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  1. P

    Getting back to PC gaming

    Thanks Danny Bui. I haven't looked at the combo deals quite yet, Newegg wishlists don't let you load combo's into them but I did see that. Thanks for the heads up though. I didn't know that about the RAM, and I only picked that particular DDR3 1600 because it was on the mobo's compatibility...
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    Getting back to PC gaming

    I had the 650 originally chosen, but I was hoping to pick a PSU first time around that would allow me to upgrade into an SLI setup further down the road without buying a new one. Do you think either of those, the 650 or 750, would be able to power 2 x GTX 570s? I could spend a bit more for a...
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    Getting back to PC gaming

    I want to build a new PC to handle all of the games coming out this year (BF3, Skyrim, SWTOR, etc.). The last machine I built for myself was 7 years ago, and after that I went mostly to gaming on Xbox. In an effort to get back into PC gaming, here's what I've got so far. Thanks for any help or...
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    Flash Games offline?

    Is there a way to play internet flash games without an internet connection. Basically is there an easy way to download and run flash games?
  5. P

    "Not Enough Free Space" with 859GB avail....

    I just bought a WD 'My Book' external HDD. It's the terabyte model with a USB connection and my intent was to use it to store DVDs on it so I don't need to have disks around. I ripped some DVDs to my desktop using DVD Decryptor into .VOB files of about 4 gb's in size each. I have plenty of space...
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    Odd RROD question...

    So I've got a 360 here. Had it for about 2 years and now its starting to break. I'll turn it on and the picture is very glossy, its hard to describe. But eventually after this the picture will go out completely and there will just be sound. This happened once before and in a last ditch attempt I...
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    Connecting the 360 wirelessly

    I just got a 360 and want to get it set up with Live. I've got a wireless network set up at my house with WEP encryption and a MAC address permissions list. Hardwiring the 360 sadly isn't an option right now and I was wondering what my options for connecting it wirelessly are. I don't really...
  8. P

    Flaky Connection when Hardwired

    I've got a home network set up using a Linksys WRT54G and some repeaters. Several computers are connected to this network wirelessly and all perform fine. I have 1 computer on the entire network hardwired to the router and this is where the problem is. After actively using the internet on this...
  9. P

    DS Multiplayer

    I just picked up a DS for a trip im going on with some friends. I wanted to make sure that, in order to play multiplayer locally, just with my friends, i dont need any sort of LAN set up like with a router do I? I know to play online you have to connect, but just for local multiplayer we wont...
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    no display on boot-up

    I was recently setting up my computer to display on an HDTV and had heard about powerstrip. I decided to give it a try to get a nice fit on the TV screen. After i had done that, i wanted to go a bit further and try to get a better resolution out of the TV to make the display fit the size better...
  11. P

    Older HDTV as Monitor?

    no :-\
  12. P

    Older HDTV as Monitor?

    Hi Im trying to set a computer up for my friend to run on his HDTV It's an older Mitsubishi, a VS-60111. Right now, Im running component out from a radeon X700 to the TV. I've set it to ATI's Catalyst Center's defaults for 1080i but all of the text is so small that it can't be read from the...
  13. P

    Using big HDTV as a monitor

    Well. I use the ATI Catalyst Center to configure the video card to run at an optimized resolution for 480 or 1080 so i dont have to scroll to the sides or up and down. If I use 480, it sets it to like 640x438 or something close to that, it's lower than 640x480. I can set it to 1080 and then it...
  14. P

    Using big HDTV as a monitor

    Hey, I was wondering what would be the best way to use a 60" HDTV as a monitor. I have the component out converter on my video card but when i connect it to the TV, I'm either stuck in 480 and everything is gigantic to the point that normal windws and installation windows dont fit. Or I'm in...
  15. P

    Problem with PC wired to WRT54G

    bump to see if anyone can help me
  16. P

    Problem with PC wired to WRT54G

    Well, i've had this router for at least a year now and it has worked flawlessly. My sister just got a laptop for college and so I decided to set up my printer as shared so she wouldnt have to plug a printer in as my computer is on pretty much all the time I'm awake. So then we decided to extend...
  17. P

