OC'ing my i9300 need a lil help

May 30, 2005
hey i want to oc my i9300 i am running the Pent. M730 1.6 which is 533fsb not 400 so the pin trick wont do anything. Is there mod'd bios i can get i have already tried teh pin trick and nothing happened becuz those holes are already short'd out.

So is this possible to oc if so how? i have read like 4 guides and neither will work w/ my proc for some reason and i had 2 diff freinds do the pin trick

- thankx
hey i got that program and it wont let me set my multiplier any higher then 12 and it only lets me under clock my cpu
Shattered-Glass said:
hey i got that program and it wont let me set my multiplier any higher then 12 and it only lets me under clock my cpu

Thats because the Dothan's multi cant be raised, unfortunately. Sorry, I thought that the FSB could be raised via this program.
you need a 400 fsb processor to do the oc, just buy one and sell your 730, or build a rig around the 730 they are faster then the FX's haha - waiting for responses
Socrilles17 said:
they are faster then the FX's haha - waiting for responses

No they arent and that's all I'll say to that ;)
The rest can be discussed in PM's, but I'm sure you know the silliness of the Pentium M vs FX55 "debates."
yes its so obvious that the dothans are better, right now there performing clock for clock with boards that have to be hacked with an adaptor and don't support sli and the like, if only the dothan had a real home ;) ;)
hey so there are no mod'd bios for this and how much should i sell this 730 for? and how much does a 715 run me?
Does this trick work with ALL 400fbs dothans? (i have a i8600 1.6 - 400mhz FSB..dont wanna have to buy a new one ;)
OR do i have to have a 533 FSB motherboard?