Search results

  1. C

    [Warm] Dell 2405FP UltraSharp for $880 shipped from COSTCO [unlimitted return time]

    im sure some ecomnics major somewhere figured out that at 35$ (or more) a year membership fee, that most people, probably 80% or more never even know about the return policy and 10-15% of those that do never get Around to returning it, and those that do, they make thier money on a memeber ship...
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    Konica/Minolta 1350w Laser Printer $49.98 Staples B&M NO rebate

    its IN store only I did notice the minolta 1400W is out... but looks worse than the 1350 (1200x600 only, 17ppm, but had USB 2 :P I ended up bringing mine back - got an extra 20% off since it was open :) now im lookin to make sure no ones got one since id rather have a NEW one than 10$
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    Konica/Minolta 1350w Laser Printer $49.98 Staples B&M NO rebate

    anyone else get an Open Box? I got mine home and 3/4 of the packaging was missing, everything was there but the CD was opened and in backwards... Staples taped it up and sold it as new!!! :mad: :eek: I wrote the CS, i better get some satisfaction!
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    system runs at FSB + 33mhz?

    its a foxconn - not sure of the model # I dont really see anything for FSB, only ram speed and CPU speed I had been Oc'ing it by 15% or something and it ran fine, but then it started freezing (i think its a voltage supply problem, OOOLDD house) so i set back to default but now its @ 600mhz FSB...
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    Konica/Minolta 1350w Laser Printer $49.98 Staples B&M NO rebate

    read post @ 12:05 on my way to meet g.f for lunch happened to be a staples in the same plaza 12:10 i had 2 1350's :) Awesome
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    system runs at FSB + 33mhz?

    My g/fs computer that i built was freezing and halting randomly, and after looking at it, i noticed something weird The system runs at (this is what it says in the bios) "FSB + 33Mhz" Anyone ever seen that before? Ive tried clocking it at lower speeds, being that its a 5.53 celeron, It always...
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    10 pack Verbatim DVD+R DL 20$ @ BB

    god damn BB, they were sold out, so under the store availability i saw they were local went and picked up brought to counter, 66.56 please umm no, theyre 19.99 from where? umm where? lemme check comes back and says that the in store price doesnt match because the store is...
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    Polk R15 $50 + S/H (pair)

    hah thats not bad but i got my Monitor 40's for 69 each - bought 4 cause it was such a good deal =D Awesome speakers though Polks 4tw
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    BSOD Stop when booting, ms says it cant load reg. into mem???

    So i thought it was a HD problem i ran the dell checker and the memory seems fine, even swapping out the chips for others doesnt seem to help Could this be a windows problem or is this something strickly hardware? (dell insp.8600) edit : forgot 0x00000067 had a problem with a corrupted...
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    Recovering data from external USB drives

    Slight h/j Anyone know how to open a Maxtor 5000DV? mines gona and given me a "drive is not formatted" after i had to hard reset (drive wasnt in use)
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    Ext. Firewire drive problem

    So my external 250gb HD decided to be weird today I had to reset because CS:S lock up on load. nothing to odd, usually its in game, not loading that it locks but i figured w/e restarted and ran CS:S for a while np then went to start my Mp3s and nothing would play... hmm go to folders...
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    Anyone good with Services? (help + support wont start)

    So im trying to get MSinfo32 to run, and in doing so discover ive someone uninstalled, or never installed Help + Support service on my XP SP 2 desktop - ok fine, i get a reg file to implement it now its on the list of services with startup as automatic, but says " Could not start Help and...
  13. C

    F/S: Nvidia 5700 Ultra + Zalman Cooler! 130 shipped

    I got an upgrade and dont have room for this anymore! Its a BFG 5700 Ultra, about a year old, and runs great! ~30Fps steady @ 1680x1050 in CS:S and d3, Call of duty peaks @ 80fps and holds Card runs strong, and cooler keeps the temps Low, built with AS5 so the chip is under 50C with full load...
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    Performance loss with dual displays?

    ive noticed this for a while, and ive just turned off the second monitor, right click on desktop, prop, and unclick expand windows.. its easy and helps the other thing that hurts is 2 resolutions, the more info it has to render the worse it is, ie 1680x1050 + 1600x1200 will be a lot better...
  15. C

    msinfo32 not working?

    Trying to make CS:S more stable i was going to send VALVe my msinfo32.nfo, but i cant get it to load :( checking google, it seems i need "help and support" service running, but I dont even SEE it in my services, can you not install it/disable the service from even showing? Im running XP SP 2...
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    how can Auto OC be better than manual?

    timings are 2.5-4-4-8 - bout as loose as i can go, its Corsair XMS c2 2.0-3-3-6 stock i set it to 1.6v but it was saying it was 1.65 in cpuz, it was stable for 8 hours in prime 95 @ 2.989ghz with a 5:4 divider, so i was only getting 172mhz on the memory, memory was set to 2.75v AGP @ stock...
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    how can Auto OC be better than manual?

    CPU-Z is what im reading from, thats not acurate? Figured that was pretty good, or the asus probe which tells me the currenty v-core voltage, which happens to be the same as Cpu-z
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    how can Auto OC be better than manual?

    Im trying to get my 2.6C to get a little more boost out of her, and it seems like everything i do i hit a wall around 3.25 with 5:4 settings. I thought more voltage might help, but even putting the voltage @ 1.55 (runs around 1.504-1.533 normally) i cant hit the same speed i get when i set the...
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    need to figure out which is better, how to test?

