n00b friendly linux

We have a Linux subforum for Linux-related posts and questions. Perhaps this would be best asked over yonder...
my vote's definitely for Ubuntu, then PCLinuxOS, then Mepis. in that order
Any distribution can be n00b friendly if you're willing to learn. Find one that has the features you want and use the Google. If you really want to learn linux, you're going to have to get your hands dirty. :)
Any distribution can be n00b friendly if you're willing to learn. Find one that has the features you want and use the Google. If you really want to learn linux, you're going to have to get your hands dirty. :)

LOL, "use THE GOOGLE", you making it sound like a god. haha

UBUNTU gets my vote.
i would say if you're comfortable with windows, then try Lindows or some other linux that looks like windows.
i would say if you're comfortable with windows, then try Lindows or some other linux that looks like windows.

mandriva was pretty good for the kde based, XP wanna be distros that i tried. it had great hardware detection.
but ubuntu or anything based on gonme is less bloated, easier to use, and more likely to win over a windows user by showing them what they have been missing out on. :)
I think some of you missed the PS3 part...

taking that into consideration, Yellow Dog would be a good start, or PSUbuntu.
I think some of you missed the PS3 part...

taking that into consideration, Yellow Dog would be a good start, or PSUbuntu.

I think most people on forums only read the title and maybe the first few words.
hey guys im runnin YDL 5.0.2 right now and it's somewhat n00b friendly I'd say. Since firefox is already installed same with a lot of other programs (gaim,irc client,Media player,etc.) it's workin out well, since I haven't had to use the GNOME Terminal yet, it's similar too clicking a bunch of .exe in windows.