TWO 1.6Ghz Low Voltage Xeons $119

$120 for chips
$32 for heatsinks (supermicro 4u with temp control)
$190 for pc-dl shipped
$10 ps adapter
$75 for 512meg corsair value select ( more on this later)


$190 for the PC-DL
$138 for the Inwin server case w/480w PSU
$190 for the 600w psu I'm putting in the inwin
$70 for the Sony 8x DVD-RW w/dual layer
$400 for the 2gigs of Kingston HyperX PC2700 CAS2 DDR
$700 for the (4)250gig SATA drives
$1688 not including software.

427?? way.

$190 for the PC-DL
$138 for the Inwin server case w/480w PSU
$190 for the 600w psu I'm putting in the inwin
$70 for the Sony 8x DVD-RW w/dual layer
$600 for the 2gigs of Kingston HyperX PC2700 CAS2 DDR
$700 for the (4)250gig SATA drives
$1888 not including software.

427?? way.

If you have that kind of money, you should be buying apple's products.
Penguincomp said:
$600 for the 2gigs of Kingston HyperX PC2700 CAS2 DDR

There's this website...called Newegg...where RAM doesn't cost an assload

And $300+ on a case and power supply? That's a tad excessive...

You're comparing your prices where you can get by paying *half* as much for a power supply and case, *half* as much for better memory, and well, most people don't need a terrabyte of storage. I got by fine with a Western Digital 120. I know some people like to archive their DVDs, but seriously...that's what the DVD burner is for, right? Do you really need on demand access to *every* Asia Carrera movie?
Better hope that 600W power supply is an EPS12V one for that price. I'll hang on to my 550W EPS12V one which I got for a low price of $90.
It's for a server for 1.
2. A terabyte in storage..not really...count the raid factor in and the fact that they are SATA drives and not ide drives. 120 gigs might be good for you, but I run all my computers in either RAID 5, or RAID 0+1. Why? Corporate accounting and the like. Plus losing your computer due to a power surge sucks arse.
3. The ram you posted is CAS3...NOT CAS2...and my error. it was 400 with tax for the ram. As an added note...I did buy the ram from Newegg.
4. Apple products..YUCK! Good for a doorstop or footrest...maybe even a boat anchor. I'm using the Apple I have currently to hold the carpet down. Might even paint a fire hydrant on it and let my dog have at it.
5. I didn't get a crap PSU or a crap case. I got a case that met my requirements in terms of size and being able to be modded the way I want to do it. Oh yea..I might as well add that I now have an extra 480w psu that I can now put into some other case down the road where it will only be 40-50 bucks for the case since I have a PSU already. As for the PSU I got...Enermax Noisetaker 600-Watt Ver. 2

Should have known that I would only get flamed. Too many condescending people on message boards anymore. I did notice something with that $427 case, no drives ect...

Why on earth would you want to pay 190 bucks for a motherboard and not invest in the rest of the computer? Yes the terabyte of drives I got was excessive to a certain extent, as was the ram most likely..but I could do why not?
Penguincomp said:
It's for a server for 1.
2. A terabyte in storage..not really...count the raid factor in and the fact that they are SATA drives and not ide drives. 120 gigs might be good for you, but I run all my computers in either RAID 5, or RAID 0+1. Why? Corporate accounting and the like. Plus losing your computer due to a power surge sucks arse.
3. The ram you posted is CAS3...NOT CAS2...and my error. it was 400 with tax for the ram. As an added note...I did buy the ram from Newegg.
4. Apple products..YUCK! Good for a doorstop or footrest...maybe even a boat anchor. I'm using the Apple I have currently to hold the carpet down. Might even paint a fire hydrant on it and let my dog have at it.
5. I didn't get a crap PSU or a crap case. I got a case that met my requirements in terms of size and being able to be modded the way I want to do it. Oh yea..I might as well add that I now have an extra 480w psu that I can now put into some other case down the road where it will only be 40-50 bucks for the case since I have a PSU already. As for the PSU I got...Enermax Noisetaker 600-Watt Ver. 2

Should have known that I would only get flamed. Too many condescending people on message boards anymore. I did notice something with that $427 case, no drives ect...

Why on earth would you want to pay 190 bucks for a motherboard and not invest in the rest of the computer? Yes the terabyte of drives I got was excessive to a certain extent, as was the ram most likely..but I could do why not?

