TWO 1.6Ghz Low Voltage Xeons $119

nightanole said:
Ouch $18 off new. Not much of a referb deal compaired to past mobo's.

yep but as long as no one is dumb enough to jump on this now, they will eventually lower the price even more, i could see it going for $130 or soon in a week or so.
Hey does anyone have a guide on how to get these to 1.6v or close to that without having to rip off a pin? I getting mixed results on the forums. Some say just jump 3 pins. Other say that wont work because that makes it 1.8v cuz one pin needs to be insulated ( ya like that will work) because its internaly grounded. I got my pc-dl on its way i dont really want to bucher my new babies if i dont have to. It wont look good on ebay with " ya it has one pin broken off, but dont worry about it". The isulating/pin breaking guys might be using the normal 1.5v chips and just spreading roomers, i dont know.
i think they are sending me only one cpu. their e-mail says they billed me for two, but my credit card only shows a $60 charge. i am going to be a bit miffed if i don't get a pair.

i know someone else had this, how did they fix the problem? can they just send me another one or will i have to send the single back and get a pair?
Ok im having a hella time finding heatsinks for these puppys. Heres what i got
the on above is the same as the windtunnels from ebay with the new all copper fins. It just has a top mount only shroud, uses a 60mm fan, and is easier to mod to a 60-80mm setup. Hell if i know if it comes with hardware, do i need hardware? fans.htm
the one above as a hella lota them. I know the ones with the 67mm base dont fit the asus PC anything boards.

So to narrow the feild. For the love of god could a pc-dl owner tell me if i need the heatsinks with the 4 screws for the new Nocona chips. The pc -dl has 4 holes, and backplates to screw them is so....

Or do i need the Prestonia ones that clip in. And if i do, does the pc-dl come with the clips.

Please dont tell me to get the windtunnels from ebay, i dont have paypal and it will take weeks for the turnaround with snail mail payment.
Stealth5325 said:
Can anyone confirm/deny?

Atx asus boards are very picky about heatsinks. 67mm heatsinks ( wide) hit the caps. Stock intel is 60mm. I measured my sockets and they are 65mm on the dot. Im sweating bullets ordering a 63mm heatsink. I would stick with intel stock or supermicro. Sorry but i cant find the article on the spire not fitting, it was posted in one of the faq's i read on the pc-dl, right after they came on sale at the surplus place.

sniff sniff sniff. Got xeons, pc-dl, heatsinks comin from the great north, and new egg is outa the 24pin converters for atx powersupplies.
I grabbed the stock Intel HSFs from 8anet. Shipping was a little slow, but they're solid coolers. I've got these puppies at 2.8 GHz right now and they look stable. Great stuff.

As for PSU adapters...I figured just go ahead and get yourself a real EPS12V PSU. There's a cheaper one at the Egg, 460W, I think it's AMS brand. Works just fine for me on my PC-DL.

And as for benchmarks...I ain't running Windows on this puppy, but I might stick in a diff. hard drive to oblige y'all :)

It's devilishly fast right now...sub 10 minute kernel compiles.

A+GPB 465W ATX EPS-12V Power supply for AMD K7 & Pentium4, Dual Fan Cooling With Serial ATA HD Connector, Model "P4ATX46FE" -RETAIL

FedEx Saver Shipping $6.99

I'd reccomend a Fortron instead, especially with lots of hard drives.

Fortron 550W EPS12V PSU, Supports Dual Xeon CPU, Model "FSP550-60PLN" -OEM

FedEx Saver Shipping $6.99
EH i gota true power 550, +12v 20a, 5v 36a, 3,3v 28a. should be good once i get the adapter.

By the way darkblade, did you do the 3 jumper thing to get to 1.6v or did you have to snap a pin? Im getting mixed results on what works.
nightanole said:
EH i gota true power 550, +12v 20a, 5v 36a, 3,3v 28a. should be good once i get the adapter.

By the way darkblade, did you do the 3 jumper thing to get to 1.6v or did you have to snap a pin? Im getting mixed results on what works.

