Seton Hill Says: An iPad For Everyone

I am all for ebooks/laptops/netbooks what have you for everyone...but an iPad? yeah...gimmick....
I think it's stupid that people assume using technology = a better education.
Oh good, the kids will be able to Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace in class.. that will be good for education.:rolleyes:
I am all for ebooks/laptops/netbooks what have you for everyone...but an iPad? yeah...gimmick....

Ya the whole point of a laptop for all students is mostly because you intend to require one for classes. So what you do is make a laptop part of the tuition (don't kid yourself, nothing is free, you pay for all that) and then hand them out. That way students can't say "Well I don't have a computer." The answer is "Yes you do, the university provides you with one which you are required to have for class."

However an iPad? For what?

This is why fanboys shouldn't be allowed to make purchasing decisions.
Banks are doing this now too. At my bank, they are giving away $150.00 to people that open a new account. Others are giving away free TVs and GPS’. That’s ridiculous! How about reducing your bullshit fees a little and offering some real service instead of trying to lure unsuspecting individuals into a trap with free gifts and money.

If enrollment is down that much, try reducing your fees from $batshitinsane to $somethingreasonable.
Companies and Universities make a fortune from selling hard copy textbooks; never gonna happen.
This is the same thing as a loss-leader such as the dollar menu at a fast food joint, enticing you for future cost.
It really won't be free, I'm betting they will be increasing tuition/admission fees WAY more than what a single iPad will cost them.

also...Seton Hill???? never heard of them before. I've heard of Seton Hall but never Seton Hill
How to artificially increase market share? lol

It's a gimmick plain and simple. How are you supposed to use these to take notes during class?
i see people asking why an ipad. Other schools and universities have rolled out kindle programs to try and do e-texts. The ipad can do e-texts as well as likely give them access to all the university's web apps for enrollment, add-drop, etc. Also if it is anything like the iphone, depending on your wireless infrastructure, you can get some pretty painless technologies that allow you to have an authenticated wireless network that you don't have to constantly log into when you leave it and return to it.

Or it could just be advertising crap like when some schools gave away ipods to new students.
i see people asking why an ipad. Other schools and universities have rolled out kindle programs to try and do e-texts. The ipad can do e-texts as well as likely give them access to all the university's web apps for enrollment, add-drop, etc. Also if it is anything like the iphone, depending on your wireless infrastructure, you can get some pretty painless technologies that allow you to have an authenticated wireless network that you don't have to constantly log into when you leave it and return to it.

Or it could just be advertising crap like when some schools gave away ipods to new students.

Exactly this is a great idea, not from most of you hater's perspective. But from the perspective of the actual reason they are offered, you can see the value. Laptops given to students are nothing more than enticements. What is better than a laptop? An iPad! Every kid has seen the commercials for these and will be itching at the hip to get one for free.

I think the iPad is a horrible tablet device as much as anyone else, but I know how to look at different sides of the equation. Stupid shit sells, and if you can use some of that lemming juice to get better enrollment, its perfect.
Classic. Even better is their iPad showing the flash content on the page. I wonder how they did that?

Haven't seen that. This is why I HATE hype because this kind of crap happens and then you end up setting impossible expectations. Like the impossible.
Exactly this is a great idea, not from most of you hater's perspective. But from the perspective of the actual reason they are offered, you can see the value. Laptops given to students are nothing more than enticements. What is better than a laptop? An iPad! Every kid has seen the commercials for these and will be itching at the hip to get one for free.

I think the iPad is a horrible tablet device as much as anyone else, but I know how to look at different sides of the equation. Stupid shit sells, and if you can use some of that lemming juice to get better enrollment, its perfect.

You have a good point as far as gimmick to up enrollment..

I still don't see the dual use of Laptop + iPad + phone.
I would say close to 100% of college students have some form of phone, probably iPhone or Blackberry, or Android or what not.. So your phone and mobile internet is pretty much covered.
The laptop covers you for taking notes in class, research etc.
The iPad brings you e-books. But that seems like overkill to have a hybrid device that's niche is e-books? I guess I will have to wait and see how it pans out.
Check this image :

The 'think outside the classroom' image area is Flash. Won't render on my android phone, so they don't seem to have it filtered for mobile.

Yeah this is what I was talking about and it is indeed Flash. Just checked and it venders just fine on my TPC.

I bring this issue up all the time and people always respond the same, "HTML 5!" In a decade maybe but Flush is well beyond HTML 5 's capabilities and that still doesn't address all of the Flash that's allele out there.

Let's redo the web for ONE device. Unlikely.
As an e-reader, I could see the iPad being used for some English literature class. But I can't imagine using one to display science and engineering textbooks. Usually I had multiple of these books side-by-side, along with journal articles and such. Then there is the highlighting, note writing, and post-it bookmarkings....

And any knowledgeable college student knows that the international version of a textbook is so much cheaper than the U.S. copies. If textbooks are offered on the iBookstore, I would expect the prices to be similar to what you get at the University bookstore (expensive)
book sellers make a fortune selling digital rights and subsriptions etc though too.

anyway...i think technology is making us more the stupider. all you gotta do is wiki something and copy and paste. at least thats what students think. question? search, find, copy, paste. there im done! and they haven't thought much or learned much at all.

ipads are likely to just increase the above problems.

funny thing though - everyone will have one so it wont be cool to have one. so they'll all be going out and buying netbooks or something. isnt there a dr. seus book about this. about sneeches with something on their stomachs? haha!
Seton Hill is like 10 minutes from my house.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Professor "Okay class now view today's video clip over at ... oh oh wait... oh... you can't view that, it uses flash, oops"
Professor "Okay class now view today's video clip over at ... oh oh wait... oh... you can't view that, it uses flash, oops"

Hell they can't even their own university's web site with the damn thing! I mean damn, they could have at least changed the damn home page good grief.
How much do you think they raise tuition to cover the cost of the iPads?
'Free' as in they increase tuition by 3 times as much as the already overpriced iPad costs?
mobile schools for 500$? sounds like a stupid idea bureaucrats would enjoy. however something more affordable and replaceable would probably be more idealistic. along with an actual desktop for an explorer/efficient file navigation system. it would also probably need something that is easier to type with and more ergonomic. free healthcare + free ipads = carpal tunnel surgery for everyone.

hey i know, it sounds like a 200$ netbook they could have instead lol.
This is just horrible just like giving away iPods to new Freshman as well. The best thing a student can get IMHO is a good tablet PC that will last them all four years of college. If Universities, Professors, and Students just learn to use technology that is practical and not just popular.
I would say close to 100% of college students have some form of phone, probably iPhone or Blackberry, or Android or what not.. So your phone and mobile internet is pretty much covered.

Then you would be wrong. Not everyone is so desparate to be 100% internet connected that they shell out for the phones and data plans.
This is just horrible just like giving away iPods to new Freshman as well. The best thing a student can get IMHO is a good tablet PC that will last them all four years of college. If Universities, Professors, and Students just learn to use technology that is practical and not just popular.

+1! I actually try to target my Tablet PC evangialism to students because let's face it, its the PERFECT device for their life style. Unfortunately few students know about them and how they can benefit them. But I do see more and more student ask questions about them in the various TPC forums around and I get a lot of questions from my YouTube reviews from students.
It took me 5 minutes of navigating their website to realize this wasn't Seton Hall. What a rip off...
so why would you hand out ipads? Why not an actual tablet pc, netbook or laptop. Any of those three would actually be useful.
Stupid idea. Kids should appreciate learning from an actual tangible book. If the school isn't planning on using the ipad to store and deliver e-books then it serves no purpose for the kids learning anyway.