Did Nvidia's 30x0 launch diminish likelihood you will wait for AMD big Navi?


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[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
Nvidia came out swinging hard.
Same price point 2080 -> 3080 = 80-90% improvement in one single generation. That's huge, probably a record.
AMD's formal announcement is over one month away, likely in October -- for their years long anticipated "big Navi". We don't know what it's capable of at this point, but we figure somewhere between 2080TI and 3080. We've been promised big Navi would be disruptive to the GPU market for it's performance/value proposition, but that was before Ampere launch and we don't yet know Navi's performance or price.

Was Nvidia's announcement so strong that the fight is already over? Is 3080 and 3090 performance so strong that Navi becomes an "also ran" even before it official launches?
Do you still expect it to be disruptive?

I know there is a thread or two like this, but let's see it via easy to view tally vote!
AMD is only taken the time to tune the clocks now that the rabbit jumped which they have hard data .. where you been for the last 20 years of this Cat and Mouse game ? the Show must go on as a lesson was learned the hard way = RX 5600 XT
Nvidia came out swinging hard.
Same price point 2080 -> 3080 = 80-90% improvement in one single generation. That's huge, probably a record.
AMD's formal announcement is over one month away, likely in October -- for their years long anticipated "big Navi". We don't know what it's capable of at this point, but we figure somewhere between 2080TI and 3080. We've been promised big Navi would be disruptive to the GPU market for it's performance/value proposition, but that was before Ampere launch and we don't yet know Navi's performance or price.

Was Nvidia's announcement so strong that the fight is already over? Is 3080 and 3090 performance so strong that Navi becomes an "also ran" even before it official launches?
Do you still expect it to be disruptive?

I know there is a thread or two like this, but let's see it via easy to view tally vote!

Personally I think that the 3080 while very fast is no where near what Nvidia claimed and that Biggest Navi will likely be faster in rasterization, have more memory and be cheaper. There are some rumours they will make a card to compete with the 3090. I think there will be some buyer's remorse for 3080 early adopters
AMD has a target to shoot at now. Ampere is fast but it's still well within range of Navi especially if they crank power like Nvidia did. There could be some salty 3080/90 buyers.

End of the day though even if AMD does well on the fps charts it's highly unlikely that they catch up on features and ecosystem. So for me at least Ampere is a safe buy.
Haven't fully decided yet, but I think I'll get a 3080. Even then, I'd hope AMD has something good, even though I'd be unlikely to buy it.
AMD is only taken the time to tune the clocks now that the rabbit jumped which they have hard data .. where you been for the last 20 years of this Cat and Mouse game ? the Show must go on as a lesson was learned the hard way = RX 5600 XT
Can’t tune the clocks indefinitely without adding significant heat and power draw. Jays2Cents has pictures of the card. It doesn’t have the cooling system to really crank on the voltage. The cooling system looks fairly standard for a ~250 ish to 300 watt card. Notice 2 eight pin power connectors.


Past AMD cards like Fury X and even Vega didn’t have much O/C headroom to play with at release clocks.

I suspect AMD is way past the last minute tuning timeframe and well into the manufacturing retail packaging timeframe if they do plan to release cards next month or even November. For better or for worse - what AMD has now, whatever that is... it’s almost surely past the point of any significant up tuning at increased power and heat.
Can’t tune the clocks indefinitely without adding significant heat and power draw. Jays2Cents has pictures of the card. It doesn’t have the cooling system to really crank on the voltage. The cooling system looks fairly standard for a ~250 ish to 300 watt card. Notice 2 eight pin power connectors.

View attachment 279865

Past AMD cards like Fury X and even Vega didn’t have much O/C headroom to play with at release clocks.

I suspect AMD is way past the last minute tuning timeframe and well into the manufacturing retail packaging timeframe if they do plan to release cards next month or even November. For better or for worse - what AMD has now, whatever that is... it’s almost surely past the point of any significant up tuning at increased power and heat.

So does Jayz2Pesos have the card in hand?
Most likely not 3080 performance. AMD late October announcement killed it for me.
I will get 3080 today and won't care about AMD, unless I don't get a 3080 soon and everything is out of stock until mid October.
Mostly none of the above. Since I'm not planning to buy a new card until probably November-ish I'm by default seeing what AMD does first, but I have no expectations of AMD offering something that will change what my currently intended purchase is (3090). I would love to be wrong, but we will see.

So does Jayz2Pesos have the card in hand?

