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  1. T

    Custom case build

    Awesome man! Keep it up... and have another beer for me!
  2. T

    Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

    Looks to me like bullet time is as usual... like the first 2.. but the "new" forced bullet time will be in "cut scenes" like the console games... on rails, and all you can do is move the cross hairs and push the button for headshots.. I hate when they pander to the consoletards...:(
  3. T

    Cysis 2 DX11 and Sandbox Update

    Fuck Crytek.. they bent over and took it in the ass for the console market... they abandon the PC market... and therefore.. the PC market has abandon them... too little, too late..:mad:
  4. T

    Skynet Didn't Attack, James Cameron Still Weird

    Gotta LOL at the non-scientist global warming believers. Did you get your carbon credit trading cards with your happy meal?:rolleyes:
  5. T

    Norton 2012 Betas Released

    Agree! You have no idea how many times people have come to me because their computers suddenly slowed down after they installed Norton!
  6. T

    Norton 2012 Betas Released

    Norton IS a virus...
  7. T

    'Wolverine' Pirate Going To Prison

    Obviously the piracy of that movie grossly impacted the box office results. :rolleyes:
  8. T

    Amazon Pulling Out of Texas Over Sales Tax

    Me F'in too! I live in Cali-ban and get as much tax free as I can. If the government didn't piss it away so fast, I might be inclined to change that... But no... Fuck'em :D
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    Audiovox Set to Buy Klipsch

    Great, just what the world needs.. another Bose...
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    NASA Launches Solar Sail

    lol.. I literally said out loud "about damn time" when I read this.. Been wanting someone to try it for years.. cool :D
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    CoD: Black Ops Issues

    EXACTLY.. horrible game.. such a waste of time.
  12. T

    Catch a Ride on the World’s Fastest Roller Coaster

    EXACTLY!! That coaster looks like a total snooze-fest. No thanks...:rolleyes:
  13. T

    The Misunderstanding - Presented by AMD

    I like ATI cards, but this is totally ghey. Really AMD? This is the best you can do?
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    Seasonic M12II-620 PSU Drawing

    Pick me! :D
  15. T

    PS3 Loses Linux Support

    And rip Blurays...;)
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    Seton Hill Says: An iPad For Everyone

    Oh good, the kids will be able to Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace in class.. that will be good for education.:rolleyes:
  17. T

    MonoPrice Hacked, CC Info Compromised?

    Thanks Monoprice... my card was used for some online BS this morning. At least they caught it and notified me. I'm going to write Monoprice a nice little email.:mad:
  18. T

    Phone Maker HTC Sued By Apple

    Well, I wish HTC luck with this one. I love their phones, and will buy them for as long as I can. Great hardware...
  19. T

    Man Mods Missles onto Motorcycle

    And people wonder how fires get started... I hope this douche bag does get busted.
  20. T

    Smoking Near Apple Computers Voids Warranty

    about effing time... I work on computers as a side business, and smokers computers are ALWAYS full of this fucking gross yellow shit all over the insides of the cases. Good for you Apple, lets hope all the other manufactures follow suit.
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    Facebook's Mounting Customer Service Crisis

    ahahahahah!!!! I needed a good laugh. Sad part is, they would probably win the lawsuit. :rolleyes:
  22. T

    Does Netflix Have a Blu-ray Disc-Cracking Problem?

    Been a Netflix subscriber for many years, started getting HD media as soon as it was available. First HD-DVDs, then Blu Rays... easily have had hundreds delivered to me, only had one not play.. and it wasn't cracked.. just a bad disk. Netflix sent me another copy of it right away and it worked...
  23. T

    Microsoft Offering 25% Cash Back On eBay

    Welcome to 2 months ago...:rolleyes:
  24. T

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Pick me!:D