The Frag Dolls

Do they tour?

I would like to pit my 1337 bullet stopping abilities against them.
I am looking forward to reading the interview, but as far as I know, the next time we will be out and about is this Thursday in San Fran when we will be playing EGM for a night to see who is "Queen of the Hill". From what I am told, there will be a piece in the Holiday Guide with the ladies and profiles and such, so keep an eye out. I will post exactly when it should appear as soon as I get the word.

As far as breaking into game journalism... It is all about being a free intern, and it does not hurt to be in the bay area since so many online and print pubs are here. Most sites have a link to the editor, and you can send samples, etc. IGN is infamous for having a ton of interns, but you can also check the company I started with ( now They have a large staff who are distributed across the U.S.

Hope that helps,
Katscratch :p
For some reason I wish I lived around the Bay area now. ;) lol
I'll have to remember to pick up that EGM then, thanks for the heads up. BTW you guys just came back from PAX right? I noticed that they had some anime booths setup so I was wondering if any of you girls are into that? Did you go to some anime cons too?
Heh, I live in the Bay Area. But Thursdays? Who would have a LAN on a Thursday? It's all about Saturday night. Oh well.
CrimandEvil said:
For some reason I wish I lived around the Bay area now. ;) lol
I'll have to remember to pick up that EGM then, thanks for the heads up. BTW you guys just came back from PAX right? I noticed that they had some anime booths setup so I was wondering if any of you girls are into that? Did you go to some anime cons too?

wow, i had no idea this thread existed. just wanted to drop in and say hi!

the anime booths at PAX were "eh". there was only 1 next to ours. but i'm a frequent visitor of the SD comic con... i love anime, but i have to get into a certain mode to sit there and finish a series. cowboy bebop and escaflowne rule.
seppuku FD said:
i have to get into a certain mode to sit there and finish a series. cowboy bebop and escaflowne rule.
LOL, my last GF had to do that too. Never could understand it since she really likes anime too. Gaming for her is different, she can load up a game and just play while I have to be in the mood for it, lol.
The interview is coming, unfortunately with all the server issues we have going on right now...I can't update Hypothermia for awhile (that is why there hasn't been any updates in almost 10 days) becasue of a server switch.

Have no fear, I will post a link to it here and on the front page when it is live. :D
Oh yay girls that can game...newsflash guys girls play alot of games. This isn't new, special or even newsworthy.
aaronpeek said:
Oh yay girls that can game...newsflash guys girls play alot of games. This isn't new, special or even newsworthy.
You're about seven pages too late. :rolleyes:
I am not trying to be mean at all, it is just that here in southern Arizona a female that games wether it be console or PC for any length of time is quite rare.
aaronpeek said:
Oh yay girls that can game...newsflash guys girls play alot of games. This isn't new, special or even newsworthy.

Ummm. I think he was being a smartass, like "Girls play games" (mindgames) with us simple men. :rolleyes:

Me like purty girls. Jinx mine. Come to my cave wit me. :p

You know cute girls that play PC games are almost as rare as "cool" guys who play PC games. j/k not all gamers are pimple face geeks. doh, that hurt. :eek:

Wait I'm a gamer... what does that make me?! :confused:
I'm a gamer, and my mom says I'm cool....that makes me cool, right?

And while there are "plenty" of girls who play games, and there are "plenty" of hot girls out there, the girls who possess both qualities are few and far between ;). Not to mention you can never have too many hot female gamers.

