Teh Uber L33t Aqua-Computer Thread :)

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MFZ said:
Do I need to email you about this? I already spoke to dan over PM about him sending me a modded silver aquatube (1/2"), jet and blue led with an existing order I have.

Nope me and Dan have talked about your order allready and i know what u want.
[S]nt|Mods said:
This may be handy to check on all three of them. UPS tracking #s M1417565595, W3425566308, W3425566317

You guys may not notice any activity to the tracking for the next few hours but at least they are on the way. Take care all! :D


Well, it seems as if the parcels are now in the States and pending more information as usual. Again, I've already taken care of it and Im owed a return phone call within the hour or so about its status.

And its still on time for the 20th. :D

dan, you got any 80 mm rads coming in from a/c - any idea on cost, i have a 80mm exhaust fan doing nothing so i may stick a little rad on it to go with my triple 120mm one,

may run that just for my nb in a seperate loop.

[S]nt|Mods said:
Well, it seems as if the parcels are now in the States and pending more information as usual. Again, I've already taken care of it and Im owed a return phone call within the hour or so about its status.

And its still on time for the 20th. :D


dont think they are there in SCHWECHAT, AT and on its way to the us, if i am reading it right.
yeah its great ups tracking, its back in gemany according to them,

Oct 19, 2004
12:12 A.M.

hmmm how odd.
looking at the tracking scan it seems something is very badly wrong hhaha - looks alot like its been refused and return to sender.
i hope so mate, because ive been adding up time zones as i fly the alantic about 4-5 times a year, and they seem pretty accurate.

seems its been from germany and is now back via philly (worst airport ive ever flown from, except newark)

i hope the ups scan man is drunk, my pc hardware will be obsolete soon, ill be watercooling the equivalent of a p 266mx and a tnt2
chriski said:
i hope so mate, because ive been adding up time zones as i fly the alantic about 4-5 times a year, and they seem pretty accurate.

seems its been from germany and is now back via philly (worst airport ive ever flown from, except newark)

i hope the ups scan man is drunk, my pc hardware will be obsolete soon, ill be watercooling the equivalent of a p 266mx and a tnt2

This is all from Oct. 18:

3:29 P.M.


11:53 A.M.


8:22 A.M.




Should be pretty obvious the package never made it out of Germany. Philly is probably the destination airport so they just wrote its name down to indicate thats the airport the clearance papers are needed for. I feel your pain about the wait, I still have to wait longer than you because I'm getting an aquatube modifed to 1/2". I've had my stuff for 1.5 wks now so by the time I actually get started it will have been 2+ weeks. :eek:
ahh i see, wednesday is looking shakey then by my guess if your right i wont see my gear till next week then i guess, i would not say it was obvious as why did it get a philly scan if its now been from austria, and then to germany - its been it 2 countries already.

im still hoping the scan man was drunk personally and its on its way from philly, we shall see.
i wonder how much it would cost to upgrade my order to next day air i really need to finsh this project. but if i dont oh well. damn customs :(
same as mate its getting annoying, next time i fly home i think ill do a stop in berlin and pick it up personally, wont cost any more hardly for my flight.

i have a whole pc sitting here thats brand new, i have invested over 3k

and its sitting on my left useless and im on my crappy dload box, such is life - just feel sorry for dan, this mans trying to run a business and having to put up with all this crap, its a annoyance for me and you but its his livlehood for him.
yea i know what u mean. ive already waited 2 weeks, another week or 2 wont hurt.
Thats the spirit. :D Waiting can't hurt me anyways.. my silver blocks didn't make this shipment :( /cry
MFZ let us know how that 1/2 aqua tube works out. I tried the same set up on my single loop 6800 and didn't go so well. My pump was the problem it was taking water away faster then it could go in. But when dan gets more stuff in im going for a nice low flow 3/8 set up and then sell my 1/2 rig to some kid that thinks he needs it to play half life 2 :D
Aviddigi said:
MFZ let us know how that 1/2 aqua tube works out. I tried the same set up on my single loop 6800 and didn't go so well. My pump was the problem it was taking water away faster then it could go in. But when dan gets more stuff in im going for a nice low flow 3/8 set up and then sell my 1/2 rig to some kid that thinks he needs it to play half life 2 :D

i wonder where he got that idea :p
Aviddigi said:
MFZ let us know how that 1/2 aqua tube works out. I tried the same set up on my single loop 6800 and didn't go so well. My pump was the problem it was taking water away faster then it could go in. But when dan gets more stuff in im going for a nice low flow 3/8 set up and then sell my 1/2 rig to some kid that thinks he needs it to play half life 2 :D

