how can Auto OC be better than manual?


Feb 14, 2005
Im trying to get my 2.6C to get a little more boost out of her, and it seems like everything i do i hit a wall around 3.25 with 5:4 settings. I thought more voltage might help, but even putting the voltage @ 1.55 (runs around 1.504-1.533 normally) i cant hit the same speed i get when i set the CPU voltage to Auto
on auto @ 3.25 with 5:4 i get the values as i said above.. thats 200mhz cpu and 1000mhz bus, no prob, prime 95 stable and all, set it to manual 1.55 or 1.525 and it wont even post, i tried to set it to 1.6, and even 1.7, but they wont post there, but WILL post below that (2.6 and 2.79)
I set it to 2.79 @ 1.7v manually, and then used clockgen to run it up to 3015 and it was ok, but hit 3250 and it hardlocked and rebooted, does my chip just REALLY like low voltages, or what? Im stumped. If i leave it @ auto voltage i can get it to boot @ 3.34 and even post around 3.4. but ill be damned if i can get it to even post @ 3.25 on manual
Whats is Up?!

Antec Smartpower 2.0 500W power supply, asus p4p800, p4 2.6c, corsair XMS c2, Zalman sp-94 w/ 92mm fan, and current temps are 26C proc and 21C mobo. have about 4 fans so its not overheating..

thoughts, comments, suggestions? im not lookin for miracles, but i figured if i could do 20% on auto i might get a bit more on manual and i cant, and i dont know why, higher speeds + higher voltages are usually more stable...
use a multimeter to find out what voltage its feeding it on 'auto', that might help you understand
CPU-Z is what im reading from, thats not acurate?
Figured that was pretty good, or the asus probe which tells me the currenty v-core voltage, which happens to be the same as Cpu-z
Canon20d said:
CPU-Z is what im reading from, thats not acurate?
Figured that was pretty good, or the asus probe which tells me the currenty v-core voltage, which happens to be the same as Cpu-z

ASUS' temperature and voltage readings are wildly innaccurate, what are all your settings?

memory timings? type of memory?
vdimm? temps? agp/pci lock is set to what? Divider is set to what? (200, 166, 133, etc)
agp/pci speed is set to what?

lots of variables here
ScHpAnKy said:
ASUS' temperature and voltage readings are wildly innaccurate, what are all your settings?

memory timings? type of memory?
vdimm? temps? agp/pci lock is set to what? Divider is set to what? (200, 166, 133, etc)
agp/pci speed is set to what?

lots of variables here
timings are 2.5-4-4-8 - bout as loose as i can go, its Corsair XMS c2 2.0-3-3-6 stock
i set it to 1.6v but it was saying it was 1.65 in cpuz, it was stable for 8 hours in prime 95 @ 2.989ghz with a 5:4 divider, so i was only getting 172mhz on the memory, memory was set to 2.75v AGP @ stock, 66/33, i just tried going to 1.575, 1.550 but it didnt like those either. so i set the vcore to auto and left dimm @ 2.75, @ 3.25 (250 fsb W/ 5:4) and it wouldnt boot, set the dimm v to auto and it boots fine...
i guess im going to have to try to figure out where i want to go and just keep trying options..