'Wolverine' Pirate Going To Prison

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You know the guy that bought an unfinished copy of Wolverine from a street vendor and then uploaded it to the internet? He's going to prison and will have to pay a huge fine. The person that leaked the movie in the first place? Who cares? Investigators didn't even go after them. :rolleyes: Not sure who spell checked this statement either:

"The federal governmnet takes movie piracy very seriously," assistant U.S. attorney Lisa Feldman tells us. "The fact that we prosecuted this case demonstrates the government's effort to work with the entertainment industry in combatting such intellectual property crimes."
Sometimes... sometimes I'm... dissatisfied with this country. This schmuck loses 3 years of his life... and probably 10 whole years of wages because he shared a movie... a friggen movie... and the worst part is: I paid a small part in order to make it happen. :(
So yeah, some random guy that seeds a movie gets punished, but the guy who pirated it in the first place doesn't?

I see how it is. Great work, FBI. Way to spend our tax money. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Did you guys read the article? He plead guilty, but his sentencing isn't until September 19th... 3 Years is the max time he can get. I doubt he will end up getting the full 3 years. That said, it's still BS. They don't give a flying fuck about who he got it from and just want to use this guy as an example. So much less work from them.
Sometimes... sometimes I'm... dissatisfied with this country. This schmuck loses 3 years of his life... and probably 10 whole years of wages because he shared a movie... a friggen movie... and the worst part is: I paid a small part in order to make it happen. :(

And this is one reason I'm an anarchist. Taxation is theft. I don't voluntarily give my money to imprison people. Even if I thought IP was a valid property right I would think the property enforcement would be making the guy pay restitution in line with the damage arising from his action.

Imprisonment isn't justice and the only result is making a formerly productive member of society into someone who can do nothing at the expense of others.
Ok, I thought Bush was the only stupid one in the government after going to war with the wrong country (Iraq)..but it's just the government in general.

Why don't they check the street vendors at the very least for the other illegal copies and follow the next move they find to the source?

Stupid government.
Don't stop the illegal street vendor......no......go after the guy who bought the movie....forget the guy making hundreds a day selling illegal movies.....sheesh...
Ok, I thought Bush was the only stupid one in the government after going to war with the wrong country (Iraq)..but it's just the government in general.

Why don't they check the street vendors at the very least for the other illegal copies and follow the next move they find to the source?

Stupid government.

For a few years I thought the cause was Stupidity. It turns out to be there's an organization called CFR (Concil of Foreing relations) formed by the topmost Elite(Rockefeller was a member) that started at the end of the 19th century/begining of 20th with the sole purpose of dominating the population, destroying the middle class and controlling the distribution of wealth through totalitarianism. Think 1984. The root cause: There are too many people to sustain in this planet and technology has helped the propagation of the human race. They are scared.
"The federal governmnet takes movie piracy very seriously," assistant U.S. attorney Lisa Feldman tells us. "The fact that we prosecuted this case demonstrates the government's effort to work for the entertainment industry in combatting such intellectual property crimes."

Ah, fixed.
A real person is going to real prison, where he will likely get real beatings and occasionally having his life at risk...

Because he spread a piece of entertainment.

Watching movies without a license is considered to be a crime so heinous in the U.S. that they are lumped together with murderers, rapists, thieves, and other true villains.

Is this crazy to anyone else?
Pirate a movie and arguably cause some loss of revenue for the MPAA, go to prison, get huge fine.

Financially rape the general populace for profit and nearly destroy the economy like the bankers did, get a raise and huge bonuses (or just get "fired" with a huge golden parachute worth $20 million+), and have a whole political party defend you from prosecution or tax increase on the ill gotten gains..

Just goes to show, if you're gonna steal, steal BIG and with lots of other people.
Pirate a movie and arguably cause some loss of revenue for the MPAA, go to prison, get huge fine.

Financially rape the general populace for profit and nearly destroy the economy like the bankers did, get a raise and huge bonuses (or just get "fired" with a huge golden parachute worth $20 million+), and have a whole political party defend you from prosecution or tax increase on the ill gotten gains..

Just goes to show, if you're gonna steal, steal BIG and with lots of other people.

It does seem a bit ridiculous to get prison time for something this simple. I think we need to overhaul our justice system, and fast. No one got hurt, no physical damage was done, nobody lost a life, no companies went out of business for one guy uploading one file - this is unacceptable.

Of course, such an overhaul will never actually happen, sadly.
It does seem a bit ridiculous to get prison time for something this simple. I think we need to overhaul our justice system, and fast. No one got hurt, no physical damage was done, nobody lost a life, no companies went out of business for one guy uploading one file - this is unacceptable.

