The Frag Dolls

theNoid said:
All the more reason to NOT date a girl who is a gamer. Girlfriends are for dinners, movies, trips, sex, stupid couch cuddling and all that relationship stuff, not for sitting 18 hrs in a chair next to one another stinking, stuffing your face and farting un showered all day.

At the end of the day.. then what .. so um.. we both smell like moldy cheese.. wanna bang ? I much prefer keep gaming my hobby on the side, something for me. I'd prefer a girl who shops and talks too damn much to a unshowered gamer chick. Being around your girlfriend too much is a ticking timebomb anyways.. so here is one way to keep your distance :)

To each his own though ...

Well I feel that hardcore gamers should date other gamers, because if you really are "hardcore" the significant other will have a problem with you gaming- if you dont share that interest. Personally, I play games over 40 hours a week and did long before I became a FD. I lead one of the largest and oldest xbox live girl clans, of over 70 members and that is my job! I am the leader, the webmaster, and one of the overall forces that make us a playoff team every season on the largest xbox ladder site. That is kinda how I got this opportunity to become a FD.

I want to thank those warrented for your support. As this is a new inititive, what I want people to keep in mind is that this is an opportunity for other females AND males out there. Our success will have an impact on the future way clans are sponsored and how companies go about pushng sponsorship to the next level. It is any gamer's dream to be able to travel and compete professionally, and this will only open doors for many people- not just females. Companies will start veiwing gaming with sports-like potential and if they see that sponsored clans can have an impact on the community, others will follow suit. Some of you might not care to make your "hobby" a viable job, but I know alot of you will! ;)
Valkyrie FD said:
Well I feel that hardcore gamers should date other gamers, because if you really are "hardcore" the significant other will have a problem with you gaming- if you dont share that interest. Personally, I play games over 40 hours a week and did long before I became a FD.
Excuse my spit take, but I'd highly disagree. I've been probably gaming and been married longer than you've been alive. Diversity in a relationship makes it thrive. There's certainly more to it than just fragging each other on a PC. This thread really isn't the best place to discuss it, but I'd be more than happy to start a new one on the topic.

Second point, why is that "hardcore" only equates to playing time? Some people seem to equate spending 40 hours a week playing a single game as being able to label yourself as "hardcore", while I spend my time researching game history, writing text books on game design, attending IGDA meetings and chatting up other developers doesn't put me in the same category.

Sure, put me in a gaming tournament and you'll tan my hide, but if it's you and me in a Jeopardy round on gaming or being a project manager on a AAA title, I'd be the clear winner. Trust me, when it counts, there's more to life in relationships and gaming than what you see on the surface.
Torgo said:
Sure, put me in a gaming tournament and you'll tan my hide, but if it's you and me in a Jeopardy round on gaming or being a project manager on a AAA title, I'd be the clear winner. Trust me, when it counts, there's more to life in relationships and gaming than what you see on the surface.

Wouldn't that make you more of a designer/developer than a hardcore gamer then? I know developers that rarely play all that much, wouldn't qualify them as hardcore gamers... doesn't make them bad designers either. Maybe your definition of hardcore gamer is just different, but to me in your case it's more of a creative job, nothing wrong with it. /shrug Every releationship (and person) is different...
I just have a difficult time with labels such as "hardcore". It's an adjective. Somehow if you apply it to yourself, you magically become holier-than-thou and gives you a license to look down on others.

Let's make a quick comparison to movies (which is a habit that the gaming industry loves to make because we want to be just like our pretty step-sister). You can take a guy like Harry Knowles make a web site and watch movies 80 hours a week. That makes him "hardcore" movie guy. You take a film professor at Cal State who studies the art, teaches others what he knows and makes a few short films and yet the perception is that he is not of the "hardcore" type.

"I told U I was hardcore" becomes this mantra with little meaning. What exactly is hardcore? Who defines it? Is it something elusive like humility where upon recognizing it you lose it? Does playing 40 hours a week make you hardcore or just make you a sad pathetic person with no life outside of gaming?

