GPU-Z 0.6.5 - Changed ASIC quality readings


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2012

"Added working ASIC quality readings for NVIDIA Kepler GPUs..."

Turns out the Kepler numbers were inflated after all. Has anyone else's gone down?

***useless emo anecdote below***

A bit of my own story: I've never owned a card with an ASIC quality higher than 80%, most of them being 70 or under (this includes Kepler cards). All the while I hear about other people with their 100% numbers. Incidentally, I've never owned a card that overclocked well, or even above average. I understand ASIC doesn't conclusively mean anything on its own. Correlation may not infer causation, but that's of little comfort when you're on the shitty side of the causation.

So I was kinda happy when I got this particular 660 ti from Galaxy RMA, when it showed a reading of 90.1%. It still couldn't overclock for shit (tentatively 1195 on the core, still working down from there), but it at least felt like my unlucky streak was coming to an end.

Turns out with this "working" reading with 0.6.5, the card actually has a reading of 68.7%. ._.

I'm honestly thinking right now I would have been better off not seeing this. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
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My ASIC: 73% & 76.1% The top card is 73% but runs much cooler than my bottom card weird go figure. It's a silicon lottery. I've had a gtx 460 it wouldn't oc at all no matter how small of an increase..voltage included, my old gtx 570's could only handle a 168mhz increase to core the memory was picky. The cards I have now are a little better but I haven't pushed them much yet.. Some cards can flat out take a crap any moment some can run hot as hell or cool & last a long time only god knows why.. There's alot of components that don't get cooled as well on the pcb too that might have a finite amount of life that can be reduced with a light or heavy oc. Memory: the vram doesn't seem like it shouldn't be messed with too much as it only has air blown against it vs the gpu that has direct metal contact. It may not be as popular but kombuster is still pretty good for a stress test or bf3 multiplayer maxed out lol
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Does anyone else have a problem with latest version not displaying the full box? I get about 1cm off on the right side. Weird...

According to the 0.6.5 release, my Asus 680 GTXs have ASIC quality of 82.4% and 82.1%. :confused:
I haven't really tried to OC much. I don't really need it.

I have a feeling I'd need some memory heat sinks if I were to try to OC well though but I bet the gpu could beast along well enough.
I don't think ASIC readings alone tell the full story. Unless you have poor overclocks I wouldn't concern yourselves too much.
Anecdotal evidence:

I just installed the new version. I have two reference EVGA GTX 680s that I have been using since launch. I run them at +160-175MHz core, and they usually run around 1280-1300MHz (depends slightly on game, they are stable in BF3 at 1300MHz though).

My ASIC readings are 84% and 88% respectively.