Of course, such an overhaul will never actually happen, sadly.
Why because he can't read an FBI warning telling him up to 5 years in prison and up to a 250k fine. Never be a distributor of pirated crap. I suppose bottlegs don't have the fbi warning but i'm sure he knows of it. I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the warning yet he does it anyways, it's like a policeman saying don't do x you'll get y and z'ed and you go do x. I feel no pity for him. Although not a fan of incarceration on non violent crimes rather just fine them to death. Also he gets send to a federal prison you know how nice those are in the US they are fucking golden compared to a state prisons.
Why because he can't read an FBI warning telling him up to 5 years in prison and up to a 250k fine. Never be a distributor of pirated crap. I suppose bottlegs don't have the fbi warning but i'm sure he knows of it. I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the warning yet he does it anyways, it's like a policeman saying don't do x you'll get y and z'ed and you go do x. I feel no pity for him. Although not a fan of incarceration on non violent crimes rather just fine them to death. Also he gets send to a federal prison you know how nice those are in the US they are fucking golden compared to a state prisons.
I think his point went over your head. He's not saying that the guy didn't break the law; he's saying the law is too harsh. You're actually reinforcing his point.

If the law says "If you make alcohol, you go to jail", very few would say "well he had it coming, that bastard! It says right in the law and he knew the risk going in!"

The law is what needs to change. Not the person.

By the way, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution lasted 14 years before it was repealed--all it did was make everyone a criminal and funneled money into the hands of a few very wealthy people. Sound familiar?

DMCA is 12.5 years old. It seems that it takes about a decade and a half for an abusive, unpopular, counterproductive law to wear on the general public.
Why because he can't read an FBI warning telling him up to 5 years in prison and up to a 250k fine. Never be a distributor of pirated crap. I suppose bottlegs don't have the fbi warning but i'm sure he knows of it. I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the warning yet he does it anyways, it's like a policeman saying don't do x you'll get y and z'ed and you go do x. I feel no pity for him. Although not a fan of incarceration on non violent crimes rather just fine them to death. Also he gets send to a federal prison you know how nice those are in the US they are fucking golden compared to a state prisons.

No wonder your nick is semantics....

The money spent on catching him, prosecuting him, and going through all the hoops to get him in that prison where the system pays even more money to keep him healthy, clothed, and fed, will most assuredly be far more expensive than any potential losses the movie companies have blown out of proportion in their claims in this whole fiasco.

As already noted, you missed the point but that's no real surprise either.

What he did was wrong, by some ridiculous law that needs to be redone itself - and don't take the high and mighty road either 'cause if you're old enough I guarantee you've done something illegal and probably a Federal offense like copying a VHS tape or something similar.

We have murderers that kill multiple people and society has to keep THEM alive and spend money constantly on their care and upkeep as well as the facilities to house them because *gasp* that person is dangerous. Personally, I say cap the fuckers in the head and be done with it - short, sweet, and it will definitely get the point across.

I can see some time in jail, maybe a month or a few, and healthy fines (which the guy would be able to pay if they're not so fucking insanely priced), but 5 years in prison - any prison - for uploading a god damned movie that was already pirated itself?

This is just another example of how the US has become a corporatist state, a collection of government regulators that serve private interests. That this fella is going to prison is another sad commentary - the US has more non-violent offenders in prison, both total and per capita, than any other country around the globe.

But it all started in 1913 when we got that abomination from the bankers of the world - The Federal Reserve. In a hundred years I hope people that read about us in history books laugh at central banking, fiat currencies, and fractional-reserve lending the same way we laughed at alchemists and doctors who used leeches.
making an example out of one person is not going to change anything. Who buys pirated movies on the streets rofl.
ridiculous you can literally kill someone in a bar fight and get less time than that. Punishment doesn't fit the crime. But I learned a long time ago don't fuck with rich people... golden rule. They make the rules and you better play ball.
But I learned a long time ago don't fuck with rich people... golden rule.

Golden Rule - He who has the gold makes the rules. A.K.A. capitalism, survival of the fittest, etc. Just a fact of life that once understood and accepted makes life much more enjoyable when you're low on gold.
Meanwhile the rapist serial killers are getting out of jail extra early and into parole because the prison population needs to be reduced.
they caught the fucking distributor, not the cook, so they solved nothing, useless
Golden Rule - He who has the gold makes the rules. A.K.A. capitalism, survival of the fittest, etc. Just a fact of life that once understood and accepted makes life much more enjoyable when you're low on gold.

"He who has the gold makes the rules" is synonymous with every existing system of government.
Hey and who tells you that Hollywood guys are different from the bankers? Their work must be more interesting to government/political party than work of the bankers.....

They can say what they want and government will follow. There's no better propaganda in the world /watched The Good Shepherd and RED in last couple of weeks.....
Thank God this criminal is in jail.

I was afraid to let my daughter out at night with dangerous hooligans like this walking our streets.

Hopefully his victims can now sleep a little better at night knowing that justice has been served.
How the hell do you get caught doing such a thing. He must me bloody stupid lol
Why because he can't read an FBI warning telling him up to 5 years in prison and up to a 250k fine. Never be a distributor of pirated crap. I suppose bottlegs don't have the fbi warning but i'm sure he knows of it. I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the warning yet he does it anyways, it's like a policeman saying don't do x you'll get y and z'ed and you go do x. I feel no pity for him. Although not a fan of incarceration on non violent crimes rather just fine them to death. Also he gets send to a federal prison you know how nice those are in the US they are fucking golden compared to a state prisons.

Would you steal this car? No I would download it if I could
He is being sentenced until September so it isn't true that he is necessarily going to serve time.