliens: Colonial Marines Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

    Apologies if someone has mentioned it but I'm pretty sure AvP 2010 was DX11 not 10 as stated in conclusions of the article.
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    Supreme Commander is looking at me from the shelf

    I got SupCom Gold but found it a bit hard to play. I really enjoyed SupCom 2 though I know it was oversimplified to fit in consoles but I do think a lot of the streamlining features made sense.
  13. T

    Aliens; Colonial Marines a Sci/Fi L4D ?

    Didn't AvP 2010 have DX11? So this is DX9 only game? Have we started moving backwards?
  14. T

    Nexus 4 - Should I keep it?

    I've done some benchmarks and they were pretty standard but using the phone I've found it to be completely up to the task in every programme I've thrown at it. It's butter smooth and very responsive. I've only had it for almost a week but no complaints so far. So, there's only one 4G network in...
  15. T

    SII or an SIII mini?

    First of all, it's £279 in UK, secondly, LTE is still in its fancy in rest of the world. In the UK it has just launched on one network but the auction for the rest of the spectrum isn't till end of this year till start of next year. Which means we probably won't see decent coverage till early...
  16. T

    SII or an SIII mini?

    I would wait till January when the Nexus 4 is freely available. As it's the same price (for 16GB model) there's no real contest as the Nexus 4 blows the both of them out in terms of software and hardware. Aside from lack of removable battery and microsd slot, it is superior in every way.
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    Lumia 900 vs Lumia 920, my quick comparison

    I've been using an old galaxy s for quite a while and recently breathed life with custom ICS ROMs. Given its current pricing, the Lumia 920 costs about the same as a SGS3. What makes it the better choice, aside from the camera?
  18. T

    Battery life over time

    If I read right, Lithium Polymer is very similar in performance to standard Lithium Ion due to the fact it can be "moulded" into any shape and that it is lighter. If you want to have maximum battery life then why not go with a Motorola Maxx (Razr or its HD variant)?
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    If a laptop does NOT have a back lit keyboard: is that a purchase dealbreaker?

    I didn't even know back lit keyboards on laptops existed outside of premium models...
  20. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    Again, you're not seeing the bigger picture here. The Google wants one model of this phone to work all over the world and the US isn't the whole world... As others have mentioned already, there's costs and delays when adding LTE support. No one said they couldn't do it technically like Apple but...
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    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    In the UK, LTE has just launched but coverage is minimal. I know for a fact my nearest city won't get it till 2nd Quarter of next year but that's on one network. The same network that wants to change £36/m for 500MB download limit; begs the question of why have 4G speeds?? So just remember...
  22. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    I tried order in the UK this morning... yeah was a bit late off the mark at 8:30am but it was already showing notify for the 16GB version. The email telling me it was available arrived at 8:38am... so much for the notice!
  23. T

    All things considered 670 or 7950?

    AMD are throwing so many free games into the 7900 series purchase that it'll be crazy to not get one. If they had this deal a few months back I would've jumped on board without a doubt. Yes, I am easily bribed!
  24. T

    Think your ready for Crysis 3? Think again

    Your and you're are not interchangeable, please change your thread title!
  25. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    I think that because those are web browsing figures, you'll find the HTC will always win because the SGS uses AMOLED. If we use video playback as a battery benchmark then the SGS3 will take a big lead over the One X. GSMArena battery tests
  26. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    The SGS3 uses Exynos Quad core vs the HTC One X's Tegra 3. Or in US it's S4 dual core which is far less power hungry (28nm CPU, isn't it?). Got to hand it to Apple, by sticking with a smaller screen they can beat the other flagships quite comfortably.
  27. T

    Galaxy S3 or iPhone 5?

    Regarding battery drain; if you're finding that regular sync is draining it. Why not switch off those that aren't essential? It's easy to do, there's one menu with all the sync items on it. Additional, if you have weak 3G signal then, at night, why not switch it back to 2G mode? It's just a...
  28. T

    Nexus 4

    Seeing as those aren't relevant to the rest of the world (yes, that's right the US isn't the whole world) then I think Google have made the right choice. Adding those radios would increase cost and development times. How else could they deliver these products with those prices?
  29. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    Another thing, Nexus is meant for techies and developers or at least that's my perception. So not the usual media consumption. Furthermore, if they released 32 and 64GB versions for similar prices then it would kill all competition. Seriously, why bother with other phones (unless you must have...
  30. T

    LG and Google announce the Nexus 4

    You're not forced to buy this phone. Go for the Optimus G then? They're nearly the same...
  31. T

    Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD

    Can't wait for this to hit the UK, I think Motorola have got it right with the battery life. Shame their software support in Non US areas is a complete and utter shambles.
  32. T

    GPU-Z 0.6.5 - Changed ASIC quality readings

    Does anyone else have a problem with latest version not displaying the full box? I get about 1cm off on the right side. Weird...
  33. T

    The GTX 480, is it still relevant for today?

    Yup, the laws of thermodynamics must be obeyed. Honestly, what does it feel like when you've had two of these bad boys running for a few hours at load? Do you sit in your shorts/underpants?
  34. T

    GPU Upgrade

    Unless the PS4 or Xbox 3 arrives there'll probably be about half a dozen games next year which will give those cards grief and only on multiple screens. Honestly, what's the point? It's like having an F1 car but you can only drive at legal speed limit...
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    ASUS Padphone 2

    I thought the LG Optimus G was the first Quad Core Krait with Adreno 320?
  36. T

    High Tech License Plate Frame Beats Red-Light Cameras

    In the UK we get points added to the license (3 per minor violation, like speeding for example; 12pts max before ban) and a fine. Is it just fines in the US? What a money maker!!
  37. T

    Today is World Standards Day

    Yup, working towards ISO 13485... more of a laugh than 21CFR... but only just.
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    New member, lots of questions.

    Just ordered one? You'd need two to match your prior/current setup.
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    Android and the built-in web browser

    From ICS and upwards the stock browser is more than adequate. I scored around 140k on browsermarks with my custom ROM Xoom. I think firefox still has a way to go but Dolphin and Opera are good alternatives.
  40. T

    Sleeping Dogs Gameplay Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

    As a 660ti owner I also agree that the 660ti should be compared to the 7950 based on price (even in UK).