6800U or 7800


Feb 14, 2005
I was bound and determined to wait till the new gpus came out to get one, rather than getting it when the prices are low and then seeing my lovely purchase replaced with the new model, like i have happen all the time (i8600 for example..)
SO i wait, and now its out, and im wondering if getting the new card for almost 2x the price of a 6800ultra is worth it, or if spending 300 on a 6800 would be a better bet, HL2, CS:S and BF2 are the games im playing but i have a Dell 2005FPW so 1680x1050 is what i need to run these games at. CS:S and COD and such are ok for now, but COD2, BF2 and others really tax it and cause low FPS :(
Which should i upgrade to. Id have to wait for a 78xx AGP or get a new MB too if i get one of those..
Canon20d said:
I was bound and determined to wait till the new gpus came out to get one, rather than getting it when the prices are low and then seeing my lovely purchase replaced with the new model, like i have happen all the time (i8600 for example..)
SO i wait, and now its out, and im wondering if getting the new card for almost 2x the price of a 6800ultra is worth it, or if spending 300 on a 6800 would be a better bet, HL2, CS:S and BF2 are the games im playing but i have a Dell 2005FPW so 1680x1050 is what i need to run these games at. CS:S and COD and such are ok for now, but COD2, BF2 and others really tax it and cause low FPS :(
Which should i upgrade to. Id have to wait for a 78xx AGP or get a new MB too if i get one of those..

7800 is a BIG upgrade over the 6800U
XSNiper said:
I believe 1 7800= 2x6800U's.

It's more like 1 7800 ~ 2x6800U's in some situations, particularly GPU limitted ones. Most games now are CPU limitted when using these monster cards. In Battlefield 2, it looked like it was about equal with SLI'd 6800U's.
I didnt know it was that good =D way to go Nvidia
7800 is my next card then just have to get money for new MB or wait for AGP version
Canon20d said:
I didnt know it was that good =D way to go Nvidia
7800 is my next card then just have to get money for new MB or wait for AGP version

The AGP one will probably cost as much as a mobo and PCIe version, haha
the difference in the 7800 series vs the 6800U is huge, the idea was to recreate the 6800. it has alot more speed, and it has 24 pipelines...vs the 6800's 16pipelines...those extra 8 are what differ the 6800 from the 6600. its huge...

I did hear an AGP in the making, but I heard that ATI and NVIDIA plan on making this there last AGP card...and moving to PCI-E
haha 24 pipes, i think im on 8 now lol 3X increase, oh man =D
ill wait for an AGP - dont have any money right now anyway, but i do want to get it soon before its replaced again lol
I wasnt sure if theyd make it though, heard the 6800 was the last AGP, i guess ill have to wait and find out, or email my buddies @ BFG and ask for some Tech support ;)
300 for a 6800U... I would definetely get that instead of the 7800GTX if it comes to agp... you should expect around 650$$ for an agp 7800gtx... IF it comes out.. 300 bucks 6800Ultra is DAMN good.. buy it..use it sell it and you wont loose anything :)
Get the 7800gtx with the anticipation of eventually getting another to have 7800gtx sli. yes, one 7800gtx is as fast as two 6800u. Besides even at an awesome price of $300 for one 6800U, two of them will cost more than one 7800gtx now (around $540 in some places...go to Hot deals forum to check them out).