Most (but not all) females tend to follow this pattern...Attractive, Intelligent, Mentally stable - Choose 2.
chrisf6969 said:
You know cute girls that play PC games are almost as rare as "cool" guys who play PC games. j/k not all gamers are pimple face geeks. doh, that hurt. :eek:
I've known quite a few girl gamers BUT they all pretty much stay with consoles. Yes a cute girl playing PC games is rare. I've also known a few "cool" guys that also game but we mostly keep it a secret. ;)

Wait I'm a gamer... what does that make me?! :confused:
A very confused little boy. :D

Direwolf20 said:
Most (but not all) females tend to follow this pattern...Attractive, Intelligent, Mentally stable, Mentally Unstable - Choose 2.
Wow, you just described every girl I've dated but you forgot one, LMAO.
I know eekabeep (eekers) she works for Radio ITG also. She is also quakecon staff when quakecon comes around.
Looking forward to the interview. Also, I would like to be one of the first to offer up my services to the Fragdolls as Official Towelboy. Lemme know ;)
Just wanted to say welcome to the Frag Dolls who have stopped by. Looking forward to the interview. :)

Oh, and try to ignore the members who have low self-esteem and anger issues. We are hoping they will seek help soon.
The term double standards came to mind while reading the responses in the thread... Publicity is publicity guys, get over it, you'd drop dead for a chance to get paid to play games... Dunno why anyone wouldn't. Looking forward to Steve's article.
IMHO I dont care who your are or what gender you are, in my book its like this: If you like to game and your not a complete, mind you i said complete, assclown then your ok in my book.

Mid-West represent! HI to those of you who stoped in!
rogue_jedi said:
i find it funny that this is seppuku's sig on the PA forum...

and i think it is cool that there are female gamers getting some recognition now. maybe this will help convince more women to get into gaming/computers (we can only hope, right?)

Hehehe, that's pretty funny isn't it? Do you know where it comes from though?

Check here:

This is where the nickname Seppuku comes from and also where the stuff in her sig that you quoted comes from. If it wasn't for the sig, then I wouldn't say that she chose the name Seppuku based on that webpage. When you go to that webpage and click on Seppuku however, the steps in the sig comes up right away.

Anyway, now we know a little bit more about one of the Frag Dolls. Also, the website is funny as hell. I was laughing my ass off when I first visited. :)

EDIT: Did I say I was laughing my ass off when I first visited.RealUltimatePower?? I meant I laugh my ass off EVERYTIME I visit it and I just read the reviews for the book on Amazon and got totally pumped up!!!

Since the Seppuku Frag Doll appearantly enjoys this site as well, she must be awesome and by awesome, I mean TOTALLY SWEET!!! :D
Black_Paladin said:
Also, the website is funny as hell. I was laughing my ass off when I first visited. :)

My girlfriend hung her head in shame as I purchased the recently released "Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Book," but damn if it isn't a funny book. I'd recommend that anyone who enjoys the website to check it out.
The red-head center left looks a lot like my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I play Soul Calibur and ChuChu Rocket all the time. Life is good.
peepingdan said:
The red-head center left looks a lot like my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I play Soul Calibur and ChuChu Rocket all the time. Life is good.

Except when she pummels you into the ground right. ;)
saturnine2 said:
Personally, if a girl is interested in PC hardware and gaming, I dont care what she looks like, I would date her. I'm passed the stage of dating based on looks, I want someone who is interested in the things I am!

Laugh. What if she was 600lbs, had genital warts, acne galore, and showers once a week ?

Come on man.. get real. Looks aren't the most important thing in the long run, however when was the last time you were standing at the bar and bumped your buddy stating .. "Say Fred, Look at the personality on that one over there!" Everyone knows that common interests and personality are very important, but to say "I don't care what she looks like, I would date her." well sir.. that is just absolutely pitiful.

I suspect you lack a certain level of self confidence to aquire a beautiful woman, especially one who shares interests. Oh well.. more beautiful ladies for me I suppose. Don't hate me, hate the truth.