AH the defenders of truth and justice. As for my cheap ass setup, I was just showing What the min would be if you where just doing an upgrade ( like me from a mobile barton setup). I Had most of my stuff leftover from my old setup ( 1 gig of hyperx, a true power ps that putsout 22amps to the +12v, nice gmono auto finish case with 120mm fan on the side) So as an upgrade, this would only cost be about $200-250 to more then double my power (a 2.8ghz xeon gets 13k in drystone, 18k if you have 2 xeons at 3ghz, i was only doing 9k with my old setup) after i sold my stuff.

As for beating up $1600 man. If he is going to overclock ( eh each man must make that choice on his own for a 24/7 server setup) the last setup i priced was around $5k out the door for 2 2.8 xeon 2 gig of ram and a tarabyte setup with 1 more hd for the os. $190 isnt bad for a 600watt ps that is a real server ps and not just a off the shelf atx with new internal cabling, Hell they go past $300 at new egg. Id love to get 2 gigs of ram for $400, i paid $260 ( im sure some of you as well) for my 1 gig 3200 setup.

Now as for $700 for 4x250 gig, Im sorry but 70 cents a gig is no way a deal in any shape or form. You should hide your face in shame for spending over 20 cents a gig In this part of the woods. As for my hd deals, got the $20 80giger, and the $90 200giger(sata). And i got all my rebates back so ninner ninner ninner:)
Penguincomp said:
Plus losing your computer due to a power surge sucks arse.

Perhaps you should invest in a UPS. And the apple comment wasn't so much a knock on you, but the price of Apple's stuff.
Damn. I got my heatsinks in today and they are passive, fanless 1U copper Intel OEM heatsinks, and not the windtunnel fan models. They look pretty robust, guess I'll have to look into adapting a fan of some sorts to go on them.
can anyone that has done u-wire mod add a pic of the socket for reference? i am hearing too much noise "out there" and I am getting confused. I thought you had to add 3 u-wires, but now i am hearing its 2 u-wires and a pin insulation.
Penguincomp said:
It's for a server for 1.
2. A terabyte in storage..not really...count the raid factor in and the fact that they are SATA drives and not ide drives. 120 gigs might be good for you, but I run all my computers in either RAID 5, or RAID 0+1. Why? Corporate accounting and the like. Plus losing your computer due to a power surge sucks arse.

I use external power filtering equipment on my systems, so that's where I'm coming from and I agree that protection is important, so yes, that's justified.

If you're talking about a production business environment, it's a totally different thing than if it's someone at home. I've worked as a network administrator and business setups DO cost more. That's totally understandable. "Bang for the buck" isn't the focus there.

For the record, I have backups of all my data on different machines, so yes, 120 is good enough for me. And I'm building my own external RAID-5 SCSI enclosure for it down the road.

But IMO, that still sounds excessive for accounting data. Then again, I have no idea how many or what records you are keeping. Alot of places put their data in archives after it gets to be a year old or so, because it's rarely if ever used again.

3. The ram you posted is CAS3...NOT CAS2...and my error. it was 400 with tax for the ram. As an added note...I did buy the ram from Newegg.

But the RAM I posted was PC-3200, not 2700. I have no doubts that it would run CAS 2 at 2700. If you run the numbers, in the scheme of things, CAS rate doesn't mean as much as frequency. Basically, these are 400MHz bus CPUs, and they are gonna run at PC-2100 memory speeds, *unless* you overclock, and if you're going to overclock, you might as well get some memory that can take you to 800MHz :)

That said, I'd be a little surprised if you overclock it in a production environment.

4. Apple products..YUCK! Good for a doorstop or footrest...maybe even a boat anchor. I'm using the Apple I have currently to hold the carpet down. Might even paint a fire hydrant on it and let my dog have at it.
I used to feel exactly the same. I got a cheap G3 and with OS X it's pretty good. But then again, the whole UNIX aspect of it gets me excited, the fact that I can ssh in and install programs. I used a G5 not too long ago and I liked it. No way I'd pay $2500 for one though.

5. I didn't get a crap PSU or a crap case.

Depends on your definition of crap case. The case I got has more than adequate cooling. Is it ugly? Yes, but it's a server. It's tucked away, it doesn't have to be pretty.

As for crap PSUs, I've had not one, but TWO Antec power supplies fail on me. The Deer brand power supply that was in my previous server never faultered in 10 years. Antec is supposedly one of the 'high quality' brands. Some people swear by them or others, and I'm not trying to convince you to just get the cheapest PSU you can. I'm just saying that I personally see no value in buying a 'good brand' PSU anymore.

I got a case that met my requirements in terms of size and being able to be modded the way I want to do it.

I'm a little curious as to what you're modding on the case for a corporate server? I assume you mean cooling stuff?

Should have known that I would only get flamed. Too many condescending people on message boards anymore. I did notice something with that $427 case, no drives ect...

