TWO 1.6Ghz Low Voltage Xeons $119

Up and going finally at 2.4ghz. 200x12. Going to let it burn in like this for the next day then do some playing with it. If there is ANY question yet on what you have to do to the PC-DL with these chips...
1. U-wire B2-B3
2. U-wire C2-C3
3. U-wre D2-D3
4. Drop your multipliers in the bios down to 12 from the default of 16
5. Change your FSB jumpers

This is the jumper setting for 133-166 FSB

This is the jumper setting for 200-233 FSB

Really..this is all there is. I stripped a speaker wire back..cut the bare wires to about 1cm...I used my small needle nose pliers instead of tweezers to insert the wire and badabing..overclocked.
I can't seem to post @ 200 fsb. I am a little miffed, because it seems like everyone and their brother can do it, but not me. I am at 1.55 volts, I dropped the multiplier to 12x, I have ddr400, I don't know. It fires up, but I never see it post anything. I thought about swapping the cpu's around and maybe the memory, but I am not sure how much I want to screw with it. They are running 2.6 very easily now. And removing the windtunnels adds about 20-30 minutes to everything.

Anyone have anything else that I might have missed?
Stealth5325 said:
Guys, just an update. If you don't know an answer, then don't post wrong information please. Those mxc603's I posted WILL fit. In factHere's a picture. ,

So bigger cooling solutions DO fit, at least on early rev boards.

Good find on the article. But something concerns me and maybe you guys that allready have the board can answer this question.

anandtech said:
The only overclocking adjustments on the current board/BIOS combination are FSB adjustment from 133 to 165 and the ability to use a lower multiplier with 3.06 Xeons. Without PCI/AGP lock and any voltage controls at all, even these features are of limited value.

Did they just have an earlier revision? Anandtech says you can only go up to 165, did a bios update take it up higher? The PCI/AGP lock. Shouldnt all 875 boards have that? If it doesnt, I dont understand how you guys are getting up there with the fsb.
El Nacho said:
Good find on the article. But something concerns me and maybe you guys that allready have the board can answer this question.

Did they just have an earlier revision? Anandtech says you can only go up to 165, did a bios update take it up higher? The PCI/AGP lock. Shouldnt all 875 boards have that? If it doesnt, I dont understand how you guys are getting up there with the fsb.

Yes, I do think the agp is locked. I read somewhere that all the boards with the 875 chipset were locked. Also, I don't think the 200 fsb jumper setting is documented, but you can do it. There doesn't seem to a jumper setting for 166-200 though.

Ok. These diagrams say "top", as in the cpu is clear and we are looking thru it, not looking at the bottom of the cpu. We are basicly looking at the socket?

So with the ram slots against my belly( the missing pins/key holes/ twards me), i need to screw around with the upper left hand side of the sockets right?
nightanole said:

Ok. These diagrams say "top", as in the cpu is clear and we are looking thru it, not looking at the bottom of the cpu. We are basicly looking at the socket?

So with the ram slots against my belly( the missing pins/key holes/ twards me), i need to screw around with the upper left hand side of the sockets right?

Correct on thinking that the pics show you without a CPU in it...or the CPU is clear and you are looking through it. It's not from the bottom side up.

Look at the missing pins and line the picture up with the way that you have the motherboard laying. I was half asleep when I did the u-wire mod and only remember that the one's I did were on the upper left..but I can't remember which way I had the motherboard laying. Hope that helps you.
Lets clear some things up here. I see alot of the same questions being asked over and over again.

1. You do NOT HAVE to break any pins to do the voltage mod.

2. If you want to hit 200fsb+ then you MUST do two things.
a. you must set the fsb jumper : see penguinscomp's diagram on page 11.
b. you must do the u-wire voltage mod. Why you ask? Asus boards usually dont read
custom bios adjustments for cpu settings until after the initial post sequence. If you
do not do a voltage mod and set the fsb to 200 via the jumper, your board will try to
try to post for a split second at the default cpu multiplier, 16, with the fsb at 200,with
voltage at default 1.35 volts. In other words it will try to post your cpu at 3.2GHz at
1.35 volts. Thats just not happening. Even with 1.6 volts some people will have
problems with the initial posting sequence.