Carry on.
Only the publication of Steve's interview could save this hopelessly off-topic thread now! <cue the A-team theme song>
All you guys think "Man it must be great to have a girl that plays games like me." Sure it's fun sometimes, but with the good must come the bad. Sometimes your girl will want to go shopping or for you to take her out to dinner. To this we respond "Damn, I finally got into a non-H4X0rd server and Im up by 2 kills..." She sits for awhile giving you a look until she's sure you've glanced her direction at least once, and then she goes about her business. I got my girlfriend into playing some games, FFXI mostly, Tetris, and other puzzle games. All the times I've had my head buried in games when she wanted to go somewhere or wanted attention, it starts coming back around...Being a male of the species, I do enjoy a good bit of sexual activity from time to time, and all those days I was too busy for something, now from her I get "I got a good party in Quifm and I'm gonna level up soon, dont bug me". DAMN! She leaves you with wood and you make the sad puppy face until she glares at you and causes you to run away. And yes, if they hand you your ass it does make your balls shrink for a minute, but its when she hands your friend's ass to him... ::sniffle:: so proud...

Off topic, but on thread...topic...something...:
I think all the guys that are saying "::drool:: ::splurge:: so hot..." they're the ones causing the HUGE arrogant bitch egos of attractive women. Too many people falling all over gives them an attitude of "I'm so much better than you that I can find someone new and take all their money and shake my ass for them instead." Stop telling the hot girls that they're hot you bastages! Trust me, they already know.
Nospheritu said:
All you guys think "Man it must be great to have a girl that plays games like me." Sure it's fun sometimes, but with the good must come the bad....

Actually bro, I have been married since I was 20 (I'm 36 now) and that applies to everything...whether she is a gamer or not ;)

The biggest thing about these girls being gamers is the fact that they all dig on the same stuff we do. I know there are some people (obviously way cooler than any of us here) that know LOTS of teams good looking girl gamers...they hang out with DeathMatching Super Models all the time...but for the rest of it, hanging with the hunnies that truly like the same stuff we do is pretty damn spanky (my opinion of course).

And we should have the Hypothermia server stuff worked out in the next few days so I can post the interview.
Nospheritu said:
All you guys think "Man it must be great to have a girl that plays games like me." Sure it's fun sometimes, but with the good must come the bad. Sometimes your girl will want to go shopping or for you to take her out to dinner. To this we respond "Damn, I finally got into a non-H4X0rd server and Im up by 2 kills..." She sits for awhile giving you a look until she's sure you've glanced her direction at least once, and then she goes about her business. I got my girlfriend into playing some games, FFXI mostly, Tetris, and other puzzle games. All the times I've had my head buried in games when she wanted to go somewhere or wanted attention, it starts coming back around...Being a male of the species, I do enjoy a good bit of sexual activity from time to time, and all those days I was too busy for something, now from her I get "I got a good party in Quifm and I'm gonna level up soon, dont bug me". DAMN! She leaves you with wood and you make the sad puppy face until she glares at you and causes you to run away. And yes, if they hand you your ass it does make your balls shrink for a minute, but its when she hands your friend's ass to him... ::sniffle:: so proud...

Off topic, but on thread...topic...something...:
I think all the guys that are saying "::drool:: ::splurge:: so hot..." they're the ones causing the HUGE arrogant bitch egos of attractive women. Too many people falling all over gives them an attitude of "I'm so much better than you that I can find someone new and take all their money and shake my ass for them instead." Stop telling the hot girls that they're hot you bastages! Trust me, they already know.

Bahahahahha! Good write-up!
Nospheritu said:
All you guys think "Man it must be great to have a girl that plays games like me." Sure it's fun sometimes, but with the good must come the bad. Sometimes your girl will want to go shopping or for you to take her out to dinner. To this we respond "Damn, I finally got into a non-H4X0rd server and Im up by 2 kills..." She sits for awhile giving you a look until she's sure you've glanced her direction at least once, and then she goes about her business. I got my girlfriend into playing some games, FFXI mostly, Tetris, and other puzzle games. All the times I've had my head buried in games when she wanted to go somewhere or wanted attention, it starts coming back around...Being a male of the species, I do enjoy a good bit of sexual activity from time to time, and all those days I was too busy for something, now from her I get "I got a good party in Quifm and I'm gonna level up soon, dont bug me". DAMN! She leaves you with wood and you make the sad puppy face until she glares at you and causes you to run away. And yes, if they hand you your ass it does make your balls shrink for a minute, but its when she hands your friend's ass to him... ::sniffle:: so proud...