No, it's just the way you cast doubt on the $427 price. If it fits their needs configured like that, then it's the same as a terrabyte of storage fitting your needs. I put together my system for a similar price. I had RAM, a case, and drives laying around. This deal came along and became a good way to put together a powerful system on the cheap.

Why on earth would you want to pay 190 bucks for a motherboard and not invest in the rest of the computer? Yes the terabyte of drives I got was excessive to a certain extent, as was the ram most likely..but I could do why not?

Because you're only paying $60 a pop for the CPUs? Seriously, if you're going to be spending that much on your system in the first place, it seems like you would just go ahead and front the money and get yourself some better CPUs. Really, 1.6/400 Pentium 4s are *not* fast. That's why the Thunderbirds were so popular. But as slow as things are, they are great overclockers, and suddenly, they become pretty fast.

Don't get me wrong, they're great, and stable at overclocked speed, but I wouldn't think of doing a vCore mod on a system to be deployed in a production environment.
jcm44 said:
can anyone that has done u-wire mod add a pic of the socket for reference? i am hearing too much noise "out there" and I am getting confused. I thought you had to add 3 u-wires, but now i am hearing its 2 u-wires and a pin insulation.

It's three wires for 1.6vcore, *period*. It's working on my PC-DL right now.
The DarkBlade said:
It's three wires for 1.6vcore, *period*. It's working on my PC-DL right now.

Ok heres what i dont get. First these things dont exist in any shape or form. Tell a techy that you have a 400mhz c1 stepping 604 pin and he will laugh at you. 2nd, if the "magic" pin is grounded internaly, why would insulating it make it high ( we would call that float, which could be anything). 3rd, if these were internaly grounded, runing 5v to it from another pin would be like shorting it out ( which is not happening). Yet there are just as much pin breaker sucksesses as there are 3 wire sucksesses. Whats a person to do. My heatsinks are in the mail, and new egg has the 24 pin adapters in.
is anyone running the windtunnel fans off the mobo headers? i have heard they draw a lot of power and could damage the mobo. by mobo i mean the pc-dl.
JCM could you please elaborate. I have never thought that could happen.

About the three wire thing, it's so far working on mine. I havn't run windows on it yet, but in the bios it's reading 1.5something so I think it worked. While we are on the topic of voltages is there anyway that one processor is getting 1.6volts, but the other is not. I'm just curious because one of mine runs 2-3C hotter in the bios. Is there a windows program that can tell what voltage each getting.

Is there a jumper setting for greater that 165?
Sure can,

"Be careful with the newer style fan. That fan draws about 1.4A at 12V initially, so don't power it directly from a motherboard fan header unless you really like the smell of burning electronics.

If you did not get the 4 pin Molex to fan power adapter which normally comes with the wind tunnel kit then you'll need to do a little rewiring to use the fans safely. They're standard "Yellow = 12V, Black = Ground, Green = Tach Out" pinouts."

But I have asked about 3-5 people now and they have all said that running off the mobo is fine. I am not sure if this guy is paranoid or what, but (before I knew it might be a problem) I ran them on my Epox 8kha+ for about 4 hours to see what the noise was like and I didn't have a problem.

I was unable to find any details about the fan header power output from ASUS. I am not too worried because once I have these babies OC'ed I will add some adapters and 80mm fans. I still have my thermaltake dragon orb and my hears hurt when I look at it.
hah! up and running dual watercooled xeons...amazing. I haven't done any of the mods to them yet, it's just so cool to look at though
<------ Caved to temptation and ordered a pair...

I have no mobo to put them in yet. ^_^;; Anyone in the SF bayarea (I live in N Bay) want to help me test these for DOA?

EDIT: Sold out for now....
elcheapopc said:
<------ Caved to temptation and ordered a pair...

I have no mobo to put them in yet. ^_^;; Anyone in the SF bayarea (I live in N Bay) want to help me test these for DOA?

EDIT: Sold out for now....
Damnit I don't have one either, but I'm in Rohnert Park. Sorry! I'd help if I could.
I booted mine up today at stock speeds. Wow, I never knew 1.6ghz with HT could fold so fast. It folds about equal to a XP2000. Now just for my waterblocks to arrive and I'll be pushing 2.4ghz+. :D
DriveEuro said:
I booted mine up today at stock speeds. Wow, I never knew 1.6ghz with HT could fold so fast. It folds about equal to a XP2000. Now just for my waterblocks to arrive and I'll be pushing 2.4ghz+. :D

Hey DriveEuro,

Can you tell me how you are cooling them and what your temps are? I'm thinkin of leaving mine at stock speed/voltage for quiet websurf/general use machine and all I want is silence.. I ordered xeon 3.2 GHz stock fans (for cheap on ebay 2cpu forum has links) and I'll turn them down to cool just enough. Since I already have a xp-m at 2.5G and in the process of building an a64 3400+ (CH/CG) I dont need the speed.

