All things considered 670 or 7950?


Jul 13, 2005
I'm hung in between purchasing one of the Sapphire 7950's for $280 from Newegg or a used gtx 670 for $270. After taking performance, overclocking, software reliability, and longevity into consideration which card would be the better deal?
Well, your considering used vs new. Thats not a great comparison in my book, new has its advantages with warranty and customer service, and often a free game or two. I love my gtx 670 and wouldn't hesitate to buy another one because I have personally had more issues with ATI drivers. However the 7950 is a great card and better bang for the buck if you dont have any driver hate like I do. There really is no wrong decision here, your going to have an excellent card either way, but I would lean toward buying new.
They're both pretty darn close among all of those points. I had a 2GB 670 but ran into VRAM limitations in modded Skyrim, returned it for a 7970 and had a few annoying issues (Flash, the reference cooler was loud, 3d clocks not activating if the web browser was open, etc) so I returned it for a 4GB 670 and have been happy.

This was about a month and half ago so the newer AMD drivers are likely better.
Well, your considering used vs new. Thats not a great comparison in my book, new has its advantages with warranty and customer service, and often a free game or two. I love my gtx 670 and wouldn't hesitate to buy another one because I have personally had more issues with ATI drivers. However the 7950 is a great card and better bang for the buck if you dont have any driver hate like I do. There really is no wrong decision here, your going to have an excellent card either way, but I would lean toward buying new.
Yeah...that's one of the things I'm taking into consideration. The 7950 comes with 3 games and of course a warranty. I've just had my eye on a 670 for quite some time but without the funds to splurge. To be able to grab one (albeit used) for less than $300 is very tempting...then there is the word about AMD's latest drivers being the shit. Ugh...decisions.
The latest beta drivers have been rock solid for me with my MSI 7950 in eyefinity.
Depends how much value you put on the free games IMO. If you were going to buy even one at full price (~60$?) I think it's worth it to go AMD, especially if you don't intend to go crossfire

(edit: though NV probably still offers BL2 free)
I really like adaptive vsync but, the 7950 smokes the 670 in price for roughly a carbon copy in the performance department.

I've only ever bought 2 vid cards used, and that was a pair of 6600GT's for SLI. Didn't have any issues with them, but I got them from a source I personally know. I don't buy used vid cards otherwise.

If I was in your same boat, the only thing different would be that I would be shopping new. That being said, I would lean towards the 7950 solely on getting 670 performance for much less cost.
id probably get a new 7950, crossfire will last you longer too since it has the vram and memory bandwidth to contribute towards a longer lifetime
id probably get a new 7950, crossfire will last you longer too since it has the vram and memory bandwidth to contribute towards a longer lifetime

Given all the reviews here at [H] alone amongst all of them elsewhere on the web, I would tend to disagree that the Radeon HD 7xxx series has a "real" memory bandwidth advantage over the nVidia GTX 6xx series.

VRAM, otoh, *may* be a tangible debate point. But for now, it's really not a problem except in a couple/few extravagant circumstances. All in all, by the time a 2GB GTX 670 struggles with a majority of (future) games, I'm willing to bet a fair amount that the HD 7950 will, as well.
AMD are throwing so many free games into the 7900 series purchase that it'll be crazy to not get one. If they had this deal a few months back I would've jumped on board without a doubt. Yes, I am easily bribed!
Does anyone know where I can find some reliable 6850 xfire vs. 7950 benchmarks? The thing that started this whole fiasco was when one of my 6850's shit the bed awhile back...the most economical solution I have is to replace the faulty 6850, but while I'm in the position to spend a little money I want to get it right. Mehhhhhhh...
I currently have an MSI 670 Power Edition. I used to have 2x 6950 in crossfire. I can tell you that this 670 just feels smoother in games. This is coming from a guy who has had ATI now for the last 8 years!

