YouTuber Hits 6 ghz with Ryzen 2700X on ASUS Crosshair VII Hero Using LN2


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
YouTuber der8auer has set a new Geekbench record with his overclocked Ryzen 2700X running on an ASUS Crosshair VII Hero motherboard with LN2 cooling. His 6ghz with the 2700X is a new record for the Ryzen family of processors. All in all this is a great thing for AMD and it seems like the new 2700X is going to be a real winner. Stay tuned for more reviews to hit the web. Also, don't forget to check out the [H] review. Thanks, cageymaru.

Watch the review here.
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I thought the republic of gamers was owned by Nvidia now? What's it doing on a AMD motherboard?

That link is broken:

That link is broken:


Fixed. My browser was burping for some reason earlier this morning.
Holy crap that's good news on multiple fronts for AMD.
I thought the comments at the end were interesting with regard to cold OC work being so much easier on the AMD socket platform.
I say this to every person I meet at cars and coffee clubs. Folks have their hoods popped showing off their aftermarket forced induction, bored motors, custom headers. /s
Good thing my car's warranty is long expired then!
I don't understand why anyone cares when they use LN or non sustainable over clocks. It means nothing in the real world. I think the only ones that should count are the ones that can keep a clock rate with no errors that can be used all the time. The rest are like flooring an engine until it burns out which does what exactly other then prove that you can get a specific RPM for a very short time period.
I don't understand why anyone cares when they use LN or non sustainable over clocks. It means nothing in the real world. I think the only ones that should count are the ones that can keep a clock rate with no errors that can be used all the time. The rest are like flooring an engine until it burns out which does what exactly other then prove that you can get a specific RPM for a very short time period.

Umm, have you checked what forums you are in? The purpose is because you can. It doesn't matter that you might not be able to keep it going 24/7, just that you can keep it going long enough to test and verify it will run at that clock. It is about pushing the boundaries and seeing where you can push the limit of the hardware and if it will respond.
I don't understand why anyone cares when they use LN or non sustainable over clocks. It means nothing in the real world. I think the only ones that should count are the ones that can keep a clock rate with no errors that can be used all the time. The rest are like flooring an engine until it burns out which does what exactly other then prove that you can get a specific RPM for a very short time period.

Not a fan of top fuel dragsters eh?
Umm, have you checked what forums you are in? The purpose is because you can. It doesn't matter that you might not be able to keep it going 24/7, just that you can keep it going long enough to test and verify it will run at that clock. It is about pushing the boundaries and seeing where you can push the limit of the hardware and if it will respond.
I understand Darcschnider point completely. While 6ghz on air is interesting to me, I don't really care about it as much as if someone did 5Ghz with air. I am always more excited about news pushing limits that I can achieve when I buy my equipment than extreme results with overly specialized equipment.
I don't understand why anyone cares when they use LN or non sustainable over clocks. It means nothing in the real world. I think the only ones that should count are the ones that can keep a clock rate with no errors that can be used all the time. The rest are like flooring an engine until it burns out which does what exactly other then prove that you can get a specific RPM for a very short time period.

The point is to show the outer limits of the chip, and what it is capable of, not run a production server.
I understand Darcschnider point completely. While 6ghz on air is interesting to me, I don't really care about it as much as if someone did 5Ghz with air. I am always more excited about news pushing limits that I can achieve when I buy my equipment than extreme results with overly specialized equipment.

That was not his point though. His point was why does anybody care. The statement wasn't just about being more excited about sustainable clocks, his point was about caring at all about achieving a high clock on LN2....
That was not his point though. His point was why does anybody care. The statement wasn't just about being more excited about sustainable clocks, his point was about caring at all about achieving a high clock on LN2....

6GHz isn't a high clock for LN2 though...
AMD hit 8.4GHz seven years ago...

So what does this chip hitting 6GHz mean? Nothing.