No, some one sent him pictures of it. He doesn't even know where they originally came from as the person he got them from is not affiliated with AMD or any AIB. However, considering when he got from them and how the card renders look they're probably the real deal (or, at least, real prototypes).
Now today we can say...........

Did nVidia's piece of paper make you not want AMD?

Lmao AMD take my cash now

I was up early, poised with multiple browsers open, and alerts in place -- ready to hand nvidia my money now!

But if they do a bait and switch like this?

They can't have it.

He says he has multiple sources.

He actually complained about the red trim? Then spent time talking about polish of one render over the other and then showed a real picture and once again, even more upset about the red trim. I could not watch that video the rest of the way, totally pointless.
He actually complained about the red trim? Then spent time talking about polish of one render over the other and then showed a real picture and once again, even more upset about the red trim. I could not watch that video the rest of the way, totally pointless.
I actually like the red trim, and think it's a good looking card, but his broader point being that it should be neutral coloration so it can go with any case color scheme. That's valid. That's one of the reasons I didn't buy a Gigabyte AORUS motherboard or video card last gen when otherwise I would have. It was Orange... meh. I’m sure we aren’t alone in that thinking - so when a manufacturer paints on one color or a scheme, they limit their potential sales. Gigabyte Eagle is doing the same thing. Bright blue painted Eagle logo. Why?
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I actually like the red trim, and think it's a good looking card, but his broader point being that it should be neutral coloration so it can go with any case color scheme. That's valid. That's one of the reasons I didn't buy a Gigabyte AORUS motherboard or video card last gen when otherwise I would have. It was Orange... meh.
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I am not impressed with the 3080 anymore. Its beating the 2080ti 15-30% in gaming benchmarks but it also is using more power then a 2080ti. I still tried to buy one for $699 and failed.... I think the real winners right now are the people that picked up a 2nd hand 2080ti for $500.
Until 3070 comes out, and I see prices for both, I am in no rush, I wont spend $1k CAD for a 3080.
Haha... who said this wasn't going to be a paper launch? I feel like the majority are going to be waiting on AMD launch wether they wanted to or not ;).
The only problem I really have with these kinds of things is this: People that say they only want AMD to do well to keep nVidia prices in check. Even IF AMD manages to create one hell of a card and it curb stomps the 3080 at a better price.... the vast majority of people will still buy the nVidia card anyway! nVidia sadly has a lock on mindshare. This has historically been true for quite a while now (see: Fermi), and is why AMD will never "beat" nVidia - AMD can't stay competitive when even if they "win" no one buys their products.
The only problem I really have with these kinds of things is this: People that say they only want AMD to do well to keep nVidia prices in check. Even IF AMD manages to create one hell of a card and it curb stomps the 3080 at a better price.... the vast majority of people will still buy the nVidia card anyway! nVidia sadly has a lock on mindshare. This has historically been true for quite a while now (see: Fermi), and is why AMD will never "beat" nVidia - AMD can't stay competitive when even if they "win" no one buys their products.
I think AMD Ryzen has perhaps started to turn that tide against Intel. That too seemed an insurmountable task before Ryzen.

It would take multiple generations — 3 or 4 generations of solid and even superior GPU performance to reverse the mindshare - but it’s possible.
The only problem I really have with these kinds of things is this: People that say they only want AMD to do well to keep nVidia prices in check. Even IF AMD manages to create one hell of a card and it curb stomps the 3080 at a better price.... the vast majority of people will still buy the nVidia card anyway! nVidia sadly has a lock on mindshare. This has historically been true for quite a while now (see: Fermi), and is why AMD will never "beat" nVidia - AMD can't stay competitive when even if they "win" no one buys their products.

I miss ATI, back in my day I owned many ATI video cards and they were usually incredibly competitive with Nvidia. The R9 290 was the last ATI card, then AMD bought ATI and started rebranding. They rebranded or respun the R9 290 three times while Nvidia ran away with their lunch money and a part of the Canadian in me died. It's honestly gone downhill ever since. Look at the R9 290, on release that was the best value high-end graphics card on the market by far. It had terrific performance, solid drivers and I consider it one of my best PC purchases ever. The 5700xt is the closest they've come to reclaiming some of their former glory. I really hope they get their shit together but I doubt it's going to happen. Nvidia is slowly locking down the market with DLSS, Color filters, streaming features, ultra low latency features, and we don't see AMD pushing back.
If I can get a 3080 before November with not much trouble, I will do that. Otherwise obviously we'll see what AMD brings. I am not convinced it will match or beat the 3080, though, based on current rumors.
Serious question here. I have an HP Omen 27” 1440p 144-165 hz monitor. Currently on a GTX 1080 FE. Would Big Navi Or any AMD videocard work on this monitor? If it does looks like my choices on GPUs to use just gotten wider. If not I guess I’ll continue nVidias scavenger hunt for the RTX 3080.
Serious question here. I have an HP Omen 27” 1440p 144-165 hz monitor. Currently on a GTX 1080 FE. Would Big Navi Or any AMD videocard work on this monitor? If it does looks like my choices on GPUs to use just gotten wider. If not I guess I’ll continue nVidias scavenger hunt for the RTX 3080.

