Lumia 900 vs Lumia 920, my quick comparison


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 27, 2004
Just got my wife a Lumia 920, upgraded her from a Samsung Focus. I've had a Lumia 900 for about 2 months now.

I'm so fucking jealous of my wife right now:(

Got her the white one for $49.99, all they had were black and white in stock. I let her use it when I brought it home, but from just looking over her shoulder, I can tell you:

Re-sizing tiles is incredibly handy.

The phone is stupid fast. Things are noticeably faster than the same app/game on my 900

The screen is fucking incredible, my 900 pales in comparison.

Ditto the camera.

Everything synced beautifully when she logged in with her Microsoft ID, Facebook and email accounts for the first time. Even transferred music straight onto her 920. Apps and games still require a re-install, but whatever.

I'm absolutely sick with envy right now, LOL. If anyone is on the fence on the Lumia 920, get down and get this phone, it's awesome.

Edit: must add Nokia Drive, City Lens and Maps are very good. I just added them to my 900 and smooth sailing on my phone too.
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I've been using an old galaxy s for quite a while and recently breathed life with custom ICS ROMs. Given its current pricing, the Lumia 920 costs about the same as a SGS3. What makes it the better choice, aside from the camera?
I've been using an old galaxy s for quite a while and recently breathed life with custom ICS ROMs. Given its current pricing, the Lumia 920 costs about the same as a SGS3. What makes it the better choice, aside from the camera?

Meh.. I'd call it a wash between a SGS3 and the L920. I'd say it really boils down to what you need to do with it, if you're an app whore, and what OS you prefer. Right now WP8 is a minus in my book (and for the record I use a L920, and had a L800 before that) only because it's so new. I know MS will fix the bugs (eventually), the apps are the big question mark.
Just upgraded both my wife and I from 900s to the 920s, I didn't think it would be that big a difference but it was and we love them. As said above, if you are an app whore and your life revolves around apps or any specific app that isn't yet available, then you may not want to get a WP. If you want a superior phone though, aka communication device, then WP is the best in my opinion due to how it focuses on keeping in touch with people and has a really information focused OS. Here's an example post that's a good example of what you should do. List the apps you can't live without and look for replacements/equivalents before you make the jump.;-here-apps-i-use-former-iphone-4-user.html
I've been using an old galaxy s for quite a while and recently breathed life with custom ICS ROMs. Given its current pricing, the Lumia 920 costs about the same as a SGS3. What makes it the better choice, aside from the camera?

The better camera does come with the notable tradeoff of the device being wider, heavier, and thicker than the SGS3 despite the SGS3 having a larger screen.

If camera is important and you want WP8, buy the 920. If the camera isn't that important and you're happy with Android, get the SGS3. The camera is really the 920's only distinguishing feature - well that, and it has Nokia "bloatware" preinstalled (although I think some of them like Nokia Maps are better than the Bing versions?)

For what it's worth The Verge prefers the iPhone 5 and SGS3 as top picks for AT&T users over the Lumia 920.
I like WP 8, but wouldn't buy the 920. It's just too big, bulky for my tastes. It made my old original Evo look small when I placed them side-by-side at a local AT&T store over the weekend.
The better camera does come with the notable tradeoff of the device being wider, heavier, and thicker than the SGS3 despite the SGS3 having a larger screen.

If camera is important and you want WP8, buy the 920. If the camera isn't that important and you're happy with Android, get the SGS3. The camera is really the 920's only distinguishing feature - well that, and it has Nokia "bloatware" preinstalled (although I think some of them like Nokia Maps are better than the Bing versions?)

For what it's worth The Verge prefers the iPhone 5 and SGS3 as top picks for AT&T users over the Lumia 920.

The pre-installed Nokia apps are actually minimal and IMO worthwhile. In any event, if you don't like em you can just long-press and uninstall, takes a few seconds. My wife kept all the Nokia apps and got rid of all the AT&T pre-installed apps.

I like WP 8, but wouldn't buy the 920. It's just too big, bulky for my tastes. It made my old original Evo look small when I placed them side-by-side at a local AT&T store over the weekend.

My wife's got small to medium sized hands and has no complaints about the 920 being too big. To each their own though, no biggie. :cool:
I picked up the 920 and it feels like on of the most solidly built smartphones I have ever held. Really impressive and has no squeaks or creaks.
After I deleted the AT&T apps, I actually installed all the OTHER Nokia apps they offer (Well, most of them). Took about 2 minutes to "debloat" the 920.

The pre-installed Nokia apps are actually minimal and IMO worthwhile. In any event, if you don't like em you can just long-press and uninstall, takes a few seconds. My wife kept all the Nokia apps and got rid of all the AT&T pre-installed apps.
I picked up the 920 and it feels like on of the most solidly built smartphones I have ever held. Really impressive and has no squeaks or creaks.

