Nexus 4


Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2011
I don't believe I've seen a thread about this phone yet so Ill do the honors and start it. I really love the clean look all Nexus phones have. No BS carrier engravings, No manufacturer engravings, no android soft keys. I just love that clean glass look when its turned off :)

The best part is that its only 300$(8gb) off-contract. Whos getting one?
I for one wont be getting it since its no where near a good enough upgrade from the Galaxy nexus I currently have...

How do you figure? It's a *lot* faster, has a better screen, looks better, has a better camera, early impressions have it feeling better, and since it isn't built by Samsung the GPS will likely work. And it's cheaper to boot.
Well, there's the lack of LTE...or any flavor of EVDO/1xRTT/CDMA. Some may consider that to be a bit of a negative....
t-mobile only and it has 42Mbps hspa+ then the non removable battery and the no sd card are three huge negatives lg and google really screwed the pooch on this one

the nexus line it supposed to be the flag ship line the Phone that is set to showcase the latest and greatest version of android the nexus line is supposed to be the standard by which all other android phones are held to.

galaxy nexus had some issue no sd card 1st gen lte so it was horribly power in efficient.
nexus 4 is a iphone with android loaded on it...GO F*ck your self LG
Um it's not T-mo only, you can use it on ANY GSM network. AT&T and all it's MVNO's etc. Last Nexus also had no SD card.

It's pretty decent hardware wise - HD screen, quad core, 2 gb RAM, looks great... Not sure what you're complaining about?!
Well, there's the lack of LTE...or any flavor of EVDO/1xRTT/CDMA. Some may consider that to be a bit of a negative....
Seeing as those aren't relevant to the rest of the world (yes, that's right the US isn't the whole world) then I think Google have made the right choice. Adding those radios would increase cost and development times. How else could they deliver these products with those prices?
For my purposes it has no advantages. No removable battery is a huge no for me, the speed jump doesnt do squat for me. The manuf is another hit (too many friends have LG Android phones that are utter shit), wish it was someone else. The screen on the G.Nexus is just fine, it is far from bad. I personally prefer the look of the G.Nexus over the Nexus 4 (the back is just horrid). Ive never had an issue with GPS on my G.Nexus, from what I have seen, I dont think many have had an issue with it (GSM varient, no idea on the CDMA one)

How do you figure? It's a *lot* faster, has a better screen, looks better, has a better camera, early impressions have it feeling better, and since it isn't built by Samsung the GPS will likely work. And it's cheaper to boot.
Um it's not T-mo only, you can use it on ANY GSM network. AT&T and all it's MVNO's etc. Last Nexus also had no SD card.

It's pretty decent hardware wise - HD screen, quad core, 2 gb RAM, looks great... Not sure what you're complaining about?!

Last I heard t-mobile was the only carrier in the US to pick it up but yeah no reason you could not use it on any gsm carrier.

And I picked getting a galaxy s3 over the gnex due to gs3 having every thing I wanted and was faster honestly it should have been the nexus not the modified gs2. And as for the 4 it not having lte or cdma is the major issue the battery and sd card are secondary things
I don't believe I've seen a thread about this phone yet so Ill do the honors and start it. I really love the clean look all Nexus phones have. No BS carrier engravings, No manufacturer engravings, no android soft keys. I just love that clean glass look when its turned off :)

The best part is that its only 300$(8gb) off-contract. Whos getting one?

You must have missed this 9 page thread :rolleyes:
No LTE boo hoo, I can give a rats ass about LTE. I pull over 10mbps avg max 25 on tmobile hspa+ with my Galaxy S Blaze 4g. LTE get's shit battery life, you have to stuff a 2,100 mah or bigger battery in a LTE phone just to make it thru the day. My phone has a 1,750 mah battery in it and I make it all day long on HSPA+ no problem.

I bet you 16gb is enough for more then 90% of the market, do you really need more then that? Who listens to thousands of songs when there are only a few good ones on a CD anymore?

People have been using phones without a removable battery for years, and with it being HSPA+ you'll make it thru a whole day no problem. Seems like the only people bitching about this phone are song hoarders or people on verizon.

At the end of the day you can't buy a $300-$350 phone anywhere off contract that comes anywhere close to this phone spec wise...
And I picked getting a galaxy s3 over the gnex due to gs3 having every thing I wanted and was faster honestly it should have been the nexus not the modified gs2.

SGS3 hardware wasn't available at the time the Galaxy Nexus was shipping. Best we could have hoped for was for Google to wait 2 months and ship it with Tegra 3.

And for some reason a lot of people seem to think the Galaxy Nexus was based off the SGS2. Aside from the Samsung logo, not sure what else they have in common. Different screen, camera, SOC...well, same amount of RAM. Gotta give them that.
No LTE boo hoo, I can give a rats ass about LTE. I pull over 10mbps avg max 25 on tmobile hspa+ with my Galaxy S Blaze 4g. LTE get's shit battery life, you have to stuff a 2,100 mah or bigger battery in a LTE phone just to make it thru the day. My phone has a 1,750 mah battery in it and I make it all day long on HSPA+ no problem.

I bet you 16gb is enough for more then 90% of the market, do you really need more then that? Who listens to thousands of songs when there are only a few good ones on a CD anymore?

People have been using phones without a removable battery for years, and with it being HSPA+ you'll make it thru a whole day no problem. Seems like the only people bitching about this phone are song hoarders or people on verizon.

At the end of the day you can't buy a $300-$350 phone anywhere off contract that comes anywhere close to this phone spec wise...

What most smart phone enthusiasts expect from a phone and what average Joe sees are completely different though.

Enthusiasts look at Androids and the Nexus line and expect it to be a flagship, not some phone Ave. Joe takes a look at and goes "that's kind of nice, what's it have over this other one again?". I've seen many Android enthusiasts throw down $700+USD for a phone happily, so the pricing on this thing looks more like a marketing tool to get more Joes to buy into it rather than making it available to everyone; esp. considering that there are many decent smart phones you can have on contract for under $150 USD (and Ave. Joe almost always buys on contract for the savings anyway).

I'll agree it's a decent looking phone spec. wise, but they could have easily added a bit more to it. I always thought removable memory was a pretty standard thing myself.
Hello terrible battery life.



Hello terrible benchmark scores vs the exact same device (LG Optimus G) ..this is a very odd one.

You get what you pay for.
I would hold off on believing any of those Nexus 4 benchmarks. It's on pre-release software. We saw the same with the Galaxy SII back in February/March 2011, and then upon release, it smoked the competition.

I would expect the Nexus 4 numbers to be on par with or slightly better than the Optimus after release.