XP illegal copy does the OS act funny?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 20, 2002
So a friend of mine I know from University is having issues with her pc. Says it keeps restarting occasionally without warning. I'm curious if her having a warez copy would make it happen or not? Or if her comp might be overheating or potential things. I'm curious cause I think a friend of hers built her this comp and didn't pay for the copy of windows. I'm telling her to check or buy XP since it's cheap but I hate to tell her to buy it if her comps f'ed up anyways. LOL I hate XP so maybe it's just XP but I dont think so.
So a friend of mine I know from University is having issues with her pc. Says it keeps restarting occasionally without warning. I'm curious if her having a warez copy would make it happen or not? Or if her comp might be overheating or potential things. I'm curious cause I think a friend of hers built her this comp and didn't pay for the copy of windows. I'm telling her to check or buy XP since it's cheap but I hate to tell her to buy it if her comps f'ed up anyways. LOL I hate XP so maybe it's just XP but I dont think so.

I remember when my sister's copy of Vista RC1 expired it would reboot her system every two hours. Maybe WGA for XP does the same thing?
Check the hardware first. If it reset ABOUT every 2 hours than it may be heat.

If it reset EXACTLY every two hours then the jig is up.

All your XP are belong to us
if its resetting without any warning then there is a problem.

if xp is going to restart from a bad windows activation it will tell you it is resetting, it just doesn't do it bam like that, there would be a message.
if its resetting without any warning then there is a problem.

if xp is going to restart from a bad windows activation it will tell you it is resetting, it just doesn't do it bam like that, there would be a message.

Okay cool, I'll ask her what it says? What should I tell her to watch for?
Okay cool, I'll ask her what it says? What should I tell her to watch for?

The Cops :eek:

lol, j/k. It will usually have a message about windows is expired and usually would not even let her login. I would probably think it is a hardware issue if she has had the computer without issue for sometime.
So a friend of mine I know from University is having issues with her pc. Says it keeps restarting occasionally without warning. I'm curious if her having a warez copy would make it happen or not? Or if her comp might be overheating or potential things. I'm curious cause I think a friend of hers built her this comp and didn't pay for the copy of windows. I'm telling her to check or buy XP since it's cheap but I hate to tell her to buy it if her comps f'ed up anyways. LOL I hate XP so maybe it's just XP but I dont think so.

she has a hardware issue, nothing to do with XP.
start by opening the case and cleaning out all the dust with compressed air. then start up the computer with the case open to make sure all the fans are working.
Yeah cracked OS are usualy more stable then legit ones, lol..

In any case its highly unlikley that is the problem.