CoD: Black Ops Issues

no issues here on pc. i7-950, hd5870 Like buttah. Have not tried multiplayer, I always do the SP first.

Same here, I have had no issues playing the game... will try the MP tonight just to see but I am planning on finishing the SP campaign first.
I've got some screenshots in another thread. If the graphics look really bad, then you are doing something wrong. It looks just as good as the previous two installments and in some areas, better.
I grabbed it against my better judgement off Steam... crashes a ton on me, stutters, lags, and the gameplay/graphics itself are terrible. I'm working on getting a refund at this time from Steam support.

Will never happen. Not one software company in the world stands behind its product. They will tell you to go to Activision and we all know that Activision will tell you to fuck off and go pound sand.
I mean Infinity Ward.

No, Treyarch or however you spell it did. Right after mw2 success activision came to Infinity Ward and told them they need to get started on it and gave them a deadline. Infinty President and VP told them that the deadline would foster unsafe work conditions and burn out development creativity etc. Basically told them they wouldn't be able to do that and under there contract had the right do do so. Soon after theit homes and offices were raided by private investigators of Activission with there computers confiscated and were were interegated all day. They were told any protest would result in being fired over insbordination. They were then fired for breach of contract with no specifics given. Soon after all on Infinaty ward quit and are suing activision as well. The project then was given to Treyarch.
It's not the bugs that really make this game bad. The game itself just looks awful to begin with regardless.
Its Treyarch and yea they do. I'm sure without question they are trying to figure it out .

I have a pretty high end system (i7 930 OC'd to 4.2ghz , 12 GBs of Ram , 2 GTX 480's OC'd 850core/2000mhz memory) and it still stutters for me and there isn't really a reason it should. But for people who only have the minimum requirements than its god awful and completely unplayable.

They should have done far more internal testing on it and sloppy coding is to blame. MW2 runs butter smooth and did from launch ... its the same engine (with more lighting) so it shouldn't be doing this.

Its good to know they are on top of it , people need to chill out and just exercise some patience. Yes it sucks but being mad about something you can't do shit about is pointless.

Try these in a row with a / in front of the command:
Works for all the gaming world :)

r_multiGpu 0 ========If you have one GPU
r_multithreaded_device 1 ======= If you have multicore processor
snd_losOcclusion "0"
snd_global_attenuation "0"
r_blur_allowed 0
r_distortion 0
r_dof_enable 0
r_glow_allowed 0
cg_brass 0
r_cachemodellighting 1
r_cacheSmodellighting 1
cg_drawfps 1
cl_maxpackets 100
snd_losOcclusion "0"
snd_global_attenuation "0"
10+ hours of CoD:BO and it's fine for me, haven't experienced any problems apart from the killcam lag, that's it. I'm not too bothered :)
My issues:

Can't find a multiplayer server under 90 Ping.
This gives a major adavatge to people who actually have a good connection. If an opponent and I see each other at the same time, before I can even start shooting I'm already dead. I can only get kills from a distance but some times the person can get hit multiple times and still live due to the lag. I think this is everyone's major complaint and needs to be fixed. Singleplayer is running just fine.
I'm not quite sure what happened for me, but on launch day, both Single Player and Multiplayer ran like crap. It felt like a non-stop stutterfest. I read on the steam forums that the CPUs were being identified wrong and to change the CPU GHz in the config files. I compared the configs from MW2 and BO, and in MW2, my GHz was listed as 12.xxxx, whereas in BO, my GHz was listed as 0.008xxxx.

I tried changing this in the multiplayer config yesterday, but the game was still a stutterfest. Then I reverted the config file, and somehow magically, the game became relatively smooth. This is for both Single Player and Multiplayer. By smooth, I mean I didn't get the stuttering that I had before as often. It still did occur, but it wasn't something I couldn't deal with. Multiplayer still had some weird lag issues though, guess it doesn't help that I can't even find a dedicated server that I ping under 100 to (even though the server browser shows 50ms). I miss the days of MW1 where I had sub 20 ms pings to a bunch of servers. Of course, I think my DSL has also started sucking more lately as well.

Anyways, I'm not sure what happened, but the game is SIGNIFICANTLY different when you can play it without that stutter. As far as graphics are concerned, I really can't tell the difference between MW1, MW2, and BO other than MW1 ran the best.
I have COD Black Ops on 360 and still have some problems. Every once in a while it will glitch or freeze. I can't be the only one on 360 with these problems. I haven't really noticed anything yet on Multiplayer.
Here's an example of the extremely high CPU usage. The last time I saw a cpu usage failure close to this one was the need for speed shift cpu usage issue with windows 7 that was fixed in 1.1.

Who turned off the 'edit/delete' option? Anyway. I should post my system specs too.

Windows 7 64-bit
Catalyst 10.10
Samsung SyncMaster 940N 1280x1024
Antec Sonata Elite
Corsair TX650 650W
Intel Core 2 Duo E7500
Corsair XMS2 8192MB DDR2 PC2-6400 800MHz (5-5-5-18) (2x2048MB)
XFX Radeon HD6870
Caviar Black 1TB
Samsung Intern SATA DVD±RW 22x
well i can say is this has been a horrible month for games for myself, i have a c2quad Q9450 @ 3.2ghz 6gb ram and sli gtx465's. Fallout NV is still almost unplayable and in CoD BlackOps i will go from 63fps to 17 fps constantly. I hate what game developers have been doing here and lately its been getting worse. This is the last time i will ever preorder any game ever again. Except Blizzard games, never had a problem with them shipping an unfinished product.
I hate the no edit here.......

when black ops does the frame rate drop its not like alot is going on either, and its annoying as fuck to have your frame rate all over the fucking place... I'm just saying
I read on the steam forums that the CPUs were being identified wrong and to change the CPU GHz in the config files. I compared the configs from MW2 and BO, and in MW2, my GHz was listed as 12.xxxx, whereas in BO, my GHz was listed as 0.008xxxx.