What do you mean "would it work"? Would it display an image? Yes. Is the monitor GSync only? Then it wouldn't be compatible with AMD's offerings in that regard.
What do you mean "would it work"? Would it display an image? Yes. Is the monitor GSync only? Then it wouldn't be compatible with AMD's offerings in that regard.
Yes it has the GSYNC module. I guess I’ll continue the hunt for a 3080.
The only problem I really have with these kinds of things is this: People that say they only want AMD to do well to keep nVidia prices in check. Even IF AMD manages to create one hell of a card and it curb stomps the 3080 at a better price.... the vast majority of people will still buy the nVidia card anyway! nVidia sadly has a lock on mindshare. This has historically been true for quite a while now (see: Fermi), and is why AMD will never "beat" nVidia - AMD can't stay competitive when even if they "win" no one buys their products.

5% or even 10% better performance isn't a curb stomping. IF AMD truly does destroy their NV competition that's when things will start to really shift mindshare. Also, AMD needs to better their software stack and support. We'll see how it goes with Big Navi.
I think it increases it if anything. I wanted a card now so I went for a 3080, but if it doesn't ship then I'm more and more likely to consider Big Navi as each week passes.

I've been AMD the last few rounds though due to Freesync, now that that has opened up I kinda want to give Nvidia a try again. If Big Navi is a good value then I will consider it.
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I have a 3418DW (GSync) monitor so kind of locked to Green. Only upgrade I would see from it is an LG OLED (but I realllly like UW) so Big Navi would have to run it for it to make sense.

We'll see how it goes. Got 2 3080's on order, might have one before Navi is revealed. Or released.
I was going to wait for RDNA 2 to launch, but my C7 LG OLED literally blew up (made a big bang and smoke poured out of the rear vents) After a bit of a discussion the retailer and LG, they're going to replace it free of charge with a brand new CX 120hz G-Sync HDMI 2.1 65". And then out of the blue my local retailer emailed me and said he had an Auros 3080 Extreme come in and wanted to know if I was interested. So as soon as the screen arrives, i'll be in gaming heaven.
If AMD has a card that is 3080 like in performance and priced right, I will buy whichever of the 2 that is actually in stock somewhere unless I can find a 3080 b4 they launch
Here's the dealeo, Nvidia will keep making great cards, however, all it takes is a bit of oversight and arrogance to change that. Sure, Nvidia's current offerings looks awesome, aside the scalping and other issues (nothing new there), however, AMD has an extra month of testing and making things work better. AMD also now gets to take a closer look at Nividia's offerings because Nvidia released first (oversight). My point being, AMD powers the consoles and we see what raytracing can be done on those and it is eye-widening. I expect that to transfer to the PC side with a bit more power (Unlimited....POWAAAAAA!) added. My issue with AMD's last offering was driver support and issues, not to mention it barely brushed up against the 2070 Super. I OCed my 2070 Super to where it is knocking on the door of the 2080 Super, well past the RX 5700 XT. Truly, I hope MAD can get it right this time as my 2070 Super was my first Nvidia card since the GeForce MX 200 I had so long ago; ATi/AMD cheaper and good perf, with exception to last 2-3 gens. Watching the AMD CPU reveal now.
No, and if anything this might result in my second ever AMD/ATi card purchase because the supply was so screwed up from nVidia. If they deliver performance on par with a 3080 in raster applications and they're available at launch they get some bucks from me.
I'll snap up the first (decent) 3080 I can find. When AMD launches - and if they have availability - I'll likely pick up first available in that performance range.
Right now for me it’s I’ll buy anything that will give me 3080 performance or near it for near 3080 prices unless someone has something significantly faster and the pricing makes sense unlike the 3090. So whoever gets it to me first win.