The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

Trooper4985 said:
You could have at least gone to the bank and got a brand new bill before trying to show off.

LOL, he stole my idea.
I did it in a thread showing off the card and how big it was with a bill for comparison but he had to one-upped me by using a $100, I want my royalties damnit!!! ;) :D

On another note -- Homer--WHY on earth would you place that card directly on the carpet?
It could very easily get blasted and then you wouldn't be a happy camper anymore.

Besides I think my heatsink is sexier. :D

awww fuck yeah I was soo excited to rip them open I didnt even think about it. **punches himself in the face**
CIWS said:
I've got two machines here set up to play DOOM with on the home network. One is a A64 and the other is a P4C. So I figured why not go and get an Nvidia card too, that way I can have a real AMD/Nvidia vs Intel/ATI fight :D After all, all of the cards I had left here at the house were still ATI's.


holy video cards batman! thats aloooottt of nice cards

Matt Woller said:
Never EVER place ATI and Intel or AMD and nVidia in the same phrase again! Everybody knows it's ATI/AMD and Intel/nVidia. Come on, people... Intel = PresHOT.... nVidia = GeForce5800 UltraHOT. Are you seeing a pattern yet? =P

[AMD+ATI = RULEZ..] > [INTEL (prescott)+NVIDIA = FIRE]
Heres my BBA 9800 Pro @ 412/385 with Swiftech MCX370-CR2 HS and a 5200 RPM 60mm fan on.




It will be leaving for Canada in a couple of days

BFG 6800 OC Coming Soon...... (Today maybe)
this is my absolute favorite card, of all time. i have more older cards ill post later.

Mobility Radeon 9000 AIW - with the ATi Theater200 Chip for Hardware Decoding. Half Height Qualification Sample. Has VIVO too.



how do i do the thing that makes it smaller and then you click to make it bigger?

the card runs cool to the touch, even under load. it is silent, and playes HL2 great at 10x7 in dx8.1 with everything on high. the picture quality is amazing for TV viewing, so much better than the POS they call the tv wonder. the only drawback is that the tuner is mono :(
lithium726 said:
how do i do the thing that makes it smaller and then you click to make it bigger?

Basically you take a picture, and make a small version of it and save it as another picture.
For example
ati9000.jpg <large
ati9000s.jpg <small

Then, you insert the small picture in your message, and make that a hyperlink to the larger version.
Just make sure to replace the { with [ and the } with ] (i had to do this or it would not have looked right)

~Hope this helps
towert7 said:
Basically you take a picture, and make a small version of it and save it as another picture.
For example
ati9000.jpg <large
ati9000s.jpg <small

Then, you insert the small picture in your message, and make that a hyperlink to the larger version.
Just make sure to replace the { with [ and the } with ] (i had to do this or it would not have looked right)

~Hope this helps

um isn't there a way to just use thumbnails?
Dudeyourlame said:
i gave my 9000 pro away ... 9000 "shutters in fear" EWWW :eek:

its a good card for an older machine tho :)
you missed the point. its a mobility GPU. im a sucker for oddball hardware :p
um isn't there a way to just use thumbnails?
thats waht i want - for it to show a small picture, then you click on it and it gives the full reso.
I feel for those who can't afford a 6800nu and get a 6600gt instead :(.

That'd be like $30 well spent for much better performance :mad:

CleanSlate said:
I feel for those who can't afford a 6800nu and get a 6600gt instead :(.

That'd be like $30 well spent for much better performance :mad:

well it's a little more for me in Canada the 6600gt cost me $210CAD($168US) used. To buy a new 6800nu the cheapest I could get would be $336CAD(after tax and shipping and a $30 MIR, $270 US),
I am really happy with the performance of my 6600gt. huge increase from a 9700 pro.
darkhorse said:
My xfx 6600gt, just came in the mail today.

have fun with that card! its pretty amazing but somehow or another, mine blew out. the x700 pro i have now doesnt really compare to the 6600gt :(
yeah i upgraded my 9600pro to a 6800GT :D big jump in performance.. and i love my card..
jus a x800xl here. i like it alot. iam thinking of getting the zalman vf-700 or maybe a ATI silencer? which one should i get? iam not planning to OC much.
i would say a vf700. after thinking about it a lot, i bought it for my x700pro because i could always use the vf700 on my next card. its also whisper quiet and dropped my temps about 5C.
its funny cause thoes cards dont OC much at all.. so anycooler is good for them.. i personally like the sleek ati silencers
darkhorse said:
My xfx 6600gt, just came in the mail today.
that image has great clearity... i was wondering..what camera are you useing?

quoted again for my Q :D
Just a Canon P&S(Powershot A310), I used the macro setting, with the flash, and -1 exposure, then I blurred the top and bottom in ps(so dust is less visable :p ) and I used unsharp mask after resizing it.
Warrior said:
that image has great clearity... i was wondering..what camera are you useing?

quoted again for my Q :D

It had horrible image clarity, look at the top and the bottom of the shot...

Warrior said:
that image has great clearity... i was wondering..what camera are you useing?

quoted again for my Q :D
Is it just me, or am I the only one seeing the huge blurry part at the bottom of the picture? ("great clearity").
I hope that the camera did'nt do that...........
towert7 said:
Is it just me, or am I the only one seeing the huge blurry part at the bottom of the picture? ("great clearity").
I hope that the camera did'nt do that...........
I see it too... that guy must be on crack.
btw do u guys read? the guy who took the picture edited the bottom and top to blurr it.

I'd post pics of my 6600gt but im scared to take it out of my system. OMG WHAT IF IT SNAPS IN HALF? *nervous whistling* (im a bit paranoid lol)
wow... three ppl in a row who cant read... :rolleyes:

looking at the second quote in CleanSlate's sig really made me laugh there....
TSS Modder said:
wow... three ppl in a row who cant read... :rolleyes:

looking at the second quote in CleanSlate's sig really made me laugh there....
I read his post. but still that guy who said the clarity is great really must not have noticed the bottom and top....
elite.mafia said:
I read his post. but still that guy who said the clarity is great really must not have noticed the bottom and top....
no im quite sure he noticed it. and hes right. the pic is quite sharp.... :rolleyes:
darkhorse said:
Just a Canon P&S(Powershot A310), I used the macro setting, with the flash, and -1 exposure, then I blurred the top and bottom in ps(so dust is less visable :p ) and I used unsharp mask after resizing it.


BRAWWWRRR I shall never assume anything again if i don't want to be flamed by 3 people.
edit: found the ans. my self, atitraytools

how can i read the temps of my x800xl? i read that atitool does it, but how?
chronic9 said:
edit: found the ans. my self, atitraytools

how can i read the temps of my x800xl? i read that atitool does it, but how?

You have to click settings and look through the menus, somewhere you will see the option to have ATITool send the temp to the tray icon, or send it to another program (such as mbm5). I am not 100% sure what its under since I have an X700 in right now, which doesnt support temp sensing, but peak around the settings menu and you will find it.