    Ive got a semi-dilema, i can hit about 3.33 on my 2.6ghz p4, stable, much higher and it just wont boot :P thermal right is doing her ok, just doesnt like >3.4 So my memory on the other hand can hit ~225, which @ 5:4 would put me around 3.6 which would rock but not boot :( so @ 1:1 i can run @...
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    program to drain batterys?

    wear level is 0 so i dunno, i just think that the battery isnt really getting that the low voltage is a lot lower than it needs so it goes to ~15% fine, then drops in like 3 minutes from there I discharged it with Hot CPU and then just let it do some random stuff till it turned off, now im...
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    program to drain batterys?

    oooh good idea! Thanks!!
  22. C

    program to drain batterys?

    Ah, yes, this would work, boot from DVD and then play CD till it dies- and as a bonus i get to see how well linux would work on here :) Thx
  23. C

    program to drain batterys?

    I have a dell i8600 and the battery managment stinks between like 15% and 2% i have about 10 minutes, and from 15-100 i get about 2 hours, my old ibm was better, would at least last to 0, usually sit at 0 for a while, and although thats not better id like a medium Is there a program that will...
  24. C

    X800 XL AGP for $206 at BB.

    got mine @ Circuit city after they price matched a low BB @ 239$ - and STILL gave me the 30$ mir 250 out the door with 30$ coming back nice - just wish it Oc'ed better
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    reinstall sleep mode? (enters s1 not s3)

    looking at it in notepad it looked like a profile for powersupport, different settings with opions, if you want i can post it here It was all in Hex though, but there was a few schemes that i recognized always on.. presentation, max battery i can post it if someone needs it
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    reinstall sleep mode? (enters s1 not s3)

    incase someone else is looking for a fix, MS sent me a reg file, fixed everything =D had to get to the engineering level of ms tech but it fixed it
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    wireless stress teste?

    whats a good program to test wireless/ stress it I ask because i had a set of drivers for my 2200b/g and they updated them and i want to see if they are as stable they cut out the other day but i dont know if that was windows or the drivers theres also a new "stickyness" option which at home...
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    WTB: Dell Truemobile 350 (with cable)

    Im looking for a dell truemobile 350 (bluetooth) Looking to pay about 35$ shipped Anyone got one no ones using?
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    WTB: Dell truemobile 300/350 W/ cable

    Need one cause i dont want to carry a usb bt adaptor around but 50$ on ebay is to steep to sway me from using it as is :P anyone got one for 30-40$ shipped, less even :D
  30. C

    Anyone else get a Dell Hook-Up card in the mail?

    mine was like 40% off all accessories and crap :P nothing i want. to bad acessories doesnt cover LCD monitors ;) my 2005FPW could use a buddy
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    6800U or 7800

    haha 24 pipes, i think im on 8 now lol 3X increase, oh man =D ill wait for an AGP - dont have any money right now anyway, but i do want to get it soon before its replaced again lol I wasnt sure if theyd make it though, heard the 6800 was the last AGP, i guess ill have to wait and find out, or...
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    is there a 478 AND 775 compatbile pci x16 board?

    ive got a 478 2.6c and want to get a 7800XTC but i need PCI-e but i dont think i need to upgrade EVERYTHING yet (MB, CPU, RAM AND Video) So is there one that will take as much of what i have already without getting killed? i have pc3200 DDR ram, 2.6C @ 3.25 478 P4 and AGP 5700U I could sell...
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    6800U or 7800

    OH MY! I didnt know it was that good =D way to go Nvidia 7800 is my next card then just have to get money for new MB or wait for AGP version
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    6800U or 7800

    I was bound and determined to wait till the new gpus came out to get one, rather than getting it when the prices are low and then seeing my lovely purchase replaced with the new model, like i have happen all the time (i8600 for example..) SO i wait, and now its out, and im wondering if getting...
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    reinstall sleep mode? (enters s1 not s3)

    My laptop had a bit of a mishap and well ended up having to repair the install of the OS to get power management back, but now its only partially there. under power options i can ONLY select home/desk profile and cant create anything new, and sleep mode only enters s1 mode, (cpu stopped, vid...
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    dothan bsel0 to ground?

    ok, after reading a bunch I figured out that teh 915 has to be there for this to work really... i have a i855PM chipset :( I heard someone say this might work on this chipset, depending on manf. date and such, but that the pins are different. which pins and how is it wired, anyone know?
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    OC'ing my i9300 need a lil help

    Does this trick work with ALL 400fbs dothans? (i have a i8600 1.6 - 400mhz FSB..dont wanna have to buy a new one ;) OR do i have to have a 533 FSB motherboard?
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    Which Route? 1:1 or 5:4?

    hehe this is true yeah i got 3.34 to boot and ran all day, but CS:S crashed and now i cant get it to boot at those settings anymore, so im back to 3.31, its only 30mhz less, what is that 1% lol What agp/pci should i be running, i have it set to 80/40, but sometimes i get weird FPS, like it...
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    Which Route? 1:1 or 5:4?

    Ok, so why is that when i set the FSB @ 257, witha 5:4 divider, and set the cpu @ 1.585v, when i look @ Asus monitor or CPU-z it shows 1.6845v?? Im really trying to hit 262 (3.4ghz, i know 60mhz wont make a difference but its nicer than 3.34, and its not That far away, and so it shouldnt be...
  40. C

    Changing c: to d: and vice versa?

    i dont think people realize im not trying to boot from F: and make it all work, i wanted to make my f: become my c: - i did it and it worked fine..