Yeah people don't get that they actually benefit from a solid built device. What's the point of these paper thin fragile phones since everyone puts a bulky case on them anyway which essentially cancels out the argument anyway?
Just upgraded my 920 to 64gb of ram with sandisk 10 ultra ewwww sucker is best phone on planet earth for another year maybe :) I love windows phone 8 it's superio in every way I can think of vs ios or android
The better camera does come with the notable tradeoff of the device being wider, heavier, and thicker than the SGS3 despite the SGS3 having a larger screen.

If camera is important and you want WP8, buy the 920. If the camera isn't that important and you're happy with Android, get the SGS3. The camera is really the 920's only distinguishing feature - well that, and it has Nokia "bloatware" preinstalled (although I think some of them like Nokia Maps are better than the Bing versions?)

For what it's worth The Verge prefers the iPhone 5 and SGS3 as top picks for AT&T users over the Lumia 920.


It's 0.2 mm wider.... and device is actually shorter. If you think it is heavy, get out of your moms basement and lift some weights you girly men.

What Nokia bloatware?
Just upgraded my 920 to 64gb of ram with sandisk 10 ultra ewwww sucker is best phone on planet earth for another year maybe :) I love windows phone 8 it's superio in every way I can think of vs ios or android

LOLZ if you say bro!

Facts are facts and the OS is inferior to both. Maybe in the next year when Microsoft has actually had the time to implement what they wanted to into the OS(like a frigging notification area) and there are more apps available( I am not talking netflix and other big company apps) etc, then when you make sure that statement then it would not be such a joke.

Hardware wise its a bloody good phone.
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LOLZ if you say bro!

Facts are facts and the OS is inferior to both. Maybe in the next year when Microsoft has actually had the time to implement what they wanted to into the OS(like a frigging notification area) and there are more apps available( I am not talking netflix and other big company apps) etc, then when you make sure that statement then it would not be such a joke.

Hardware wise its a bloody good phone.

You appear to have the words fact and opinion mixed up.
I'd like to see WP8 on a phone the size of Razr M. I just prefer a more compact phone. It's got nothing to do with having dainty girly man hands. :rolleyes:
You appear to have the words fact and opinion mixed up.

Nope. Due to the fact that there are inherent flaws in the OS stops it from being better.

Of course when it comes down to opinion my Nokia brick is better than this phone.
I was speaking along the lines of what makes a "better" modern mobile OS.
Nope. Due to the fact that there are inherent flaws in the OS stops it from being better.

Of course when it comes down to opinion my Nokia brick is better than this phone.
I was speaking along the lines of what makes a "better" modern mobile OS.

Sooo thanks for your opinion!
Just upgraded my 920 to 64gb of ram with sandisk 10 ultra ewwww sucker is best phone on planet earth for another year maybe :) I love windows phone 8 it's superio in every way I can think of vs ios or android

Em, how did you do this, if Lumia 920 doesn't have memory card slot?
Well, this thread turned to shit quick. Thanks to the 3 day old troll and Graze...

Graze, again, you're stating opinions, and putting "facts are facts" before it doesn't change the fact that it's an opinion. It just makes it all look pretty silly.
I think windows 8 is great... curious some of you say it's inferior to ios or android please tell me what my windows phone 8 can't do that your can :) I have owned many ios and android phones and um I think you never owned a windows 8 phone yet or even a windows 7.5 phone your just talking bs ( I assume ). So educate us with your vast knowledge and expertise sir and explain to us simple minded people all the advantages you say ios and android has.
I think windows 8 is great... curious some of you say it's inferior to ios or android please tell me what my windows phone 8 can't do that your can :) I have owned many ios and android phones and um I think you never owned a windows 8 phone yet or even a windows 7.5 phone your just talking bs ( I assume ). So educate us with your vast knowledge and expertise sir and explain to us simple minded people all the advantages you say ios and android has.

Who says WP8 is bad? I Agree, its a great os. In fact all the mobile os's are pretty good at this point, it all comes down to personal preference and apps. For a new user I'd recommend a WP8 phone, then iPhone and then Android. If they are a tech geek then Android would be #1 choice.
I think windows 8 is great... curious some of you say it's inferior to ios or android please tell me what my windows phone 8 can't do that your can :) I have owned many ios and android phones and um I think you never owned a windows 8 phone yet or even a windows 7.5 phone your just talking bs ( I assume ). So educate us with your vast knowledge and expertise sir and explain to us simple minded people all the advantages you say ios and android has.

The point was that Lumia 920 + microsd card = does not compute. I do not know to whom you are actually directing that (well maybe I do) but I actually do have Lumia 920.
I think windows 8 is great... curious some of you say it's inferior to ios or android please tell me what my windows phone 8 can't do that your can :) I have owned many ios and android phones and um I think you never owned a windows 8 phone yet or even a windows 7.5 phone your just talking bs ( I assume ). So educate us with your vast knowledge and expertise sir and explain to us simple minded people all the advantages you say ios and android has.

