Older HDTV as Monitor?


Jun 19, 2005
Im trying to set a computer up for my friend to run on his HDTV
It's an older Mitsubishi, a VS-60111. Right now, Im running component out from a radeon X700 to the TV. I've set it to ATI's Catalyst Center's defaults for 1080i but all of the text is so small that it can't be read from the couch. When I try setting it to 480p/i everything is so large that most dialogue boxes and programs don't fit on the screen because they're too large. Is there a way to get the resolution large enough to fit standard programs, installers, and web browsers, and also be able to read the text comfortably, specifically text on websites and in programs?
If you want everything larger you can right click on the desktop select properites to bring up the display properties, go display properties->settings tab and click the "advanced" button and change your dpi from 96dpi to 120dpi.
You can change just the font size to large or extra large in the display properties, right click on the desktop and select properties->appearance tab then theres a dropdown box with font size.
Also internet explorer and firefox have the option to change font size, go view->font size, or just hold down ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel to scroll through font sizes.
You can increase the DPI, but it sounds like you may need to increase DPI to like 150 or so. If you do, then windows are going to be really messed up for you. Unless you go with Linux or OSX that has proper scaling... or Vista.