3. Alot of people dont know this, but you can actually use a standard atx power supply
with this motherboard. I believe this is docuemented in the manual. If you have nice
400W+ PS already, you might wanna look into this. For the 24 pin power connection,
simply center the plug leaving 4 pins open on each side of the motherboard's male
power connection. As for the 8 pin female connection on the board, take your 4 pin 12
volt plug and place it accordingly on the 8 pin female connection using the 4 pin plug's
keyed layout. You cant place it incorrectly cause its keyed. I believe if I remember
properly, its the far right right set of 4 plugs. I've set up a few of these PC-DL's using
standard power supplies in the past with great success, but a really high quality power
supply is recommended.
Nexx said:
3. Alot of people dont know this, but you can actually use a standard atx power supply
with this motherboard. I believe this is docuemented in the manual. If you have nice
400W+ PS already, you might wanna look into this. For the 24 pin power connection,
simply center the plug leaving 4 pins open on each side of the motherboard's male
power connection. As for the 8 pin female connection on the board, take your 4 pin 12
volt plug and place it accordingly on the 8 pin female connection using the 4 pin plug's
keyed layout. You cant place it incorrectly cause its keyed. I believe if I remember
properly, its the far right right set of 4 plugs. I've set up a few of these PC-DL's using
standard power supplies in the past with great success, but a really high quality power
supply is recommended.

You can. I also want to warn people of this. It is not only the rated power of the PSU that matter, but also how much it can supply on the 12V line because that's what powering the the motherboard and CPUs. 2 PSUs can have the same 480W ratings but one can only supply max 18A on the 12V and the other can supply max 28A.
Hi-quality ATX PSUs tend to have good 12V line supply but check to make sure. IMHO, a decent quality EPS/SSI PSU (24 pin) is a sound investment for a long time. If you already have a good ATX PSU, that's probably ok while you are looking for a good deal on an EPS. If you are buying a new PSU anyway, definitely go for an EPS.
El Nacho said:
so is the pci/agp locked? Anandtech says it isnt.

According to what I've read over at and, the AGP/PCI lock didn't come until bios revision 1.05. BTW, ASUS released bios v1.06 (final) the other day. Get it at
Finally got my wind tunnels from 8anet. Just wanted to verify a couple of things.

1. Seems like I read that the fans draw too much current to be plugged intot he fan headers on the motherboard. Is this really the case. Seems like a serious design flaw if that's true.

2. If you're not planning on overclocking do you even need the fans?

Thanks in advance for any tips you can supply.
Allaxul said:
Finally got my wind tunnels from 8anet. Just wanted to verify a couple of things.

1. Seems like I read that the fans draw too much current to be plugged intot he fan headers on the motherboard. Is this really the case. Seems like a serious design flaw if that's true.

2. If you're not planning on overclocking do you even need the fans?

Thanks in advance for any tips you can supply.

Just 5v them, yull be fine, and you wont have to switch fans to get a low noise. If your not over clocking these things suck like 30 watts each, My 3400 amd sucks 178 watts. Yull never seen 40c with 5v fans and stock speed and voltage. Now mind you if your going to do that 200mhz fsb you will have to volt them to 1.6v so they can do that split second post at 3.2ghz before the bios setting kick in. Ive seen people get 2.4 stable with stock voltages, so 166 or 133 bus should be fine at stock voltage.
Allaxul said:
Finally got my wind tunnels from 8anet. Just wanted to verify a couple of things.

1. Seems like I read that the fans draw too much current to be plugged intot he fan headers on the motherboard. Is this really the case. Seems like a serious design flaw if that's true.

2. If you're not planning on overclocking do you even need the fans?

Thanks in advance for any tips you can supply.

running two wind tunnels off the headers on my board, i have the smaller 4000rpm versions. seem to run fine but i do have the system setup to shutdown if the fans fail for any reaosn
I found a couple of references on 2cpu that make it sound like the older revisions that 8planet sell are probably safe to run. The already opened boxes I received from 2planet had the coolers but no wiring adapter. I'm not sure if it was removed or if it was never included. Pictures I've seen of the wind tunnel kits online show it with a wiring adapter that plugs into the molex connectors.

I'm thinking about wiring up the same kind of thing but taking nightanole's advice and using the 5V instead of the 12V leads so that it runs slower and quieter. Should be fine since I'm not overclocking. I ran it briefly without the fans at all just to make sure everything was working and it runs nice and cool. Don't know how well it will do under load, though.