You are right on one thing. I don't own a WP8 phone and after windows phone 7 I would not own a Windows phone 8 device, at least not yet. Not because it was terrible but it was not better than what I had before it(Android phone).

I thought the live tiles cool initially but then the novelty of it faded(this is natural I guess) but then I grew to dislike it.
I didn't like the fact that I needed the Zune software to connect the phone to my computer.
There was a severe lack of apps at the time(one of my biggest problems).

I like my ability to sideload apps on my android device(VLC beta and Flash, since it's been removed from the Playstore) and the fact that with the programming know how you could tweak the OS to your liking(have fun compiling it though!).

The phone was pretty responsive compare to my older Android phones though.
It's 0.2 mm wider.... and device is actually shorter. If you think it is heavy, get out of your moms basement and lift some weights you girly men.

The wider was important because it has a smaller screen. And I'm sorry you are delusional and think weight and thickness don't matter to people.
Aaaandd then they slap on huge bulky cases to protect them essentially rendering the argument null.
I think windows 8 is great... curious some of you say it's inferior to ios or android please tell me what my windows phone 8 can't do that your can :) I have owned many ios and android phones and um I think you never owned a windows 8 phone yet or even a windows 7.5 phone your just talking bs ( I assume ). So educate us with your vast knowledge and expertise sir and explain to us simple minded people all the advantages you say ios and android has.

As someone on 7.5 let me tell you.

Lack of notification LED, inability to change volume levels for various apps, inferior maps and web browser, lack of choices for alternative browser, no BT output for video playback. There are several small things that add up and I'm really thinking about moving back to android.

Can't create a backup of your phone, at least not easily.
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It's all about pros and cons for every smartphone platform. For me, despite some features existing in iOS/Android that do not exist in WP, the great things about WP make up for it. It's all about what is important to you. I left Android behind long ago and gave it another shot with the Galaxy Nexus, but by that time my expectations for an excellent communications device were too high and I had to stick with WP. Its "flaws" are easily outweighed by its gains to me.

As for Silentbob343, several of those were device specific. Some had notification LEDs, some do output video playback via BT, WP8 does include a backup cloud now, etc. But if you don't see the benefits then head on back to Android. You might surprise yourself though by what you miss, as I did.
As someone on 7.5 let me tell you.

Lack of notification LED, inability to change volume levels for various apps, inferior maps and web browser, lack of choices for alternative browser, no BT output for video playback. There are several small things that add up and I'm really thinking about moving back to android.

Can't create a backup of your phone, at least not easily.

As a former 7.5 (current 8) user, I never had issues with video output via Bluetooth - assuming you're referring to the audio. Also, WP8 backup/restore is a thing of beauty. Maps and (IMO) browser are both improved in WP8 as well.
windows 7.5 and 8 both have inferior web and maps ? Um first of all they come with standard microsoft ie explorer and maps. You can download if you want google maps and others and also download mozilla and opera for windows phone. In no fashion you should say that windows phones don't have ability or the software to run other maps and internet programs. As far as volume goes I have no issue with adjusting the volume whether it's in program or for all in general.
As someone on 7.5 let me tell you.

Lack of notification LED, inability to change volume levels for various apps, inferior maps and web browser, lack of choices for alternative browser, no BT output for video playback. There are several small things that add up and I'm really thinking about moving back to android.

Can't create a backup of your phone, at least not easily.

In my opinion Nokia Maps and Drive kicks the living crap out of Google's offerings.
I disagree, as I MUCH prefer google maps over Nokia Drive, but it's an acceptable alternative.
In my opinion Nokia Maps and Drive kicks the living crap out of Google's offerings.

Not sure I can agree with this either, I like Nokia Maps, don't get me wrong but their products are not anywhere near as full as Googles.
windows 7.5 and 8 both have inferior web and maps ? Um first of all they come with standard microsoft ie explorer and maps. You can download if you want google maps and others and also download mozilla and opera for windows phone. In no fashion you should say that windows phones don't have ability or the software to run other maps and internet programs. As far as volume goes I have no issue with adjusting the volume whether it's in program or for all in general.

You still haven't explained how you got a MicroSD into a Lumia 920. Are you avoiding the question? :)
I disagree, as I MUCH prefer google maps over Nokia Drive, but it's an acceptable alternative.

What does Google nav do that Nokia drive does not?

I can name a few things that Nokia does that google cant'...
BDV, I like how Drive gives you a speed warning, easy POI info on the main map, etc. HOWEVER, the routing in my area can get a bit wonky. It wanted me to take a 50 minute route for a 15 minute straight shot trip, and the rerouting decisions are some of the oddest I've ever seen. For example, instead of driving straight down the highway, it wanted me to get off the highway, go through the airport, and then get BACK on the highway.