The jumper thing is for the fsb to get it to 200fsb, 800 total. The U-wire is what gets the 1.6 vcore
Timmay!!! said:
The jumper thing is for the fsb to get it to 200fsb, 800 total. The U-wire is what gets the 1.6 vcore

Sorry were i work we call a u mod a jumper. So do i need to snap a pin to get 1.6v ( or close to it if i need to snap a pin) or can I just do the 3 u wire deal?
nightanole said:
Sorry were i work we call a u mod a jumper. So do i need to snap a pin to get 1.6v ( or close to it if i need to snap a pin) or can I just do the 3 u wire deal?

Did those hsf's fromm 8anet come w/ the mounting crap?
Does anyone know how good the Tagan TG480-U01 480 Watt Silent EPS12V/ATX12V power supply is?

Also what type of RAM is everyone using? I am not looking for a killer OC, so i was hoping to get away with the Corsair value stuff of the 'egg's front page.

EDIT: yep they only sent me one.
jtsnewo4 said:
Did those hsf's fromm 8anet come w/ the mounting crap?


nightanole said:
By the way darkblade, did you do the 3 jumper thing to get to 1.6v or did you have to snap a pin? Im getting mixed results on what works.

I put a tiny piece of wire connecting B2-B3, C2-C3, and D2-D3 in the socket holes. The first time it did not work. I removed the CPU, readjusted the wires, put the CPUs back in and now my BIOS reads 1.57 vCore. I never had to snap a pin. The PC-DL supports FSB adjustment *completely* via the BIOS.

El Nacho said:
link to the ps you are talking about?

is what I'm currently using. The volt rails are separate, so unless you put a whole heapin'
wad of drives, I don't forsee a problem. Me, I just have two HDDs and a CDROM. I plan to be adding a SCSI RAID-5 system in the future, but this array will be external and powered
separately(Ghetto engineering in progress).
The DarkBlade said:
IThe PC-DL supports FSB adjustment *completely* via the BIOS.

COmpletely as in no socket mods right? You still have to rearrange the 2 board jumpers to switch from 100-133 and 133-166 etc right?
nightanole said:
COmpletely as in no socket mods right? You still have to rearrange the 2 board jumpers to switch from 100-133 and 133-166 etc right?

that's correct, but you may need to add the U wires in the socket to bump up the voltage so you can run higher fsb speeds.

at least that's how i see it.
jcm44 said:
that's correct, but you may need to add the U wires in the socket to bump up the voltage so you can run higher fsb speeds.

at least that's how i see it.

thats correct, even if you lower the multiplier, the pc-dl will try to post your cpu for a split second at the default multiplier. so if you set the fsb at 200, it will try to post your cpu for a split second at 200 X 16 at 3.2ghz, if your cpu cant do that at default voltage and you havent done the u-wire mod for a 1.6 volts then your screwed even if your cpu can run 12 X 200 at default voltage.
Damn you [H]ot Deals! I tried resisting, but I've got 2 on the way as well. Now to spend the other $600 for mobo, psu, ram and HD's... dammit, dammit, dammit! Oh well, always wanted a dually to play with, and I'm hoping to get a good set of OC'ers to boot. Now, should I run Server 2003 or XP Pro on this?
cnealjr said:
Damn you [H]ot Deals! I tried resisting, but I've got 2 on the way as well. Now to spend the other $600 for mobo, psu, ram and HD's... dammit, dammit, dammit! Oh well, always wanted a dually to play with, and I'm hoping to get a good set of OC'ers to boot. Now, should I run Server 2003 or XP Pro on this?

$120 for chips
$32 for heatsinks (supermicro 4u with temp control)
$190 for pc-dl shipped
$10 ps adapter
$75 for 512meg corsair value select ( more on this later)

Sell current setup to cust for $250, and give free corsair ram
Sell customers setup to another customer for $225 (hell it may be one of you)
profeit $48

Ill adjust the numbers alittle to help out one of the customers.