How noisy is yours, Nexx?

Thanks for the tips!
Allaxul said:
I found a couple of references on 2cpu that make it sound like the older revisions that 8planet sell are probably safe to run. The already opened boxes I received from 2planet had the coolers but no wiring adapter. I'm not sure if it was removed or if it was never included. Pictures I've seen of the wind tunnel kits online show it with a wiring adapter that plugs into the molex connectors.

I'm thinking about wiring up the same kind of thing but taking nightanole's advice and using the 5V instead of the 12V leads so that it runs slower and quieter. Should be fine since I'm not overclocking. I ran it briefly without the fans at all just to make sure everything was working and it runs nice and cool. Don't know how well it will do under load, though.

How noisy is yours, Nexx?

Thanks for the tips!

well i have some medium speed 80mm case fans in the antec sx1080 case im using for my server. it really cant hear the wind tunnel fans over the 80mm fans so they dont seem that loud but that all relative. Im usually more tolerant of fan noise then most people.
OK. Got the wiring adapter rigged up so that the yellow and black wires hook into the 5V and ground on a Molex connector. The green wire goes to the MB fan header so that I can monitor the fan speed. The problem I'm having now is that I get a constant alarm when I turn on the PC.

Everything seems to be working. The temps are fine. I'm wondering if it's complaining because the fans aren't spinning as fast as it thinks they should be. Any ideas? I went through the bios but didn't see a way to disable the alarm or even tweak values. Not sure I care for the AMI bios. Award seems to be easier to use.

Any ideas?
I recommend not 5Ving your fans. 7V is a safer bet. Red wire from fan into yellow wire from PSU, black wire from fan into red wire from PSU.
Up and running at 12x200 @1.55v using the same exact method Penguincomp did. (Illustrated so nicely a few posts before me) Catch is that the black Asus heatsink for the Northbridge is getting scalding hot! Anyone have some elegant solutions to keep it cool?
cswake said:
Up and running at 12x200 @1.55v using the same exact method Penguincomp did. (Illustrated so nicely a few posts before me) Catch is that the black Asus heatsink for the Northbridge is getting scalding hot! Anyone have some elegant solutions to keep it cool?

Personally, i put a 50mm fan on my northbridge using some hot glue on the corners... works great and looks sharp. you can also get one of these
I got word from and they said that they probably won't have any more in stock for awhile. :( But at least the deal lasted for a couple months. If there's a moderator reading this do you think you can move this thread to either the Overclocking board or the Multiprocessing board please?
For anyone who bought this and has it working, how many open processor things do you have in the Windows task mannager CPU History window? I only have two. I have Hyperthreading on. Did I do something wrong?
^^^what windows are you running? you need xp pro or above to use all "4" processors. 2k only allows 2 and cant tell if they are real or logical. XP home allows for one real and on logical.
Thanks for the tip on how to get it to 7V, dandragonrage. What do you mean by safer, though? Any idea if this will bump the RPM up high enough that the alarm won't go off (if that's what's causing it)?

I'm still annoyed with this AMI bios. I have gone through the bios carefull and can find no way of telling why the alarm is going off and no way of disabling it or changing the thresholds. Anyone know how this can be done? I'm still not sure if the fans are the problem and I don't really want to resolder the wiring adapter I made to test it if I can help it...

Thanks again for any advice.
I'm using XP professional. I thought I was supposed to see 4 little graphs. Could one of the processors not be registering correctly? I have it overclocked and it has been running stably no hangups. Even if I lower the speed down to stock I still only have 2 graphs.

