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    New computer for mom, win 7, 32 or 64 bit?

    64bit is the way to go now. All the issues have been ironed out and all you have left is pretty much the benefits of a 64bit system.
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    Need some help with a super budget build.

    Im trying to build a very cheap pc to use as a general internet/web browsing computer, with a dual monitor setup. I was originally going to use my old P4-2.8ghzHT based system with 2 gigs of ddr400 ram and an nvidia AGP video card. I think this machine would have worked well running windows xp...
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    Made a few wallpapers

    I made a few wallpapers from photos I took with my canon s3. Hope any of you car guys enjoy them. I own the black turbo celica you see in some of the shots. click on each pic for a high rez version.
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    Vista Bluescreens, please help

    Vista is not to blame here. BSOD is normally caused by a hardware related issue. Check your bios to make sure your cpu is not overclocked and that your memory timings are correct. Also use motherboard monitor to monitor your temps, and mem test to test your ram. You might need to play...
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    Easiest route to installing latest nvidia drivers?

    If your on Ubuntu you can install an app called Envy. It will automatically download and install all the latest drivers for any Nvidia or ATI card. Everything is done with a few clicks of the mouse, no command lines needed.
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    Vista SP1 RC open to public

    i installed it. no problems at all. gaming performance seems a lot better then it was before the service pack, at least on my machine.
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    Trent Reznor Favors An ISP 'Tax On Music'

    Its a terrible idea. For one, not everyone who uses the internet downloads illegal music. :rolleyes: If we did a music tax, then pretty soon there would be a movie tax, and then a porn tax, and then a google tax, and then the internet would turn into what cable tv is. Sorry Mr Reznor, you...
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    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    I can see it for running multiple virtual machines at the same time, or running a server, but the fact of the matter is... for most desktops and gaming rigs 2-4gigs is more then enough. Too bad vista doesn't have compiz (linux) style virtual desktops.
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    Vista windows update

    Anyone else notice that installing updates in vista takes about 10 times longer then it did in XP?
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    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    I had 3 gigs of ram on my vista install. for the most part, the OS, a few apps open, and a game running on top of that takes up about 1.5 gigs of ram. I ended up taking out the extra 1gig because there was really no need for it. 2gigs is just about perfect. If you want to brag about...
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    Memory Speed Mixing... bad!?

    after passing the mem tests, load up a stress test like prime95 along with mother board monitor to help test the system even more. for all you know, the problem could be related to a poorly cooled northbridge or something heat related.
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    Very tiny font size

    i highly recommend you install the default vista "segoe" font and change everything in ubuntu to use it. it makes a pretty big difference. google segoe font to download it.
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    Help me understand Aero interface of Vista

    It's also worth mentioning that you should have 2gigs of ram for vista to run smoothly. I tried it with 1 gig before and there was a ton of hard drive swapping going on. Now with 2gigs, its actually very smooth, and runs well on my 4yr old hardware.
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    Help me understand Aero interface of Vista

    The biggest difference is that Vista now actually renders the desktop in directX, using the gpu of your video card for processing.. This gives a nice speed boost, and allows for transparency, and other nifty effects. XP on the other hand used the 2d portion of your video card and most of the...
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    XP or Vista ? (for gaming)

    Mine used to do the same thing until i downloaded all the updates for it. One of the patches seemed to have stopped the excessive hard drive use at idle.
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    Corsair 1gig 3200LLPT Ram, HalfLife Orangebox360

    2x512 Corsair XMS TWIN CMX512-3200LLPT = 1Gig Total PC 3200 400mhz Ram, Super Low 2-2-2-6 Memory Timings Used but in perfect working condition. Lifetime warranty from Corsair. SOLD Half Life Orange Box 360. SOLD
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    I finally Ran Memtest86+

    Hang on here... You said you were overclocking the system. If you push the overclock too far, then you'll start seeing errors in mem test. Go back down to factory clock and run ram test again. I you still keep getting errors, play around with the timings until you are no longer getting any...
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    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    i see. that makes sense. well, a new none beta of 169.7 driver came out today. might be worth a try to see if it can do it for dual monitors or no.
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    n00b friendly linux

    mandriva was pretty good for the kde based, XP wanna be distros that i tried. it had great hardware detection. but ubuntu or anything based on gonme is less bloated, easier to use, and more likely to win over a windows user by showing them what they have been missing out on. :)
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    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    manually install the 169 beta driver from nvidia if you dont have it yet. its a huge improvement in rendering performance and stability. as for the gamma settings, most of that you can adjust right on your monitors.
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    ATI drivers....

    i think i found your problem. your trying to run way too high of a resolution for your 19in monitor. 1440x900 is your native resolution.
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    ATI drivers....

    i have to agree. i made the switch from ati to nvidia. Nvidia drivers are a lot better/faster that its worth buying a cheap nvidia card instead of waiting around for ati to come out with better linux support. but to try to help you with your problem... i would first make sure that your monitor...
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    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    here is mine. ubuntu 7.10 with compiz and avant.
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    WTB: Decent AGP Card
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    FS: ATI X1600, Silent Heatpipe cooler, Orangebox360

    I have an ATI X1600pro 512meg AGP video card. Its in perfect working condition. 50$ plus 7bucks for shipping. Add an additional 2$ to the shipping price if you would like insurance . Accelero S2 silent heat pipe cooler for your graphics card. Brand spanking new, in box. Cools better then the...
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    nvidia tweaking apps?

    i just upgraded from an ati x1600 to an nvidia 7600gt. can you guys recommend a few tweaking tools/apps that i can use to control my refresh rate, monitor gpu temps, and overclock?
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    XP illegal copy does the OS act funny?

    she has a hardware issue, nothing to do with XP. start by opening the case and cleaning out all the dust with compressed air. then start up the computer with the case open to make sure all the fans are working.
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    as much as i love the mouse/keyboard setup... i think microsoft is right not to include it, because it would totally ruin the experience that new players have coming into a game. you would have some people with a mouse, and some with a controller, and the game play would just be miss matched...
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    i agree. i loaded it up just to see how it would look on the 360, and was really surprised to see that it had hdr and montion blur. its a HUGE boost on graphics to the original hl2. im going to play through the whole game again, just for the bump in visuals.
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    thats why i would love Hard to do a full comparison of the 2 versions. because at this point we can only guess what AF and AA settings are actually being used.
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    in the past, consoles always got a very watered down version of the game. this is not the case with hl2. i was also very worried that the controls were going to be terrible on the 360. i have to say that they did a really great job tweaking the 360 controller.button layout and aiming are almost...
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    shack is reporting there is a patch on the way
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    actually, i figured out what the issue is with the washed out textures. there is a setting in the options menu to change monitor type from tv to pc monitor ( what im using). the defult tv mode is too bright, and washes everything out. after changing this setting, the game looks amazing. it...
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    i bought the 360 version instead of the PC one, because i was worried that my aging ati x1600 wouldnt be able to play it as well as it did EP1. but now that i have the 360version, im thinking i would have been just fine on the pc. i did notice the textures being a bit more washed out. i...
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    orange box: pc vs 360?

    has anyone done a comparison on the pc vs 360 versions? id like to see how the graphics and image quality compare at the same resolution, on both systems.