BTW what PSU are you using?
1.6ghz is about 40C load. cooling them with intel stock heatsink with windtunnel. I can't run the fan horizontal as the northbridge is in the way. They're really loud at start up (thermal controlled) but once it POSTs it's quiet.
PSU: TTGI 420SS (or is it the 450?) with a EPS converter adapter. 2 plugs, one makes 20 pin a 24 pin, the other makes the 4 pin a 6 pin.
mine just shipped today. When i get payed tomarrow, i'm going to order my board.
OK, guys, about the MooseMod. I have to insulate JUST 1 pin? Then I can use the jumper to get 200fsb?
DriveEuro said:
OK, guys, about the MooseMod. I have to insulate JUST 1 pin? Then I can use the jumper to get 200fsb?

If you have a PC-DL you do not need to do anything to use the 200FSB jumper setting. Just make sure you've done the voltage mod.
Which would be THIS, right?

VID 1.300v to 1.600v Mod: Insulate C3 | U-wire B2-B3 | U-wire D2-D3
DriveEuro said:
Which would be THIS, right?

VID 1.300v to 1.600v Mod: Insulate C3 | U-wire B2-B3 | U-wire D2-D3

No. Refer to the crude ASCII diagram I posted earlier in the thread.

There's alot of confusion on this topic!
If you have a PC-DL, you don't need to insulate pins.
You U-wire C2-C3 | B2-B3 | D2-D3 for 1.6vCore on *any* mobo for these CPUs.
The DarkBlade said:
No. Refer to the crude ASCII diagram I posted earlier in the thread.

There's alot of confusion on this topic!
If you have a PC-DL, you don't need to insulate pins.
You U-wire C2-C3 | B2-B3 | D2-D3 for 1.6vCore on *any* mobo for these CPUs.
I did that. Didn't work. Hell, it took me like 1.5 hours just to make the damn wires. After thinning out the wires I had a little effort to put in the CPUs. Booted up, NOTHING. Booted at stock FSB, 133, 200. I got nothing. I said SCREW IT and took out the wires and decided I'll do it another time. I thought it'd be easier, like back in the day of wire mods for the AMD T-Breds on KT333 and KT400 motherboards. Hell, this was WAYYYYYYY harder.
DriveEuro said:
I did that. Didn't work. Hell, it took me like 1.5 hours just to make the damn wires. After thinning out the wires I had a little effort to put in the CPUs. Booted up, NOTHING. Booted at stock FSB, 133, 200. I got nothing. I said SCREW IT and took out the wires and decided I'll do it another time. I thought it'd be easier, like back in the day of wire mods for the AMD T-Breds on KT333 and KT400 motherboards. Hell, this was WAYYYYYYY harder.

It didn't work the first time for me either. Everything looked perfect. I took out the second CPU and tried to boot it up. It came up. I removed the wires and put the wires BACK in the 2nd CPU socket and put the CPU back in and it fired right up. Yes, it's difficult! It's a real pain in the ass. But if you want to be a hardcore overclocker, you've got to get your hands dirty. That's why back before the days of BIOS overclocking it was a very small community.
The DarkBlade said:
It didn't work the first time for me either. Everything looked perfect. I took out the second CPU and tried to boot it up. It came up. I removed the wires and put the wires BACK in the 2nd CPU socket and put the CPU back in and it fired right up. Yes, it's difficult! It's a real pain in the ass. But if you want to be a hardcore overclocker, you've got to get your hands dirty. That's why back before the days of BIOS overclocking it was a very small community.
Nah dude, I do overclock, just never with pins in a socket.
I must have gotten lucky with the wire thing. On the other hand mine won't boot at 800FSB. I won't be able to figure it out until this weekend. :(
I dropped those little u-wires in, in like 30 seconds each. But... I am only getting 1.4 volts. I know the pc-dl under volts, but not that much...

EDIT: Before I was doing the 3 u-wires, but after getting onle 1.4 volts I decided to break the pin. Now I am getting 1.55. I think insulating the pin would do the same. But breaking the little sucker off is sooo much faster.
Nexx said:
beneficial, yes. fit, hell no

Guys, just an update. If you don't know an answer, then don't post wrong information please. Those mxc603's I posted WILL fit. In factHere's a picture. ,

So bigger cooling solutions DO fit, at least on early rev boards.