I think people use many gaming terminology without knowing the context in which it's used.
Well I can fully agree with that, context changes everything, regardless of anyone's personal definiton. I wasn't trying to look down on ya, and while there's many developers I wouldn't consider hardcore gamers, by the same token many do love gaming and if they had more free time they'd spend part of it gaming.

Time spent definitely doesn't equate with a serious love for the hobby, some people are just addicted and others may merely be caught up in a competition (say, someone who only plays a single game all week long and is obssesed with it or just doesn't see the value in anything else within the industry).

I don't think the thread is the place to talk about such semantics, but I'd still agree that sharing a hobby isn't necessarily bad in a relationship. It all depends on the specific character of the two persons within the relationship and their particular engagement within the hobby. Broad generalizations based on personal experience just won't apply in most cases, even as the same person moves on to different relationships.
Are they picked up with positive presence as a plus? Quite sexistic if so I have to say. Or why do picking up their physical presence so much?

If there is a male CS clan do you comment their looks as well?
I will proffer my perspective as a female, who isn't a gamer, BTW.

I think sponsorship of an all-female team is fine, even if they were selective about it. Would a 300-lb ugly woman have been considered for the team, regardless of her gaming ability? Probably not.

I think in many ways you guys have made this a reality. You're the ones who want to fantasize about "hot chicks who play games". That hypothetical 300-lb ugly woman gamer I mentioned? Most of you simply won't allow that into your mental reality.

But I see the other side as well. Chunky/pasty/overweight guys who play games to no end?... sorry, but I don't have fantasies about your type. :)
Lethal said:
I think in many ways you guys have made this a reality. You're the ones who want to fantasize about "hot chicks who play games". That hypothetical 300-lb ugly woman gamer I mentioned? Most of you simply won't allow that into your mental reality.

I don't think anyone would allow that into their mental, sober reality whether she was a gamer or not. ;)
Damn I wish they would open a chapter in Toronto....

Good looking girls that like videogames .....

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :eek:

/wipes up drool
But that is exactly why that is so sexistic. You post this to show some hot women not to mention that this team is really good at CS. I think they would much rather be acknowledge for what they do then how they look.

If you comment a male team you don´t make comments like that do you? But I don´t know this gaming business is quite ridiculous at times. Can´t imagine how many E3 articles I have seen focusing on booth babes more than the actual games. Both professional and from people who went from them. I mean are there really so many computer gamers that have never been to a beach or have seen a woman in real life?

Why focus so much on their appearance and making apologies for "they look much better in real life"?
I think they focus so much on appearance .... because people who are good looking, generally do better in life. Just the way it is. So much is about image in this day and age. Pretending things dont work like this is just ignorant.

And have you ever told a girl they look good ? I have never had a women get mad at me because I commented that they look good. I would think it would be an ego booster for these women. I would also think they are trying show the image that even good looking females like to play games. In effect they are combating the stereostype that games are dominated by males.
bonkrowave said:
In effect they are combating the stereostype that games are dominated by males.
Combating or being used by the system? Go back to the picture on page one. Tight sleeveless black Ts, low cut jeans. What image are they selling here? It's not games.

It's a double standard. Women in gaming seem to be accepted only if they're "hot" and not because they are skilled. Stevie Case, probably the most famous female competitor, gained the most fame not from her famed deathmatch with John Romero, but her Playboy spread.

One of the questions that Steve was supposed to ask in the interview (which we're all still waiting on) was how are the Frag Dolls going to combat this sterotype of sexism. Would they accept a 400lb. player if she was really good, or are there "standards" they they have to maintain.

I wonder how that would play out. Would this hypothetical heavyset member become known as the "fat one" despite her talent?
But that is a stupid way to look at it. Would games be more socially acceptable because playmates play it? Yes it´s fun that girls play it but I rather have real girls than playmates that just plays it because they get money. ´

I don´t see how better looking girls would do better in CS. CS isn´t a beauty contest after all. Look at SK Swe how beautiful are these guys and they are definiatly the top dogs currently :rolleyes:

Really I find this kind of language being used often to surpress women by limiting them down to being objects really. Many seem to being threatened by women playing games.

