Vista SP1 RC open to public

It's been open since mid-December. You should clarify that this is the RC refresh that was released to testers last week. Anyways, thanks for the heads up.
I installed the RC released back in December. Anyone know the difference between these two? I tried to find the answer already but didn't come up with anything.
No, but the Vista SP1 RC "Refresh" just went public on Friday.

Service Pack 1 v.744
i installed it.
no problems at all.
gaming performance seems a lot better then it was before the service pack, at least on my machine.
The SP Refresh made my machine significantly slower to boot, and gaming performance was also somewhat reduced. I'll reserve my judgement until the service pack is officially released but I'm not hopeful at this point.

The 64-bit build of XP is now back on my machine, it screams compared to Vista.
Actually I notice a slight performance increase over the already nice improvement the RC provided.

Once I got it installed :)

The whole uninstall of SP1 RC, updating via live update, running the script/registry patches, running of more live update until the SP1 RC refresh appeard, and finally downloading and installing SP1 RC refresh took me....

3 hours on a high-end machine!

installing SP1 RC refresh took me....3 hours on a high-end machine!

Yea man I read you loud a clear. It took me about the same time to install the 1st time, and it does run smoother now. I'd rather not go through all that again unless I know exactly what was "refreshed", and the chances of Vista breaking in the process is prob 30% I'm guessing, can't handle that right now on my primary..

Here's to hoping the final SP is called SP1 "So fresh and so clean clean".
It was never called RC1, just RC. "Refresh" is just like RC2, with minor fixes from problems that were reported from the prior version. It had already been anticipated when a MS tech let it slip on the MS forum about a bug that was reported slow transfer rate under certain conditions that they were known and would be fixed in the next round before the release of the service pack. So now we don't have RC1 and RC2, but RC and RCR :p
Installed in about 25 mins, no problems. Nice performance boost. Game benches also improved. Very nice all around for me.