However if your into free games, I bought a 7870 2gb for a friend and it came with 4 free games! Far Cry 3 AND Medal of Honor Warfighter. The others were Two Worlds and Dirt 3. My 670 came with a box. :p
mate a single 7950 will be faster than your 6850 in crossfire when overclocked. oh did i also mention you get 3 free AAA games... i have a 670 myself and while its adequate for 1080p gaming i really wish i went with a 7950 i could have saved $100 and put it into something useful
mate a single 7950 will be faster than your 6850 in crossfire when overclocked. oh did i also mention you get 3 free AAA games... i have a 670 myself and while its adequate for 1080p gaming i really wish i went with a 7950 i could have saved $100 and put it into something useful
Haha...I hear ya man...but along thr same lines of reasoning I could save myslef $150 by getting another 6850. I loved my xfire setup before the other card bit the was flawless.
Does anyone know where I can find some reliable 6850 xfire vs. 7950 benchmarks? The thing that started this whole fiasco was when one of my 6850's shit the bed awhile back...the most economical solution I have is to replace the faulty 6850, but while I'm in the position to spend a little money I want to get it right. Mehhhhhhh...

The highest recorded 6850 xfire 3dmark11 score is a P10041, and according to the orb, there are many 7950s that can do over P11000.
The highest recorded 6850 xfire 3dmark11 score is a P10041, and according to the orb, there are many 7950s that can do over P11000.
Nice! But how well does this translate into real world gaming performance?
that 3dmark 11 score is for a overclocked 7950 and i know that for a fact since my 670 only does 9500 graphics score with a pscore of 9200 and thats because i have a 2500k and dont have hyperthreading which inflates your score a heck of allot in 3dmark 11.

in terms of real world gaming performance youll get less stuttering or vitually none at all and lower power consumption and less heat to deal with.

i say get the 7950 and OC it
that 3dmark 11 score is for a overclocked 7950 and i know that for a fact since my 670 only does 9500 graphics score with a pscore of 9200 and thats because i have a 2500k and dont have hyperthreading which inflates your score a heck of allot in 3dmark 11.

in terms of real world gaming performance youll get less stuttering or vitually none at all and lower power consumption and less heat to deal with.

i say get the 7950 and OC it
I'm not gonna argue the fact that it would be smoother, but I can honestly say that I never noticed any "microstutter"...I did however notice a stutter at times when playing BF3, and I think this amounted to a lack of VRAM. I'm almost 100% certain that this wouldn't happen with a 7950. I guess I just need to accept the fact that better performance is gonna cost me a bit...and try to figure out if it's worth the premium at the moment.
Given all the reviews here at [H] alone amongst all of them elsewhere on the web, I would tend to disagree that the Radeon HD 7xxx series has a "real" memory bandwidth advantage over the nVidia GTX 6xx series.

VRAM, otoh, *may* be a tangible debate point. But for now, it's really not a problem except in a couple/few extravagant circumstances. All in all, by the time a 2GB GTX 670 struggles with a majority of (future) games, I'm willing to bet a fair amount that the HD 7950 will, as well.

I agree. and when both begin to struggle and crossfire and sli become a more likely possibility. thats when vram COULD possibly matter a little more. as for now it doesnt of course
The 7950 is over twice as fast as 6850 in xfire. That was my system specs before I bought my 7950. As in you should see the same performance.
HD 7950 (1.15 Ghz) with 12.11b drivers is faster than GTX 670 (1.3 Ghz) . If you want ask users like psyside who has moved from GTX 680 to HD 7950 .
Unless you're broken up about 50 watts at the absolute most, it's impossible to recommend anything besides the 7950. In every metric, from absolute performance to performance/dollar to compute performance, the 7950 is simply superior.
Unless you're broken up about 50 watts at the absolute most, it's impossible to recommend anything besides the 7950. In every metric, from absolute performance to performance/dollar to compute performance, the 7950 is simply superior.

I wouldn't go as far as saying the 7950 is faster in absolute performance, as there are many reviews that show it trailing the 670 in many games. But, that delta is so small that nobody would be able to humanly tell which is which in an undivulged test.