Look at other sports there women get the same acknowledgement for their skill as men do regardless of appearance. It´s what you perform that matters.
Umm I dont know where you live ...

But pretty much all girls dress that way around here. Seems to be in style. I dont think they are dressing like that on purpose, ie tight fitting clothes, thats just in style. doubt the argument will come along ... I dont see large girls dressign like that... Well that because they would not be able to fit into something that tight. If they are comfortable with their body ... why not show it off. They shouldn't hide there bodies because others are not comfortable with their own body.

And Im sure if a large girl joined the team she would be known as the fat one. If someone is fat, they are fat. Why would you pretend they are not. Talent and looks are totally different. A fat person could still be good at video games ... but that doesn't mean they are not fat.

Time to wake up .... image is everything in our society.
Yes if you are having that attitude definiatly. That don´t mean we shouldn´t work to change it should it?
So let me get this straight ... you are trying to change the way soceity thinks ????

I really think it is going to take more then a message board to do that.

And its not "my" attitude ... its the way things are.
This thread is so funny. They are just girls.. They are outside your door.. everywhere.. :p
Looks like I'm in oqvist's court here. Bonkrowave, I think you're just missing the point. I don't think that the Frag Dolls are aware of the image that they are propagating. They don't even represent the average female gamer. The demographics of female gamers in fact show that they are middle-aged. They're not even close to representing the female gaming segment.

I'm going to put the brakes on at the moment because the interview still hasn't been posted (AFAIK). I don't want to put words in the Frag Dolls mouth, but I certainly have a lot of questions I'd like to ask.

If anyone cares, I do have several white papers on female gamers and some other studies that I can make available or post links to.
I would give more credit to these girls.
I am pretty sure they are well aware of the image they are portraying.

If there was a group of overweight girls ... only overweight ... no one would be complaining about the image they are portraying. I think its wrong to take away from the Fragdolls because they are good looking.
bonkrowave said:
I think its wrong to take away from the Fragdolls because they are good looking.

In your opinion they are good looking. To me, only 2-3 are.
Well good for you
The number of Fragdolls who are good looking means nothing.

It has nothing to do with any of the arguments people are trying to make.
This same vein of discussion was fleshed out to death two or three pages ago, you're not opening anyone's eyes here or changing anyone's minds I'd imagine. Where's the article Steve!
Good to see girls diggin videos games(too bad I think they don't play PC games that much) and yeh I agree with the others they are hot.....
OffTopic: Escaflowne hmmmm I need a torrent for that(Kind of an anime guy)

Eh :confused: :confused:
What's the thread about again??? :confused: :confused:

To any of the fragdolls.

Can you please start a Canadian chapter ...
preferably in toronto ...
preferably in my apartment .... :p
Interesting to find some Fems playing games. I take so much heat from my girlfriend about my gaming its incredible. She thinks that I would rather be in front of my computer than spending time with her. Hmnn, she might be on to something there. ;)
Furystrike said:
they really are...I need to get rid of mine...*sigh*
I already did. good thing to do, my comp never whines, complains, or b!tches at me, and hey I love to spend money on the comp instead of her anyways! :p
Milez6 said:
I already did. good thing to do, my comp never whines, complains, or b!tches at me, and hey I love to spend money on the comp instead of her anyways! :p

Procreating with your computer is... difficult at best. :)

Furystrike said:
True, but then you dont have to put up with her when your done
Yeah but cleaning out a keyboard is a pain in the ass to me, I'd rather have her clean herself up. ;) LOL
I do have to ask the question...


(very sorry for the caps, but I think the question did needed to be asked?!?)

Steve??? Comments?


I can't update Hyponerdia. The interview has been done for awile, I may just have to post it on [H]ardOCP, but that isn't something we normally cover here.

I am crossing my fingers that we will have all my server issues fixed fairly soon.