Titanfall 2

Oct 28 USA at least for release.

Review: 'Titanfall 2' Feels Closer to 'Half-Life' Than 'Call of Duty'


Already starting to see some early positive feedback trickle out. "Reviews in progress" and so forth.

My interest level is going up. Fast.

Gamespot - 9/10 - "Titanfall 2 feels like the game Respawn should have made in 2013. It's a fantastic sequel. It's a fluid shooter. Its a spectacular game."

Gamesradar+ - 4.5/5 - "Titanfall 2 might well be this year's best surprise."

Gameinformer - 9.5/10 - "For first-person shooter fans, Titanfall 2 is a must play."

Pretty damned good sign if this is what we see prior to offical release. I'll be jumping in at this rate.
It's interesting to see these good reviews. I thought it was a bad sign that EA allowed a 10 hour trial for Battlefield 1 but decided to forego allowing one for Titanfall 2.
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aleady starting to see some early positive feedback trickle out. "Reviews in progress" and so forth.

Pretty damned good sign if this is what we see prior to offical release. I'll be jumping in at this rate.

I've also been really surprised at the amount of positive early buzz for this game...I wasn't expecting it...even Watch Dogs 2 is getting really good early word of mouth (although most of this is from a Ubisoft sponsored closed preview in their studios)...seems like Ubisoft is trying to change up their usual sameness with every game having towers to unlock etc...will definitely be keeping an eye out on both these new titles
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If the SP is good I might pick this up down the line. 6 hours doesn't seem like a good value right now, and I have pretty much zero interest in MP.
I've also been really surprised at the amount of positive early buzz for this game...I wasn't expecting it...even Watch Dogs 2 is getting really good early word of mouth (although most of this is from a Ubisoft sponsored closed preview in their studios)...seems like Ubisoft is trying to change up their usual sameness with every game having towers to unlock etc...will definitely be keeping an eye out on both these new titles

Many of those early positive reviews are based on a 2-day review event paid for by EA, although most publications wouldn't be honest enough to disclose that upfront.

Where's our Titanfall 2 review? | PC Gamer

I wouldn't give any of them much credence, especially given they also gave TF1 stellar reviews.
Many of those early positive reviews are based on a 2-day review event paid for by EA, although most publications wouldn't be honest enough to disclose that upfront.

Where's our Titanfall 2 review? | PC Gamer

I wouldn't give any of them much credence, especially given they also gave TF1 stellar reviews.
Yeah any "event" reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.

As for the single-player, I've seen mixed reviews, so I'm going to believe it isn't for everyone. And maybe the expectations should be low? It is a FPS after all, and the real meat of the game is multi-player.
They have to really fuck up to make a game worse than the original. I loved the original and put 55 hours in it. I think this will be good as well. What I have seen of SP is pretty decent albeit short.
They have to really fuck up to make a game worse than the original. I loved the original and put 55 hours in it. I think this will be good as well. What I have seen of SP is pretty decent albeit short.
258 hours here :LOL:

I'm skeptical, but I've been watching videos to keep up to date. I think the console beta was a split decision, and there was no PC beta or tech test outside of the Respawn invite-only event.

I just uploaded this:

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First game has all the DLC released for it to everyone also.
Even better that it is this way from the beginning though. The first had a season pass and when the X1 was losing the console wars big time and no one played n PC, they decided to give it away for free which was cool. I would've been pissed if I bought the season pass though for the first.
I could not find any info, but does anyone know if this game has offline bot matches on multiplayer maps like COD/older battlefield games?
Played a few rounds. Game is dope. Bounty is a good mode, however, very difficult to find matches. Only had 783 people playing when I tried. Took forever to get games going.
Played a few rounds. Game is dope. Bounty is a good mode, however, very difficult to find matches. Only had 783 people playing when I tried. Took forever to get games going.
I'm sure we'll see more as the weekend rolls in.
I really wonder how different the population would be with a server browser. This is why everyone I know passed on the first one and skipped this one. I also am not a big fan of 6vs6 though and wish they had larger player counts even if they limited how many Titans were deployed at once.
Anyone interested in Multi add me if you have a hard time finding games. I loved the first and enjoyed the beta on PS4. PC is where I play my FPS's though so find me on Origin: Stev3FrencH
Oh shit. They have that dumbass matchmaking again? Damn. That really sucks. We could never get a round in bc everyone would quit when they saw how high level my teammates were. Or they would quit early in the round bc we just dominated.
Played a few rounds. Game is dope. Bounty is a good mode, however, very difficult to find matches. Only had 783 people playing when I tried. Took forever to get games going.

