TWO 1.6Ghz Low Voltage Xeons $119

DriveEuro said:
I was all careful and everything, kinda slid the pins to the side to make room for the hole.

This statement here sounds like your wire was just too big. Done correctly, the CPUs should almost completely go all the way down on their own.
WesM63 said:
Other people I know have used an old IDE ribbon cable, stripped out of its casing. Seems to work well, I guess i'll find out when my board gets here (tomorrow-wed).
That's what I'm using now, on my third attempt.

OK, here's the deal. Use the ide cable which is easily 3x thinner than what I was using. I get the wires in, boot. Fans spin for no more than 1/2 a second. Reseated both heatsinks; no go. I then proceed to place a thin wire in the socket for the two pins that were missing on the one cpu. Still doesn't work. Anyone got a clue? The pins missing are B4 and D2.
CPUS run fine at 2.5ghz with stock vcore. Just when I try the pin mod for 1.6v the won't start up. Fans spin half a second and then i can't start it again until i clear cmos or turn off and on the PSU. I'm getting some 2.4s in a few days for $200 shipped that are pin modded to 200x18 so I don't have to deal with the wires.... grrrr
I'm not even getting in on this deal but a long time ago I wired up a Celeron to up the voltage...

Here is the deal: Go to RadioShack or any electronics store. They will have wire that is very very very small. They will also have a tool that looks like a screw driver but instead it has a hollow end with a hole on the side of the shaft. This tool makes it easy to tightly wrap the very very very small wire (stripped end) around the pin.
cmv said:
I'm not even getting in on this deal but a long time ago I wired up a Celeron to up the voltage...

Here is the deal: Go to RadioShack or any electronics store. They will have wire that is very very very small. They will also have a tool that looks like a screw driver but instead it has a hollow end with a hole on the side of the shaft. This tool makes it easy to tightly wrap the very very very small wire (stripped end) around the pin.

You start talking about the rear defroster trick and i will have to kill you. Then again have you seen the bottom of a p4/xeon, the pins are about 2x closer together then on the pIII/celerons. But ( yes i started with but) your idea does solve alot of problems. AKA you dont have to think to much for mirror image pin maping, and you dont have to worry about the pins and the wires fighting for realistate rights.
Well i got her at 1.6v and am using copper finned supermicro 4u coolers ( easier to 60 to 80mm mod). At 2.8ghz and 200mhz bus i get spontanous reboots. Any ideas? It doesnt happen when i use the machine, its when i walk away for like an hour. Its only done this 2x in a week. Temps are in the low 30's at idle, and high 40's load ( which there never is with this much power, even ffdshow at full tilt doesnt break 10% cpu or rase the temps past 37c). Not sure if spontanous reboot is cpu, ps , or ram.
does it do it when i goes to standby/sleep? Have you run memtest on the ram on that board? If you drop down to 2.6, does it still do it?
Anyone not want theirs? Disappointed with theirs? I couldn't get a set from the order but I want some.
just got my heatsinks in. Goning to be installing here very soon. I think either way i'll be keeping mine.
Prime95 only bakes it at 33% ( dont know how to get it at 100%). Cce encodes fine ( maxes 3 outa 4 proc). Tryed lowering it to 2.4ghz. Still does it. Cpu voltage is still 1.55v acording to bios. Sandra says voltages are like 2.7v and 3.1v, which isnt right. MBM says 1.56v and 3.09v. Right now im at 2.4ghz ,200mhz bus, and 320 ram. Gona see if that works. Ram is kingston hyperx 3500, matched pair. Bios is the latest (1.006 i beleave). It just did it again as i was typing this at 2.8ghz/320 ram, so its not a stand by problem. CPus barly broke the 40c barrier while i was typing.
event id: 6009
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 5.01. 2600 Service Pack 2 Multiprocessor Free.

Event id: 6005
The Event log service was started.

Event id: 1001
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000024 (0x001902fe, 0xf79e2a90, 0xf79e278c, 0x804ffa26). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini092904-03.dmp.

