The Frag Dolls

uclajd said:
they are all uber-hotties :confused:

Let's just say I disagree with the thread creator on some issues. :p

well, you certainly have that right, but to me they are...and the fact that they are all gamers really just adds that extra "something" :D.

Perfect example...

....ever see a hella fine "super model" that is beautiful...until they open their mouth and speak? Superficial and fake women, no matter how attractive, are ugly.

Attractive women that can whip my ass in a round or two of Halo really, REALLY, REALLY just turns my crank! Pretty women who also enjoy the things we do = uber-hotties ;)

I guess I am just bias when it comes to girl gamers. We all know my buddy Asia is a girl gamer too. *sigh*
Jabroni31169 said:
Yea....I bumped into eckers at the [H] Party....they should be cloned as we need more gaming females among the masses of guys.

I second that motion to clone!!!

And good job on the questions guys, I am going to use a lot of this stuff!
You should ask them if there is any way we could persuade our current girlfriends into gaming and teach them not to hate computers.....I have this sucks
Jabroni31169 said:
You should ask them if there is any way we could persuade our current girlfriends into gaming and teach them not to hate computers.....I have this sucks
I agree. I would be interesting to get a womans perspective on this.
Steve said:
well, you certainly have that right, but to me they are...and the fact that they are all gamers really just adds that extra "something" :D.

Perfect example...

....ever see a hella fine "super model" that is beautiful...until they open their mouth and speak? Superficial and fake women, no matter how attractive, are ugly.

Attractive women that can whip my ass in a round or two of Halo really, REALLY, REALLY just turns my crank! Pretty women who also enjoy the things we do = uber-hotties ;)

I guess I am just bias when it comes to girl gamers. We all know my buddy Asia is a girl gamer too. *sigh*

I couldn't agree more.

Just have a look at the blog; from the ones I have read they all seem to be very articulate and perhaps even intelligent, both of which are icing on the cake for the "complete package". And, as a bonus, it says a lot for their confidence and drive that they managed to garner enough of a reputation to land a sponsor.

Just drop-dead gorgeous (Paris Hilton anyone?) will always lose to a good balance of beauty, brains, confidence, and cool hobbies in my book. :D
Jabroni31169 said:
You should ask them if there is any way we could persuade our current girlfriends into gaming and teach them not to hate computers.....I have this sucks

Well, in my experience this is pretty simple, assuming the girl in question is at all reasonable.

First, you need to make sure she knows (or at least thinks... ;) ) that she is more important than the hobby/toy in question. (for me, it's gadgets, games, and cars)

Then, don't force the issue. Casually expose her to the different types of games and see which, if any, spark an interest. If she shows an interest then great, show her the ropes. (But be patient about it; it's just a game after all.)

But, if not, don't force it; the important part isn't for games to be important to her. The important part is for her to understand and accept that games are important to you and for you to understand and accept whatever she happens to enjoy.

Geeez....when did I turn into Dear Abby? I think I had better go do something manly now.....where did I leave that gun?
for all you old schoolers... what ever happend to Killcreek? she was uber hot!!!
QHalo said:
You had me until you said that nasty skank's name. Sorry. :(

Hence the reason she is on the LOSING side of the equation. I personally don't think I could be in the same room with her; I can only stand her TV show for about 60 seconds flat before I am ready to scream.
parad0x177 said:
Hence the reason she is on the LOSING side of the equation. I personally don't think I could be in the same room with her; I can only stand her TV show for about 60 seconds flat before I am ready to scream.
Trust me, I agree with you. Heh, I just can't read her name without the chunks rising up in my throat. :(
Some of you guys need to get laid around here or grow up, which ever.
But personally I would not take my wife hunting, nor would I take her to a lan, shes got her things, I've got mine.

But as far as questions, how about what do they look for in a guy, are they into dating other gamers, ect..
couldnt they invest in a better host and put up bigger images ... i mean come on, stop being 56 friendly :confused:
Ask them this - If you had to choose a motto for Frag Dolls from the following, which would it be:
'Girls Rule!'
'Just one of the guys'
'I am woman, hear me roar'
or 'Can't we just be friends? ;)'

It would be funny to me at least :D
Steve, are you asking for questions to be used in interviews? If you are, I'd like one or two answered: Does it bother you at all that Ubisoft is sponsoring you based on your looks rather than your skills? (Pointed question, but gives the girls to explain they have "skillz"). Do you feel that you're re-enforcing the stereotype of women in games being sex objects?

Seriously, seeing stuff like this makes me shudder a little bit. There's no doubt in my mind that these girls are being used for their looks, rather than their skill in their sponsorship. I'm sure they're great players and could whoop me anyday. C'mon, look at those pictures. It doesn't sell the player, it sells sex. Bare midriffs, tight T's. What is this really doing for gaming? For that matter, what do these girls want to get out of this?

I guess I need to wait for the interview to see what direction this is going to take. I'm all in favor of more feminitity in gaming. I'd personally rather see gaming take a higher road and not base it solely on sex appeal.
I think girls gaming is great, if for no other reason than to force most of the online community to stop acting like total and complete jackasses. Seriously, can you imagine how much the CS community might be improved if there were even 1in 10 girls on a server at any one time...
Torgo said:
Steve, are you asking for questions to be used in interviews? If you are, I'd like one or two answered: Does it bother you at all that Ubisoft is sponsoring you based on your looks rather than your skills? (Pointed question, but gives the girls to explain they have "skillz"). Do you feel that you're re-enforcing the stereotype of women in games being sex objects?