Off topic, but on thread...topic...something...:
I think all the guys that are saying "::drool:: ::splurge:: so hot..." they're the ones causing the HUGE arrogant bitch egos of attractive women. Too many people falling all over gives them an attitude of "I'm so much better than you that I can find someone new and take all their money and shake my ass for them instead." Stop telling the hot girls that they're hot you bastages! Trust me, they already know.

Karma my friend, Karma.
Black_Paladin said:
Not sure what you mean by that. I mean I know what Karma means but not sure what you mean. :)

I think he means what goes around comes around heh.

Like since you wanted to ignore her a bit, it came back to you, via karma :p
Stiler said:
I think he means what goes around comes around heh.

Like since you wanted to ignore her a bit, it came back to you, via karma :p

All the more reason to NOT date a girl who is a gamer. Girlfriends are for dinners, movies, trips, sex, stupid couch cuddling and all that relationship stuff, not for sitting 18 hrs in a chair next to one another stinking, stuffing your face and farting un showered all day.

At the end of the day.. then what .. so um.. we both smell like moldy cheese.. wanna bang ? I much prefer keep gaming my hobby on the side, something for me. I'd prefer a girl who shops and talks too damn much to a unshowered gamer chick. Being around your girlfriend too much is a ticking timebomb anyways.. so here is one way to keep your distance :)

To each his own though ...
theNoid said:
not for sitting 18 hrs in a chair next to one another stinking, stuffing your face and farting un showered all day.
If that's how you game then you really need to get out more. :rolleyes:

Am I the only one that gets turned on when the GF kicks my ass in something like CS or FC?

I'd rather have a GF that I have something in common with then one that likes to waste my money on shopping for crap but to each his own I guess. :rolleyes:
CrimandEvil said:
If that's how you game then you really need to get out more. :rolleyes:

Am I the only one that gets turned on when the GF kicks my ass in something like CS or FC?

Lol... good point. Actually the only game that did that to me was City of Heroes on sunday. But you get my point ...

I would think that 'MOST' (not all) computer/gaming freaks are geeklike, sheltered, lack social skills so the thought of a girl in general is enough to change underpants. Taking that and adding the facination that a *gasp* 'girl' could share your nerdlike interest seems overwelmingly out of this world to some people around here, and honestly sounds very corny. But hey... whatever floats your boat.

I'd much rather keep gaming 'my' thing and have a girlfriend that has her own hobby she enjoys on her own. theNoid ... normal everyday working citizen by day ... reclusive gaming nerd by night :) (well M-F anyways.. weekends are for the boozes).
(shrug) All I know is that I have a hell of a time playing games like Fatal Frame and Silent Hill with her and loading up Guilty Gear or maybe some FPS and getting my ass kicked all with a little "fun activities" afterwards. ;) :D There's something to be said for having a GF who is a geek. ;)
Seeing the pic on page 1, brings a quote from Family Guy to mind.

"Hey why do women have boobs?.....Gives you something to look at when you talk to them."

;) :D
Black_Paladin said:
EDIT: Did I say I was laughing my ass off when I first visited.RealUltimatePower?? I meant I laugh my ass off EVERYTIME I visit it and I just read the reviews for the book on Amazon and got totally pumped up!!!

yup, some people just don't get my gamer tag. but it totally gets me pumped when they do. i don't think i could dig a guy who didn't think that site was hilarious. and yup, i bought the book too. i love the part where he's like - i asked my mom if i could take kung fu lessons. she said no, but that i could take yoga instead. i'm starting on monday! :p