Thats the order this reboot happens in. No application errors.
It might be low voltage to your memory. Are you running on an Asus PC-DL board? If so, you only get 2.5 volts for memory, and most performance memory specs 2.75 volts.
^^thats true. this board has soo much potential. but it undervolts everything. IT needs more JUICE
Technet says its an ntfs problem. Likely to be scsi related. Ive turned off my promise controller ( ant using it anyway). I also have a device with no driver in my system config. Promise scsi controller something or another, its not the main promise driver, it pops up after i install the promise stuff. Anyway its gone now. So lets see how she goes. Only other thing it said was this.

Nonpaged pool memory might be depleted, which can cause the system to stop. You can resolve this situation by adding more RAM, which increases the quantity of nonpaged pool memory available to the kernel. You can also reduce the number of files on the Services for Macintosh volume, if applicable.

That might be ram related. I got a gigs worth. And yes im running a pc-dl with 1006 bios.
Is it possible that the voltage mod could work on one procc and not other the other (aka 1.6v and 1.3v) and me not being able to tell?
got 2 prime95's going for the last hour. one cpu crashed in 5 min. restarted and both have been going good for the last hour. Both at 51c, the highest temps ive ever seen so far. I dont get it. Bittorrent maybe? But i got bitttorrnet reading and writeing to a diff hd then my os.
Finally got mine up and running. These things are the best! :D

Asus PC-DL
512MB Corsair XMS PC3500
Coolmax CX-550 550Watt Power Supply


Been testing it for stability by running 4 instances of SETI@Home
^^^^very nice.

I'm at 16 x 150 (2400) on stock voltage. Want it to run good before i do anything else.
Pimp20G, Use Mother Board Monitor to check your temps on the voltage regulator. I read that ideally it should run at 55 degrees celcius or under. In MBM5 it is the "Case" temp. I read that if it's too high it can flake off on providing the correct voltage to the processors. Mine was running at 58 degrees celcius full load, and after a fan it's now a safe 51 and under.

What method did you use to up the VCore to 1.6 volts. Break/3 uwire/or insulate C3?
motherboard monitor says 57C! i will have to get a fan on that for some cooling. For voltage i did the u wire mod jumping socket hole B2-B3,C2-C3 and D2-D3. No pin breaking or insulating needed.
Has anyone found a better cooling solution for the VRM on the PC-DL? Or have you attached a fan directly to it? If so, what size fan? IT would be nice to find a watercooling block that would fit the damn thing.
welp i solvered my problem. First, hyperx 3500 needs 2.6v. Traded it for a set of 2.5v 3200 corsair xms. It still isnt stable at 200mhz bus. So i tryed 165mhz and set it to ddr333 mode. Well guess what. That ran the ram at 207( or something close)mhz and it crashed even more. So the morel of the story. pc-dl is picky ass about high end ram( cuz of like 2.45v max), and ddr266 mode is 1:1 fsb ratio, and ddr333 mode is 4:5 fsb ratio. Hope that helps.

The only thing that sucks is that im stuck at 2.6ghz cuz of my ram, but i can afford to try diff sticks at $260 or more a set.
nightanole said:
welp i solvered my problem. First, hyperx 3500 needs 2.6v. Traded it for a set of 2.5v 3200 corsair xms. It still isnt stable at 200mhz bus. So i tryed 165mhz and set it to ddr333 mode. Well guess what. That ran the ram at 207( or something close)mhz and it crashed even more. So the morel of the story. pc-dl is picky ass about high end ram( cuz of like 2.45v max), and ddr266 mode is 1:1 fsb ratio, and ddr333 mode is 4:5 fsb ratio. Hope that helps.

The only thing that sucks is that im stuck at 2.6ghz cuz of my ram, but i can afford to try diff sticks at $260 or more a set.

rofl, its hilarious, im running mismatched memory PC-2700 ram at 400MHz in dual channel mode. One is a Kingston PC-2700 stick with BH-6 sticks and a Generic ram stick with Samsung TCB-3 chips. I manually set the timings at 2.5-3-3-7 and it runs like champ. been running for over a month straight with no crashes. I love it.
nightanole said:
and ya can probly eat anything and not get fat too:)

im really not kidding, its god honest truth. I can send you a screenshot when i get home if you would like. :D