Teh Uber L33t Aqua-Computer Thread :)

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[S]nt|Mods said:
I'll try to take pictures when I receive it back from "the shop" but I'd rather send it right back out to MFZ so he doesnt have to wait as long to get it.


Well I doubt it will take you too long to take pics so go for it unless you only have 10 mins remaining to ship it out or something lol. :)
[S]nt|Mods said:
I'll try to take pictures when I receive it back from "the shop" but I'd rather send it right back out to MFZ so he doesnt have to wait as long to get it.


When u say "the shop" are u speaking of my garage based machine shop? :p LOL
sweet... then dibs on a spare 240 grill if you got one :) i already emaild you twice.. sorry about being excited like a little school girl on crack
Gongo said:
sweet... then dibs on a spare 240 grill if you got one :) i already emaild you twice.. sorry about being excited like a little school girl on crack

Well im sure Dan will forgive u but it would make matters better IF u were a girl.. :D
10-21-2004 shipment.jpg

It will be comming to me asap,We have talked about it and hes gona get the fittings for it tonight maby..
SHIZER!! Gutenabend Einen feuchten Traum haben Die lieferung shnell ! shnell !
Wer hat gefurzt? :rolleyes:
Aviddigi said:
SHIZER!! Gutenabend Einen feuchten Traum haben Die lieferung shnell ! shnell !
Wer hat gefurzt? :rolleyes:

SHIT!! Good evening a damn dream have the delivery FAST ! FAST!!
Who has farted

thats my take on it :D
BitchBreaker said:
SHIT!! Good evening a damn dream have the delivery FAST ! FAST!!
Who has farted

thats my take on it :D

haha yeah babelfish is your friend..its great at translating languages into Engrish. Did you get my aquatube from Dan yet?? Plz tell me you did.
IF you like my german you should try my arabic alot worse and my english is a close third
Sorry no aqua tube yet...what he said in german i turned into english..hell maby my german is off a lil? :eek:

I've finally gone through all the orders that went out today and their paperwork.... :eek:

Im gona take a bit of a break now and play some CS:S and then I'll come back and post the 240mm grill template if I can get it scaled correctly. There were only a few items that I couldnt ship with some orders due to backorders placed on me from abroad. I will be emailing those customers and notifying them of these small shortages.

The 1/2" Aquatube mod will begin this next week. "BitchBreaker" wasnt available today to provide me with the additional information that was needed for me to ship him the stock 'tube. Once I ship the tube this Monday I may receive it back in my hands by the end of this next week if USPS doesnt take too long both ways (2-3 across the states).

If any of you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will get to them as I can. :tired:

BitchBreaker said:
sorry guys...i let every one down :(

As if its your fault...I got way too tired after staying up for 24 straight hours to get these backorders out.

great timing, i was in dire need of some good news (lots of stress lately). can't wait to see the stuff in person.
[S]nt|Mods said:

I've finally gone through all the orders that went out today and their paperwork.... :eek:

Im gona take a bit of a break now and play some CS:S and then I'll come back and post the 240mm grill template if I can get it scaled correctly. There were only a few items that I couldnt ship with some orders due to backorders placed on me from abroad. I will be emailing those customers and notifying them of these small shortages.

The 1/2" Aquatube mod will begin this next week. "BitchBreaker" wasnt available today to provide me with the additional information that was needed for me to ship him the stock 'tube. Once I ship the tube this Monday I may receive it back in my hands by the end of this next week if USPS doesnt take too long both ways (2-3 across the states).

If any of you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will get to them as I can. :tired:


Sweet, now I can get started and then whenever bitchbreaker is done modding the aquatube I can add that on. :) BTW could you scan a templae of the aquatube while you're at it? Thanks dude.
Airplex Evo 240 Grill

Aquatube Bracket

Let the modding begin and thanks for waiting.
Be very sure to print at 100% scale with the header and footer reduced to 0.0" or as little as possible. :)

The center to center hole length should be 255mm on the Airplex Evo 240 grill.
The center to center hole length/width should be 86mm on the Aquatube Bracket.

I vote to get this thread posted as Sticky status. :D

<chants>Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Sticky!</chants>

I was just wondering....is anybody interested in posting a new "About Us " blog for the SNT catalog? The old one is, well......old. I thought that somebody may be able to describe SNTsystems better than I can. :D

Actually, if anybody cares to contribute anything to the catalog, feel free to supply your idea too. I find myself overworked sometimes....