BTW love the slogan Ginger @le, wife and I totally agree. Only thing I couldn't easily confirm was the actual specs of the processor AMD used other than the names(not number). By no means an expert on AMD, I only recently begun to get refreshed on them since Ryzen, but if AMD's wasn't a multithreaded CPU and D8auers was or perhaps who left which threads running then that would account for the difference in speeds. Just not enough details in either story to do a true like for like comparison.
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This guy has had a pretty crazy year. He's literally gone from zero to hero pinging back to the first ryzen release, through threadripper and the 7980xe delidding. Keep pumpin the gas!
Is it time for peltier and vapochill systems to make a comeback?
oh how I miss the days of peltiers, water chillers and direct die phase change systems.... actually just picked up a free 5000btu window unit yesterday and water pump, was debating on making a water chiller and throwing together a ryzen 2700 system..... funds for such endeavers will be here in 1 week.... thought not sure if I'm ready to pull the trigger....

overall the novelty has KINDA worn off, not to mention the older I get, the more I'm concerned with efficiencies and...reliability.... (pretty much why ive been aircooled on my last 3 systems)
YouTuber der8auer has set a new Geekbench record with his overclocked Ryzen 2700X running on an ASUS Crosshair VII Hero motherboard with LN2 cooling. His 6ghz with the 2700X is a new record for the Ryzen family of processors. All in all this is a great thing for AMD and it seems like the new 2700X is going to be a real winner. Stay tuned for more reviews to hit the web. Also, don't forget to check out the [H] review. Thanks, cageymaru.

Watch the review here.

You guys going to do a Ryzen 5 2600x review soon? That chip looks amazing for $230.

Single core, LN2?

Completely useless. Why do people even do this?

The only thing that matters with overclocking is having a practically useable day to day system, not some one-off useless record build.
I don't understand why anyone cares when they use LN or non sustainable over clocks. It means nothing in the real world. I think the only ones that should count are the ones that can keep a clock rate with no errors that can be used all the time. The rest are like flooring an engine until it burns out which does what exactly other then prove that you can get a specific RPM for a very short time period.

Yep, agreed.

All cores enabled, 24/7 load stability, with a feasible all day every day cooling system that doesn't require high maintenance or unreasonable noise levels, or I really don't care at all.

These results mean nothing.
By eliminating a variable (heat) it does help demonstrate some interesting performance capabilities. In this case, an IPC improvement over the previous record holder on a particular benchmark. However, that is a lot of work and investment to yield an obvious conclusion. ;)
The first Zen seems to have hard limit around 4.3Ghz it's great to see Zen+ can go way higher.
If only they sold LN2 at Microcenter.... right next to the Mr. Fusion endcap I'm sure.

I love high clocks as much as the next [H]ard person... but really what's the point. If someone could hit a solid 5ghz on all cores with some kind of extreme (but mortal achievable) water cooler... that would be news.
big whoop the xeon x5698 could do 6.2ghz on ln2 back in 2011. and the x5690 can still probrably go higher and stay stable on normal cooling solutions
oh how I miss the days of peltiers, water chillers and direct die phase change systems.... actually just picked up a free 5000btu window unit yesterday and water pump, was debating on making a water chiller and throwing together a ryzen 2700 system..... funds for such endeavers will be here in 1 week.... thought not sure if I'm ready to pull the trigger....

overall the novelty has KINDA worn off, not to mention the older I get, the more I'm concerned with efficiencies and...reliability.... (pretty much why ive been aircooled on my last 3 systems)

speaking of peltiers i recently did a few builds with them for fun and was reminded that 1. they are stupidly ineffeciant. and 2. condensation is a bitch
Is it time for peltier and vapochill systems to make a comeback?
No shit! Even the [H] was reviewing such way back. It was awesome but too expensive at the time. So time passes, costs drop, tech evolves.....NOPE!
What happened?
No shit! Even the [H] was reviewing such way back. It was awesome but too expensive at the time. So time passes, costs drop, tech evolves.....NOPE!
What happened?
I agree. Could never get into water, just not enough to pull me over. I understand it's purpose is silent stable high performance but my air rigs are barely louder than a whisper if you're more than a foot a away from 'em. Thanks to our AC the house rarely gets above 72-74 degrees.

These other kinds of tech, well that's another story. If costs were low enough I'd definitely be interested in seeing what they could do for either CPU or more importantly GPU's. I could only imagine what my 1080TI running stable at 2.5-3.0GHZ and cooled to 30c would be like or the 2600k pushing 5.5+ Ghz at 40c. At one point I was considering getting a mini-freezer and modding it to place my MOBO in it. Someone I know said not worth the effort because the compressors can't keep up. Oh well, a man can dream.