In this new install of windows xp sp2 there is no "processor" tab in the Device Manager. I know on my old hyperthreaded computer it would show two processors there. Any other ideas on where I could look, or how to check if all four of the cpus are working?
If you see two processor graphs that means Windows XP Pro was configured for a multi-processor system and there's nothing wrong with it. Your bios probably has hyperthreading disabled.
^^^It's enabled in the bios. These little chips are fast. So far I'm happy.
Damn these Xeons. I tried the pin mod AGAIN. Freaking broke two pins. I was all careful and everything, kinda slid the pins to the side to make room for the hole. Pushed the CPU down with a little force and bam; like 6 pins bent, 2 severely. So I straightened them all out. Started computer again, no go. Insert key held down; no go.
Take CPUs out again, check the pins, 2 severly pins are now crumpled and break when I went to slowly bend them back. Pop in the CPUs without the damned wires, boots up fine. Forget this crap. I'm getting 2x2.4 M0 Xeons instead for $200 shipped. Both OC to 3.2ghz on stock voltage. These 1.6s prolly wouldn't even get 3.0ghz.
DriveEuro said:
Damn these Xeons. I tried the pin mod AGAIN. Freaking broke two pins. I was all careful and everything, kinda slid the pins to the side to make room for the hole. Pushed the CPU down with a little force and bam; like 6 pins bent, 2 severely. So I straightened them all out. Started computer again, no go. Insert key held down; no go.
Take CPUs out again, check the pins, 2 severly pins are now crumpled and break when I went to slowly bend them back. Pop in the CPUs without the damned wires, boots up fine. Forget this crap. I'm getting 2x2.4 M0 Xeons instead for $200 shipped. Both OC to 3.2ghz on stock voltage. These 1.6s prolly wouldn't even get 3.0ghz.

2.4 xeons are like $200 each, How does one get 2 for $200?
well then thats not a viable solution for us. Finding a buddy or something to sell you the things cant help us. Hell i thought you just found a deal, Seemed viablem, oh well. Heatsinks are coming this week, i get to see how i do.
Well, I still have these 1.6 Xeons running and probably will for a while. I'm thinking about another Xeon box. So two total. Also getting these 1.6 xeons for $100 shipped. Unused. Guy figured he didn't need them. Hahaha, 6 xeons chips. I'm horrible.
really in 6 months that might not be a bad upgrade. Say i get 2.8 outa these, getting a pair that does 3.2 wouldnt be a bad upgrade.

Any one know if the 90nm ones work with the pc-dl with a haxored 200mhz fsb?
DriveEuro said:
Well, I still have these 1.6 Xeons running and probably will for a while. I'm thinking about another Xeon box. So two total. Also getting these 1.6 xeons for $100 shipped. Unused. Guy figured he didn't need them. Hahaha, 6 xeons chips. I'm horrible.

Aww...I only have 4 of these Xeon procs! LOL
DriveEuro said:
Damn these Xeons. I tried the pin mod AGAIN. Freaking broke two pins. I was all careful and everything, kinda slid the pins to the side to make room for the hole. Pushed the CPU down with a little force and bam; like 6 pins bent, 2 severely. So I straightened them all out. Started computer again, no go. Insert key held down; no go.
Take CPUs out again, check the pins, 2 severly pins are now crumpled and break when I went to slowly bend them back. Pop in the CPUs without the damned wires, boots up fine. Forget this crap. I'm getting 2x2.4 M0 Xeons instead for $200 shipped. Both OC to 3.2ghz on stock voltage. These 1.6s prolly wouldn't even get 3.0ghz.

lol, wtf, what kind of gauge wiring are you using? I used single strands of audio cable wire from a cdrom audio cable. really really really thin wire. my xeons popped into the sockets twice without a hitch. it didnt even seem like i had wires in the sockets.
Make sure when you put the wires in that the wire is bent into a tight "U" Fold the wire almost right together. If it's a wide "U" you'll have problems.
I'm just waiting on my board, I picked up a set of these Xeons along with Antec True Power 550W Eps12v. Stock Xeon windtunnels (fans mount on top) and some OCZ Pc-3700 Gold Rev2 mem. This should be a fun toy :D
Nexx said:
lol, wtf, what kind of gauge wiring are you using? I used single strands of audio cable wire from a cdrom audio cable. really really really thin wire. my xeons popped into the sockets twice without a hitch. it didnt even seem like i had wires in the sockets.
Speaker wire. Apparently not as thin as you guys used. That's the reason why. To give you an idea of thickness. It took 2 of those wires to fill the socket holes. Although I only used one. I checked at the PC-DL users site and my wire looked just like the wires shown there. Made into a thin U shape that fit snuggly in the socket hole without buldging.
Other people I know have used an old IDE ribbon cable, stripped out of its casing. Seems to work well, I guess i'll find out when my board gets here (tomorrow-wed).