    Movies to DVD-R

    Well, I spent my money on DVD decrypter a while ago..... but I just picked up a copy of DVD Shrink. I did the first movie as ISO from DVD Decryp. and then burned with DVD Shrink. I figured the whole ISO thing was a waste of time and space so im going straight from drive to drive in DVD Shrink...
  18. P

    Bluetooh keyboard/mouse

    Hi, im trying to set up a bluetooth keyboard and mouse in a home office. I'm able to get the keyboard and mouse both detected by windows and I can use them, but the problems i have are with getting to windows. The bluetooth reciever uses a USB port to power up and so every time i start windows...
  19. P

    Movies to DVD-R

    I just picked up a stack of 50 DVD-R's on black friday for 7 bucks so I figured i would try to copy some DVDs i own. Im looking for a way to copy the DVD's to my computer, shrink them down so they fit on a regular DVD, and then have in a format i can burn with Nero or use another program to burn...
  20. P

    Wireless Interfaces

    I've been looking for a wireless keyboard/mouse, but i was wondering, What is the difference between IR and RF. Are there any pro's con's from either, like range, or interference with other devices like remotes or radios or anything. So basically, if you had to choose RF or IR, which one and...
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    Gaming on a TV

    Well, your response helped either way, but you misread what i said. its a 'Projection Television' not a Projector. But thanks for your answer, i think i have it figured out now.
  22. P

    Gaming on a TV

    I was just asked to build a computer for my neighbor who wants to use their computer on a 60" Projection TV. Now, I know a lot about computers, but I have never built one to be used on a TV rather than a monitor, so i was wondering what extra equipment i would need in order to do this. The TV...
  23. P

    *RANT* BF2 Tee'd me off today

    well at least you still have your account.... i went to a lan party and was playing with the new patch for the first time. Just got my 2nd unlock for free, yea i know 2 isnt much, and then when i get home to play it, 'the uniqunick supplied is invalid'.... YAY my account got deleted for no...
  24. P

    Starting a new character on WoW: Whisperwind please join

    you know that your pet gets a skill called 'growl' that taunts, and you can set it to autocast. My hunter hardly ever takes damage, and he's only lvl 16
  25. P

    Virtual Drives

    i know i made it,sorry for the repost but i didnt think the title was representative of the topic :confused:
  26. P

    Virtual Drives

    I just dl'ed Daemon Tools and the trial version of Alcohol 52 and have been testing out some of the things you can do with them. I mounted an image of BF2 on daemon tools after copying the .iso in alcohol, but when i went to try it with Rome:Total War, the only file i can make the image is a...
  27. P

    Images of Game Discs

    I just dl'ed Daemon Tools and the trial version of Alcohol 52 and have been testing out some of the things you can do with them. I mounted an image of BF2 on daemon tools after copying the .iso in alcohol, but when i went to try it with Rome:Total War, the only file i can make the image is a...
  28. P

    Mobo fried..... thrice

    My friend has had 3 mobo's fry out on him. He is running an fx 53 and has had an Asus a8n and a gigabyte model.3 times these mobos have fried out, i think the asus has gone twice and the gigabyte just went because it was replacing the asus. I thought it was a bit odd to get 3 lemons so im...
  29. P

    Quick Mobo question

    Hi, I built a system about a year ago, an AMD s754, and i had been using one of those really old powerbars that has the 3 button switch that sits on your desk and you can turn off power to all but 1 of the plugs with it. I recently got a new desk and of course, had to upgrade my dated powerbar...
  30. P

    Logitech G7 & G5 Gaming Mice.....D*&^%N!!!

    Well, i dont think it will actually retail at 100, the mx510 says 50 and you can find that for about 30 easily. But however much it ends up being is still pretty expensive for a mouse. The keyboard looks pretty sweet though.
  31. P

    Battlefield 2: Ranking and Awards Earned

    Here's mine, i wont try to make an excuse for the K/D like the rest of you did :p but really, i dont care too much about it, im having a blast playing and thats all that counts to me. Awards: Basic Sniper Combat Basic Medic Combat Basic Spec-Ops Combat Basic Assault Combat Basic...