WTB: Decent AGP Card

Max Power

Jan 30, 2005
The 9800 Pro I have in here seems to be dying (pink and green lines everywhere).

I'm looking for something faster to replace it. Let's here what you got ;).

Heatware (12/12 positive).
You might want to look into replacing the heatsink/fan. That might give you some more life. The fans on the 9800's were notorious for dieing. And you could use that time to replace your thermal paste on it as well.
I have a BFG 6800GT OC that is in a computer I am not using anymore. I was planning on parting this out in the new week or so but could do it sooner. Let me know if this is something like you were looking for.

I have another 9800 Pro here. It's pre-modded with an Arctic Cooler HS, so no worries about artifacting! Ignore the price in the thread, make me an offer and we'll see what we can work out!