reinstall sleep mode? (enters s1 not s3)


Feb 14, 2005
My laptop had a bit of a mishap and well ended up having to repair the install of the OS to get power management back, but now its only partially there.
under power options i can ONLY select home/desk profile and cant create anything new, and sleep mode only enters s1 mode, (cpu stopped, vid off) not s3 like it used to (cpu OFF, HD off, vid off, ram slow resume)
Is there a way i can edit this (regedit/system cfg?) or reinstall it (drivers) or someway to make sure when i repair it again it gets the correct install (i heard pressing f5 while "setup is checking your hardware" will bring up ACPI compability menu)
Anything i can do to get this to work would be great, i tried just reinstalling the whole OS on another drive to see if that works but that wont find ANY of my hardware :p so thats not much of an option
This is a Dell i8600 1.6 centrino w 1/gb ram, and latest bios
While this will not fix your exact issue in the running version of windows, it will help with your reinstall.

Use step 6 to locate and download the drivers for your hardware.
I recomend downloading the drivers to your partition with the not working version of windows, and then using them from inside the new version, assuming both OS'es are on the same drive (or two hard drives runnig simultaneously), and you do not have a CD burner to simply download and burn the drivers to.

I tried the link and all it seems to pull up is the search results. If so, just choose the first result: How Do I Install the Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating System on My Dell™ Inspiron™ 8600?
incase someone else is looking for a fix, MS sent me a reg file, fixed everything =D
had to get to the engineering level of ms tech but it fixed it
looking at it in notepad it looked like a profile for powersupport, different settings with opions, if you want i can post it here It was all in Hex though, but there was a few schemes that i recognized
always on.. presentation, max battery
i can post it if someone needs it
I'd like to see it out of curiosity. If you don't feel like posting it you can email me. darth.bagel at gmail dot com.