I asked Activision support about sys_configureGHz that and they told me this:

It appears that it was scaled up by two orders of magnitude in previous versions of the game to make certain calculations easier for programmers to visualize. You can find more information on normalized values at:

Fixed everythin for me, i`m running it now on mid settings on my latop (CoreDuo 2.2, 8600mGT)
No issues for me and my system in sig.

And no issues for my roommate on both of his computers....

Must be an Intel thing.... :p
Personally, I am getting to the point where I won't buy a game until it has been out a couple of months. They are coming out in a pre-beta state. The marketing departments just keep pushing the deadlines up. Bioshock 2 was unplayable (and for me because of my personal key bindings, still is). Fallout New Vegas was only a little better, and now 3 patches in it is ok.

I am tired of being used as an unpaid beta tester.
The game isn't quite unplayable, but it does have issues, mainly the MP lag, but over all as a whole it's better than MW2, my computer plays it fine I do 60 FPS locked.
As long as EA and the like, can suck in a 100 million dollars in sales on a barely working game like Medal of Honor in a month, there is no cause for the to change!
As long as EA and the like, can suck in a 100 million dollars in sales on a barely working game like Medal of Honor in a month, there is no cause for the to change!

Medal of Honour was working fine for me. I've noticed Treyarch games (WaW, BlackOps) are less optimized and more buggy compared to Infinity Wards releases (Codmw, Codmw2). And apparantly the single player is shit like bfbc2, anyone confirm this?
Medal of Honour was working fine for me. I've noticed Treyarch games (WaW, BlackOps) are less optimized and more buggy compared to Infinity Wards releases (Codmw, Codmw2). And apparantly the single player is shit like bfbc2, anyone confirm this?

The single player in Call of Duty Black Ops is actually pretty good. Better than the last couple releases for sure.
Ok, thats good to hear then, I hope its similar or better then the original cod4, I guess I might give this one a shot straight after I complete the last half of MOH, which is bloody awesome.
I haven't patched the game yet, but currently my athlon II X2 @ 3.5 can only keep my 4670 fed to about 50-60%. Lots of stuttering and erratic frame rate. I thought this was a dual core limitation much like I experience in BC2. Hope the patch smooths things out. Who beta tested this thing?
C. Release the game for a public beta and get a million free beta testers within an hour. even if only 10% of them give any valuable feedback, it costs nothing but bandwidth and server usage, and you save yourself/the company from the embarasment of releasing a poor quality game where people get pissed because what they just paid $80 for doesnt work correctly.

doesnt seem like a hard decision.

The old saying goes, "time is money." Every day a sellable product fails to release, development and production companies lose tons money. Instead of infinitely beta testing a product to perfection, it’s much more profitable to do a minimal amount of testing and release a sellable product as fast as you can. Then, work out the bugs in a production.
I haven't patched the game yet, but currently my athlon II X2 @ 3.5 can only keep my 4670 fed to about 50-60%. Lots of stuttering and erratic frame rate. I thought this was a dual core limitation much like I experience in BC2. Hope the patch smooths things out. Who beta tested this thing?

Patch did nothing for me, I guess the patch rolled out today was only part of the solution with the rest to come later. There was no wide beta testing done, it was a closed beta by company friends/family.
I just bought this and .... horrible performance and lockups on my new 580. Choppy as hell, mouse is laggy a bit. Man, WTF ....... did a complete reinstall of the os and drivers, different mouse, same exact thing. I am pissed
I'm sure the developers will release a few patches and get it right soon....they always do.. if I remember correctly W@W was a buggy POS when it was released ....they fixed that one on a month or so...
I just bought this and .... horrible performance and lockups on my new 580. Choppy as hell, mouse is laggy a bit. Man, WTF ....... did a complete reinstall of the os and drivers, different mouse, same exact thing. I am pissed

A 580? You need to upgrade there is no way this game will run on old crap like that. I borrowed a DeLorean and then went out to get myself a GTX 880.
if your boss told you it has to ship by so and so date, or you do not get a paycheck until it does.. I think you would ship the damn game to. Publishers get insane with time frames and release dates. they want a cash cow asap even when they already have one. They are trying to have a cod game every november, im sure the devs do what they can, but many of the large publishers do not allow delays for some titles. Maybe most of you do not remember it was 2-6 years for many games to get a sequel , now they are trying for 6-12 month cycles for many of them, while some get 1.5-2 years if they are lucky, or are publishing their own game. this game presales outsold mw2 already, not sure about total sales. corporate greed is killing every industry
Here's an example of the extremely high CPU usage. The last time I saw a cpu usage failure close to this one was the need for speed shift cpu usage issue with windows 7 that was fixed in 1.1.

The choppy framerate disappeared soon after the first checkpoints. Now the fps is more even between 25 fps and 35 fps on the first level. See comparison below. Notice the choppiness in the framerate graph in the first picture. I didn't change the settings so I don't understand how the choppiness could happen.

Choppiness error, unknown cause:
