system runs at FSB + 33mhz?


Feb 14, 2005
My g/fs computer that i built was freezing and halting randomly, and after looking at it, i noticed something weird
The system runs at (this is what it says in the bios) "FSB + 33Mhz"
Anyone ever seen that before?
Ive tried clocking it at lower speeds, being that its a 5.53 celeron, It always runs at 2.6 even with resetting the bios :eek:
Why does it run like that? Could it be something with a 800mhz chip with a 533 board or is it just a bios thing maybe?
I thought i got everything working 100% before but now im second guessing
What kind of motherboard is she using? Will it let you change the fsb+33 setting to anything?
its a foxconn - not sure of the model #
I dont really see anything for FSB, only ram speed and CPU speed
I had been Oc'ing it by 15% or something and it ran fine, but then it started freezing (i think its a voltage supply problem, OOOLDD house) so i set back to default but now its @ 600mhz FSB @ 2.6ghz
really odd no?
ChronicTrees said:
What kind of motherboard is she using? Will it let you change the fsb+33 setting to anything?

I've only seen that option on P3 systems with 100/133 FSB's. VIA based motherboard in particular come to mind.
my moms system with a amd athlon, or XP when it suits my needs, and a via chipset, has the same setting under fsb or memory speed, its spd + 33mhz....i just set them to run 1:1 though, sync the memory with the fsb