You nailed it in the performance/dollar regard...the 7850 is just as good as the 670 for a bit less money. Throw in that games bundle that AMD is offering and the 670 is a kid left at the mall crying for momma.
I'm hung in between purchasing one of the Sapphire 7950's for $280 from Newegg or a used gtx 670 for $270. After taking performance, overclocking, software reliability, and longevity into consideration which card would be the better deal?

More likely the gtx 670 if your only doing a single monitor as it has a 256-bit memory interface & 2gb vram. Higher res or multiple monitor the 7950 has 384-bit & 3 gb vram much better for those applications. The 7950's oc very well in general. I've had both camps & yes nvidia has better drivers honestly, if any problems with an amd card you can create a custom profile & make/override settings that fix most if not all issues in certain games. but if i was in your position choosing a new card vs one used card with 'about' similar performance.. I'd buy the new one for piece of mind it's fresh. under 300 for either one is a good deal.
7950 new is a no brainer, you get a resale minimum of at least $75-80 in game keys, superior parts and more vram/bandwith, plus the new 12.11 never settle drivers which are currently kicking Nvidia in the nards right now.
I'm almost tempted to sell my 7970, buy 2x7950's, sell both set of keys and crossfire them for substantially less than a new 680 2gb counting I can sell each set of keys for around $70, that kind of price/performance ratio is almost unheard of in the high end GPU market, AMD unanimously won this round IMO
7950 new is a no brainer, you get a resale minimum of at least $75-80 in game keys, superior parts and more vram/bandwith, plus the new 12.11 never settle drivers which are currently kicking Nvidia in the nards right now.
I'm almost tempted to sell my 7970, buy 2x7950's, sell both set of keys and crossfire them for slightly less than a new 680 counting I can sell each set of keys for around $70, that kind of price/performance ration is almost unheard of, AMD unanimously won this round IMO
How exactly would I go about selling these game keys? I've seen people advertising them in the FS/FT forums, but in all honesty don't understand how this transaction would take place. If this is the case and it's as easy as that, I'm about to order that Sapphire 7950 from Newegg right now.
Great choice!

Once you get it up and running, give us your thoughts and impressions of it, please.
Great choice!

Once you get it up and running, give us your thoughts and impressions of it, please.
Will do my ninja! *hammers on refresh link for shipping status update* I'm a sucka for new hardware! Jeeeuuhhhhh!
I'm hung in between purchasing one of the Sapphire 7950's for $280 from Newegg or a used gtx 670 for $270. After taking performance, overclocking, software reliability, and longevity into consideration which card would be the better deal?

I see you have already bought the 7950. But I was just going to say if you want to go Nvdia 3D are planning to run two cards at any stage than you might consider the 670.

It doesn't matter now though :D Good luck with the new card!!
I see you have already bought the 7950. But I was just going to say if you want to go Nvdia 3D are planning to run two cards at any stage than you might consider the 670.

It doesn't matter now though :D Good luck with the new card!!
Meh! My first 3 cards were Nvidia(ti 4200>gtx 7800>9800gt) and I loved them all. My 6850 crossfire set-up never ceased to amaze me though (hardware and software) so I have no qualms about my order. I couldn't afford a new 670 anyway! Haha
This sucks...right at the peak of my new CS:GO addiction I sell my 6850 locally and now sit gaming PC-less...please Newegg shipping gods don't fail me now.
The highest recorded 6850 xfire 3dmark11 score is a P10041, and according to the orb, there are many 7950s that can do over P11000.

I can confirm this, my 7950 will do 11k. Wipes the floor with just about everything except heavily overclocked 680s/7970s.

I can't decide between a 7970 and a 7950. I'm running at 2560 so I'm leaning towards the 70.

I just wish AMD offered a straight discount instead of these games, something tells me reselling them would be a real hassle.
Whoa! So should I be able to hit at least 10k with an i5 2500k @ 4.6 considering I will only probably be OC'ng this version of the Saphhire (dual-X @ 850 stock) to 1100/1500?
expect something a little lower since a 2500k doesnt have hyperthtreading
Yeah...well I'll have something to shoot for. I love putting a new vid card through the ringer when I first get it. O:)