The Witcher

wellllllll.. butter my biscuits and call me a country breakfast! nice. :)
I've actually only heard about this game in the past few weeks and I must say, I'm anxiously awaiting it's release. Out of all the games coming out in the next month or so this one's near the top of my list of "must buys". Maybe because I'm a sucker for RPG's/action-RPG's or I'm looking for something to take the place of Oblivion, but I find this game very intriguing. I think it could definitely be a "sleeper" hit that's goes under the radar beneath some of the "big" name games, i.e. Crysis, Hellgate: London etc.

I'm keeping my eye on this one...hopefully we can see a demo sometime soon!
The patch DOES NOT break compatibility with older saved games. Works fine.

Ok, I've got tons of screens to upload later. I'll give my initial impressions after an hour of play. WOW!!! I'm really in shock a little. The game is so well done and extremely fun. And from what I can tell, it's MASSIVE the amount of customization that can be done to your character. After gaining a level, you can add points to different skills and attributes. The amount you can choose from is astounding....and a little overwhelming to be honest.

The combat system is well done as well. You can do standard "point and click" type of control, like Neverwinter Nights, or you can use what's called "Over the Shoulder" mode. This is what I prefer. You control your character from over his right shoulder using WASD, and you attack/use and control the camera with your mouse. It really gets you right into the battle.

I am running the game at 1920x1200 with everything maxed and averaging 50+ FPS. Very smooth. Also, you won't do much reading in this game. Everything has voice acting. Cut scenes, when Geralt reads something, etc.. When you walk around the game and find something of interest, Geralt will even make comments about it. It's very cool. The environment this game puts out is simply amazing.

There is so much more I could go into, but need to eat. I can tell you that after 1 hour of game play, this game DEFINITELY appears to live up to all hype. The massive disappointment I felt with Hellgate: London is replaced with a since of excitement and hopefullness in The Witcher. If this game lives up to the potential I've seen so far, I feel it could be one of the best RPG's ever. I'll post more later with screenshots.
That's great news officer921!! It looks like at least two of my 2007 must have games (Witcher and COD4) are going to be worth all the anticipation.
Can't wait, only disappointed Circuit City decided to have a sale next week on Hellgate London and not The Witcher :(

The IGN previews definitely have me hyped, as well.
Here's some screens. Looking at the girl in the low cut shirt, I'm very glad i have the "un-censored' version. Hope to see more of her later in the game. ;)

Ok, there's some to wet your appetite. Also, you HAVE to watch the movie at the beginning of the game. It's awesome!!!
mmmm... digital cleavage! :D

where did you get your copy again? oh... you're like all over the pond and stuff.. you lucky Europeans!! ;)
Nice shots... what settings are you running the game at? I think it's supposed to have DX10 features, no?

EDIT: Have my UK copy pre-ordered... :D. Other than texture resolutions that looks incredibly good, and even still...
Here's a nice shot of some lighting effects.

Now, onto the sex. During sex with a woman, you get a "card' for each one. I'm guessing you can build a collection of all the women you've slept with. The first pic is the card during the sex scene. The second is what she says as soon as it's over. :p

Damn, it just gets better and better. I broke down and pre-ordered it. :D
The question that is on everyone's mind is: Can you have sex with dwarves?
It's crazy to think The Witcher game started out as a player driven mod to Neverwinter Nights 1. The devs got noticed by Bioware and Atari due to their outstanding mods. They got hired and were allowed to do whatever they wanted with the Aurora (NwN1) engine.

The Witcher is kinda like the 'sister' to Neverwinter Nights 2. They both use a heavily modified version of the Aurora Engine (NwN2's engine is called 'Electron' now.)
I installed it this morning before work, I'll post my comments when I get home and play it tonight (might take until tomorow if its really good ;)
So... I couldn't find very much information on the site or the wiki.

Are there any different classes? I know there are different races, but I hope there are different classes, or at least later on in the game, transform into something different than just a sword-wielding warrior.
Visually, this game looks great. I have one concern though. Check out the video on ign called "Lead the Knights." It's on this page:

When the main character strikes an enemy, the enemy doesn't really react. For every 2 or 3 swings of your sword, the guy you're striking will just wobble a little bit. No slash marks, no realistically violent effects. It just seems like he's slashing away and nothing is happening (until the enemy falls down).
Holy batman! They modified NWN1 engine for this game? Obsidian should be ashamed of themselves of NWN2.

Really really want to play this game!
i have the International version pre-ordered on Supposed to ship out on Monday! Woot! Don't buy the crummy US version w/ the censoring, get the International version.

to the person who says he has it installed, do you live overseas? Its not been released yet here in the US. Well let us know how it is, and post some screenies :)
i have the International version pre-ordered on Supposed to ship out on Monday! Woot! Don't buy the crummy US version w/ the censoring, get the International version.

to the person who says he has it installed, do you live overseas? Its not been released yet here in the US. Well let us know how it is, and post some screenies :)
How can you tell if you've ordered the international version? I'm on right now.
Well, there is one with an (I) by the title and it's released a day before the other one.. the 29th vs the 30th.. I am guessing that's it.. but only a guess.
I think you're right. I tried to pre-order it, but gogamer won't take PayPal for pre-orders. I'll just wait 'til Monday and order it.
yup the version w/ the I by it is the int'l version. Apparently the only diff. really is on the cards you get from hookers. The US version has the breasts covered up, but the int'l version you can see everything in a lot of them. But hey, I want the game as it was originally intended to be seen, not some marginally hacked up version for the puritanical US review boards...
is that the one with the (I) by it in the description? this one

Thats the critter, (at lesat thats the one I was assuming it was and ordered it as well.) ;)

If you check the links down the side where it says something like import titles, its listed under there as well, with the same (I).
yup the version w/ the I by it is the int'l version. Apparently the only diff. really is on the cards you get from hookers. The US version has the breasts covered up, but the int'l version you can see everything in a lot of them. But hey, I want the game as it was originally intended to be seen, not some marginally hacked up version for the puritanical US review boards...

conservatives... gah!
I'm definitely on the conservative side of the political spectrum, but I likes me the pleasures of the flesh... even if it's the CGI version!!! :p
Thats the critter, (at lesat thats the one I was assuming it was and ordered it as well.) ;)

If you check the links down the side where it says something like import titles, its listed under there as well, with the same (I).

I pre-ordered this as well, and was told it is the International version.
its not even a conservative/liberal political thing, though I am liberal politically. It has everything to do with the religious upbringing of the original settlers here that has permeated the very roots of our society.
Well, it may not be in this instance.. but the conservatives are surely driving the censorship bus.. and have a lead-foot. ;)

I could see having a ramped down / covered up version for kids, but let the adults choose for themselves what they want to see in a game. At least we can get our hands on the Int version fairly easily.. :)

So back OT, who has some more screenies of this game??