I find myself overworked sometimes....

I find u over worked all the time Dan...we can never find time to chat any more :(

what ever happend to the good old days..when i was a web host..and u were..well u were the same guy doing the same thing back then..BUT! u dident have the A64 :D
Hi guys. I've only just heard of the Aqua Computer but I've been looking into water cooling for my next rig for a while now and think I might just have to cook up my own Lian-Li+Aqua Computer cooled system. Just a few quick questions:

- How quiet do these things run? I guess I'm looking at a 640 radiator and two SilenX 120mm fans, can you run these slow or even turn them off? At least for when I'm just surfing and emailing - can crank them up to full for gaming of course.
- How does the the Aqua Tube work? Looks like it'd let air into the system, though I'm sure it doesn't. And it doesn't look like it holds much water, or do you run it in tanem with the Aqua Inlet to provide enough water storage?
- Anyone know when they plan to offer an English version of the German site? ;) (ok, just kidding, I can get by, was just wondering because of the Union Jack button that doesn't work right now)
icenode said:
- How quiet do these things run? I guess I'm looking at a 640 radiator and two SilenX 120mm fans, can you run these slow or even turn them off? At least for when I'm just surfing and emailing - can crank them up to full for gaming of course.

Im guessing you were refering to the 240mm radiator. I've found that the Airplex radiator performs much better than a Black Ice Pro II that I have installed in another of my rigs, Twisted AC. It may just be because it's designed to work well with like components, Aqua-Computer and the like.
icenode said:
- How does the the Aqua Tube work? Looks like it'd let air into the system, though I'm sure it doesn't. And it doesn't look like it holds much water, or do you run it in tanem with the Aqua Inlet to provide enough water storage?
The Aquatube is just a small water reservoir, its best used to vacate air within the loop and allow it to escape into the 'tube. Water levels within the system are always a user's choice, my Twisted AC keeps a low water level for the Aquajet to perform the way I like it to (cascading water against the plexicover), Sick Rig is always meant to remain full except when the water level decreases over time.
icenode said:
- Anyone know when they plan to offer an English version of the German site? ;) (ok, just kidding, I can get by, was just wondering because of the Union Jack button that doesn't work right now)
The best translations you'll receive are gona be available through the SNT website or right here. Most of the time I will describe a product better than what the Aqua-Computer site lists.
[S]nt|Mods said:
Im guessing you were refering to the 240mm radiator. I've found that the Airplex radiator performs much better than a Black Ice Pro II that I have installed in another of my rigs, Twisted AC. It may just be because it's designed to work well with like components, Aqua-Computer and the like.

Sounds good. Would you say it's good enough to sometimes run with the fans totally off though? Obviously running good 120mm fans at 7v should be damn quiet anyway, but part of my aim with watercooling is to get a system that, at light load, can be running fanless. Partially so I can have some peace at last (I've modded my Shuttle with the quitest fans I can find and it still gets on my nerves sometimes), and partially just because it's cool. :)

Thanks for the help man, oh, and happy birthday. ;)
icenode said:
Sounds good. Would you say it's good enough to sometimes run with the fans totally off though? Obviously running good 120mm fans at 7v should be damn quiet anyway, but part of my aim with watercooling is to get a system that, at light load, can be running fanless. Partially so I can have some peace at last (I've modded my Shuttle with the quitest fans I can find and it still gets on my nerves sometimes), and partially just because it's cool. :)

Thanks for the help man, oh, and happy birthday. ;)

You can turn your fans completely off but I would suggest keeping the radiator on the exterior of the case so the internal temps dont cook it. For really good passive cooling may I suggest the Airplex Evo 1800! :D

[S]nt|Mods said:
You can turn your fans completely off but I would suggest keeping the radiator on the exterior of the case so the internal temps dont cook it. For really good passive cooling may I suggest the Airplex Evo 1800! :D

lol, it sure is tempting. :) The price is probably too much for my wallet though and it'd block my planned window, but it might just be worth sacrificing a window for the sheer effectiveness of a radiator that size. :D
icenode said:
lol, it sure is tempting. :) The price is probably too much for my wallet though and it'd block my planned window, but it might just be worth sacrificing a window for the sheer effectiveness of a radiator that size. :D

Then you place it on the opposite side panel of the case....

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