And (yes teacher i started a sentence with and) i might have to get some 60mm-80mm adapters (got one already) and some fans for like $10. But thats about it.
Anyone delved into watercooling these guys? Or is that completely overkill since they are hitting such high overclocks on just air?
From what I have understood, since you are getting darn near 70-90% OC, you probably will not be able to squeeze much more out. I don't have my windtunnel fans yet, but I've read they are loud. So watercooling might be quieter.
I'm trying to water cool these with the exos case, I'll tell you how it goes when the MB and PSU get here in 4 days or so
So I just got my wind tunnels today and I have a few questions.

a) I assume the fan is suppose to blow through the heatsink and not suck air off
b) How is everyone mounting their fan. It looks like there is an option to put it on top, and another peice to make it more of, well a tunnel...

jcm44 said:
So I just got my wind tunnels today and I have a few questions.

a) I assume the fan is suppose to blow through the heatsink and not suck air off
b) How is everyone mounting their fan. It looks like there is an option to put it on top, and another peice to make it more of, well a tunnel...


a) yes
b) depending on your motherboard. i have the pc-dl and it doesn't have space to put the fan in a 'tunnel' mode. the northbridge and vrm heatsinks get in the way so i have to put the fans on top. i've read that the 'tunnel' configuration is better than the fan on top.

good luck!
i am getting the pc-dl also, so i guess i will have the same problem.

EDIT: Just plugged the fans in to get an idea of the noise level. I would say its not too bad, although it is a constant humming. Not nearly as bad as my old dragan orb.

Sound Clip
*I cranked my volume almost all the way up and it comes close. This is from outside my case.
I got mine today. I did the moosemod for over 200fsb, 1.55volts to the cpu's. I bought the speeze HSF that were on the site for $9 where we all bought the cpu's, free shipping. I had to take them out to the bench grinder to make them fit the board with the capacitors.

It's running fine and stable with 4 instances of Folding running.

Max fsb stable is 225 and a little over 3ghz is stable folding.


The spire IV isnt sopost to fit the atx asus's ( pc-dl etc). How you do it? And why the hell can no one top 20k for dhrystone. One more thing, I did the mobile barton bit and got 2.5ghz outa her with out puting down $50 or more for a heat sink (think it was $13) and it has a amd rating of 3600 and only gets alittle less then 9k on dhrystone (buddy with same setup but water cools can get to 2.7ghz and just barely eeks out 10k on drystone). So a 3ghz xeon is the same as a 2.5ghz mobile(amd barton) setup, and yet at a price point it costs about the same to get 2 xeons and coolers vs 1 mobile barton and a decent cooler:)
He grinded it down to fit apparently. And I belive the reason why the Dhrystone is topping out at around 20k for Xeons is related to the limitations of the shared bus that the Intel platform uses.
Tedinde said:
I got mine today. I did the moosemod for over 200fsb, 1.55volts to the cpu's. I bought the speeze HSF that were on the site for $9 where we all bought the cpu's, free shipping. I had to take them out to the bench grinder to make them fit the board with the capacitors.

It's running fine and stable with 4 instances of Folding running.

Max fsb stable is 225 and a little over 3ghz is stable folding.

How loud are those coolers you bought? I have no problem modding them....just concerned about price ($9 is cheap) and noise.

More flak for the fence ridders:)


In the Prestonia chips, they are still in the 603 socket style, but they have the 512k of cache on the processor. The prestonia has Hyperthreading but it is HT 1.0. The first version of HT was incredibly flawed where applications that were not written with HT in mind would actually slow down the chips, there for on these types of Xeons it is usually a good idea to turn HT off. However Hyperthreading "v1" on the Foster based Xeon MP's did actually work well, on highly granular SERVER type applications. Siebel, SAP, SQL, and Exchange all see about a 15-30% performance boost with hyperthreading enabled.
The C1 stepping of the prestonia processors have HT 2.0 which will usually give a 10-20% performance increase with slim to no performance drop. Also, the c1 stepping moved to the 604 socket to allot for the xeons with 533mhz FSB.