The only problem with that question is this...THEY BEAT EVERYONE (out of 3000+ attendees) at PAX in the tourneys. The competition stepped up and was put down...some rounds lasted less than 40 seconds :eek: Explain that! :p

But I plan a question that will address your concerns ;) and let them answer the critics themselves.
darktiger said:
I like this one.


I live in Seattle and work for a large accounting firm here. Every year we get a new intern or newhire that looks like this girl. We have like 3 of them on staff right now and I always get confused which is which and have to ask their names when I see them.

There are some advantages to being a west coaster if you like the far-east ladies. :)
arentol said:
There are some advantages to being a west coaster if you like the far-east ladies. :)

Funny, I never was the kind of guy that was "into" asian ladies... I never had a preference or anything like look at me, I am married to a beautiful asian woman and one of my best buddies is Asia Carrera. whoddathunkit
Diablo2K said:
Its crap like that that keeps most girls out of gaming, Anytime a Girl is discovered in a game they are hounded by a bunch of imature punks till they are forced to quit. GROW THE HELL UP PEOPLE, if you want more girls playing games then you need to start treating them with respect!


This isnt the first time I have seen a girl clan. HL alone had 2 all girl clans (B.L.O.W. and S.T.A.R.S.) that had members that could seriously kick ass. Most would not play very many public servers because of the immature taunts and questions. I am glad to see this groupo have persevered to the level they have.
You don't see many girl gamers (I actually think that there are alot of them but that they're closet gamers) so it's GREAT to see some get together and form a Clan!
It doesn't hurt that they are all easy on the eyes either ;) (I like Seppuku the most though :D) but I'll roll in the tongue and ask some questions.

What are their favorite games?
How did they get into gaming?
What do they do in their spare time?
Whats better: Console of PC?
Their rig's specs?
and maybe the most important: Single and if they're doing anything next Friday? :)D)
Are they pc enthusiast like we are?

Did they form themselves or did UBI soft put them together?
R3D33M3R said:
I refuse to choose ! SHOOT ME !

I wouldnt mind having em all ! :p

the man speaks the truth!

While we ALL like to talk a little smack every now and again...and brag that "she ain't so hot"...I am telling you right now if a little deathmatching ended up getting hot & heavy I don't see ANY of you putting away your joystick and leaving ;)
Steve said:
the man speaks the truth!

While we ALL like to talk a little smack every now and again...and brag that "she ain't so hot"...I am telling you right now if a little deathmatching ended up getting hot & heavy I don't see ANY of you putting away your joystick and leaving ;)

Steve bro , u can bett your life on it that i wouldnt leave ! They all look awesome ! nuff said !
ah yes, the ultimate kill. she'll annihilate you at some game then walk into a club and pick up every guy there, then the process will start all over.

oh who can tame their wild hearts? :p
Or to be more PC, female... You have to admit, they're attractive, and that is what gets the attention. Maybe it's because I'm n a sucky program (EE), but I don't see a lot of girl gamers out there, or even PC enthusiasts. We're this interested 'cause we don't see a lot of them in our daily lives, and so much of our thoughts dwell on games and our [H]ware. Steve, pls ask if they feel that they are being portrayed as well-rounded people. V.L.
Personally, if a girl is interested in PC hardware and gaming, I dont care what she looks like, I would date her. I'm passed the stage of dating based on looks, I want someone who is interested in the things I am!
I think they are all very nice looking, and think that it is great that they game and are good at it! There is nothing wrong with them dressing the way they do (it is socially acceptable, given the situation), nor "using" the fact that they are attractive women to gain attention.

The fact that they are sponsored is great!

As far as questions... I dunno... I suppose mine would be how they all met. :)

$50 says you won't ask one of them if they like buttsex

Seriously though, ask them to tell you about the game that changed them from a casual gamer into hardcore.
Steve said:
I am working on an interview with the Frag Dolls, a team of UbiSoft sponsored uber-hotties that recently whipped everyones ass at PAX (Penny Arcades Expo ). The picture doesn't do them justice, they are all beautiful girls...and most importantly REAL gamers.


I will be putting together questions over the next few days, if you ideas for questions or have anything you would like to have me ask, put it here.

NO derogatory / off topic comments, the mods will strike down upon thee if you chose not to abide by those guidelines :D
I'm fragged!

I think Jinx is my favourite!


1: Any of them ride a unicycle?

2: Any of them juggle? (I've noticed that my game has improved since I learned to juggle about a year ago. [I'm 1 to 1½ steps up from sucking now!]) :)
lol, please don't say which ones are your favorites just because they're's just weird. Nobody does that for regular clans (OMG HEATON! I LOVE U U R SO HAWT) so why do it now?

That having been said, Seppuku is pretty damn cute. But it doesn't particularly matter, so why does everybody care?
It seems to me that they are big console fans so it would be interesting to ask them what they have seen when a game is lauched on a pc first and then ported to a console or vice versa. Does the gameplay get better or worse with the different controller and hardware? And just out of curiosity do they have any thoughts on apple gaming. (i know there are almost 0 games for the apple).