That's not great news. I am hoping that it's taking longer to find matches because they allegedly fixed matchmaking.

I was thinking of buying the game directly from EA when i get home from work and then return it if it sucks.
I tried a multiplayer match, it ran fine, looks great, gameplay is more enclosed compared to Battlefield 1 - not that its a bad thing, I'd prefer the two games to be different.
I tried a multiplayer match, it ran fine, looks great, gameplay is more enclosed compared to Battlefield 1 - not that its a bad thing, I'd prefer the two games to be different.

It's a really nice complement to BF1. Quite different.

Single player is good as well. I wouldn't necessarily buy this game just for the SP but put together this is a nice game.
A solid game! I am having a blast with this one. What a time to be a PC Gamer with BF1, Titanfall 2, Overatch all being solid games with very few bugs.

Anyone know if Titanfall 2 will support SLI? It looks like it's only using one of my 1080s right now and I have the newest drivers installed.
Oh shit. They have that dumbass matchmaking again? Damn. That really sucks. We could never get a round in bc everyone would quit when they saw how high level my teammates were. Or they would quit early in the round bc we just dominated.

Respawn cannot resist doubling down on stupid, as evident from their insistence on not having a server browser and again including that retarded smart pistol.
Because a cheap aimbot instadeath weapon has no place in any competitive fps, especially when cloaking is part of the gameplay mechanics.
Who cares about the smart pistol, if it's balanced? And yes, it is balanced. Any other weapon trounces it in anything but a surprise confrontation, assuming the other player is any good at all.
I am having a blast with this game. Minor improvements over original game but tons of customization, decent updates to work weaponry, and tight gameplay will keep me coming back for more. The Bounty Hunt mode is sublime.
Who cares about the smart pistol, if it's balanced? And yes, it is balanced. Any other weapon trounces it in anything but a surprise confrontation, assuming the other player is any good at all.

Its absolutely not balanced because firstly people exploited it by skulking in corners and insta-killing anyone who ran by, and secondly because of the verticality and invisibility mechanics which made it difficult to have peripheral awareness. More often than not the top scoring players were abusing the smart pistol, which makes total sense considering that being locked on meant no opportunity to react for the player on the receiving end regardless of how much more skilled they were. Weapons like this have no place in any MP FPS, period.
Is this mainly a multiplayer game with a lame single player campaign tacked on as an afterthought or is it visa-versa?
SP is 5-6 hours and is a complete story imo.
MP is hours of fun.

Spent more time on this than BF1. Game is more my playstyle than getting sniped by tanks on hills. :D
The Kraber bullet travels a bit too slow IMHO. Hopefully they give that gun a little buff.
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Game is good. Networks seem to help with the whole machmaking thing. Leviathan titan is a bit op but so what. Teamwork beats it.
The Kraber bullet travels a bit too slow IMHO. Hopefully they give that gun a little buff.
It's been that way since Titanfall 1, I didn't notice it being any slower.

Overall it seems good. Deeper than I expected, but you do get the feeling they really really crammed everything into multiplayer. So many things to unlock, feels a bit like CoD:MW2 in that respect, like they went wild with gating everything behind progression. Not sure if that's a complaint, but given how spartan Titanfall 1 was, this feels like overload in comparison.

SP is good and I think the key is that no one expected it. Also not really a complaint, but for people who play SP at least to get a feel for the game aren't necessarily being ripped off (say what you will about 5-6hr campaigns).