Sure thing, I'll have a CPU in the loop as well so hopefully the aquatube handles it just fine. If not I'll get creative with the tubing and use my DD poly res along with it.
2 weeks hahaahahaha i wish !
count yourself lucky people - i must be about 3 months now - hence my new pc will be obsolete soon.
hah this is classic, the stuff is now in cologne france, i have been there its a right crap hole, no sorry its paris now - nice city

this is great its like a lesson in geography for people who have yet to leave the usa.

where next?, london would be logical as its close - next stop rekjiavik in iceland maybe en route to toronto?, then finally heading south into the usa?

unless they head in the wrong direction it cant actually go anywhere else.

bye bye weekend delivery i fear.
This is some fucked up shit, that Im sure of. I'll be on the phone with a smile in the morning guys and I'll let you know what the result is. :D

chriski said:
dan, you got any 80 mm rads coming in from a/c

AC still hasnt released the Airplex Evo 80 to the public yet, I've seen pictures but nothing beyond that.
flat4 said:
i wonder how much it would cost to upgrade my order to next day air i really need to finsh this project. but if i dont oh well. damn customs :(

I will do my best to upgrade for you if possible, dont quote me on this but I will sure try.

[S]nt|Mods said:
I will do my best to upgrade for you if possible, dont quote me on this but I will sure try.


Dan, when you get some free time can you scan that evo 240 template? Thanks.
God damn UPS, the package is still in France! Talk about snail shipping, I bet we won't see the stuff for at least another week. :mad:
yeah its been at charles de gaul for about a day now, its a good 8 hours flight to the east coast and up to another 6 to the west, takes me 6 from ny to sd.

yeah we are looking at next week now gentlemen i think, unless it flies direct to san fran, that is.
Oh well... It just creates more anticipation, especially since HL2 is gold and Resident Evil 4 will be soon.

P.S. The compression fits I want are in that package.
Good news, FINALLY:

Oct 20, 2004
11:18 A.M.



Looks like he will be receiving the packages on Friday so I'm hoping all of us have our stuff by Wednesday of next week.
Rescheduled Delivery: Oct 21, 2004

hes getting it tomorrow. so we wont see anything till wed. maybe
flat4 said:
Rescheduled Delivery: Oct 21, 2004

hes getting it tomorrow. so we wont see anything till wed. maybe

I'm just hoping he can get my aquatube modded in a short time so I can have all my stuff by next Friday.
MFZ said:
I'm just hoping he can get my aquatube modded in a short time so I can have all my stuff by next Friday.

Ill be on THE Aqua tube asap man! we aim to please here at SNT-Systems :)
BitchBreaker said:
Ill be on your tube asap man!

LOL that sounds gay but thanks man.The sooner I can get started on my WC setup the better. Good news is it seems the packages are out for delivery.
MFZ said:
LOL that sounds gay but thanks man, the sooner the better. Been anxious to get started! Good news is it seems the packages are out for delivery.

Its now 50% less gay :)
Fo sho! Dan is resting up for this big shipment that will get to his house today...mmm i can allmost tast the uber sexy German parts. As a machinest my self i have deep respect for the level of quality AC has on there machining skills. :cool:
BitchBreaker said:
Fo sho! Dan is resting up for this big shipment that will get to his house today...mmm i can allmost tast the uber sexy German parts. As a machinest my self i have deep respect for the level of quality AC has on there machining skills. :cool:

How long do you think it will take you to do that 1/2" mod? Get it to me in a day and I will have deep respect for ur machining skills as well. :)
BitchBreaker said:
Fo sho! Dan is resting up for this big shipment that will get to his house today...mmm i can allmost tast the uber sexy German parts. As a machinest my self i have deep respect for the level of quality AC has on there machining skills. :cool:
make sure to take alot of pics :D
1 day...hmm i can do that but problem is ill get the tube in the mail,machine it in a hour or so,(plus a hour more for testing it and quality inspection) and have it out same day IF i get it 2 hours b4 4:30 my time.

EDIT: My cam sux..like on a [L]imp level...it couldent get all the detail in even if i tried to make it,, its like a $20 wallmart .90mp cam :eek:
BitchBreaker said:
1 day...hmm i can do that but problem is ill get the tube in the mail,machine it in a hour or so,(plus a hour more for testing it and quality inspection) and have it out same day IF i get it 2 hours b4 4:30 my time.

EDIT: My cam sux..like on a [L]imp level...it couldent get all the detail in even if i tried to make it,, its like a $20 wallmart .90mp cam :eek:

I'll try to take pictures when I receive it back from "the shop" but I'd rather send it right back out to MFZ so he doesnt have to wait as long to get it.

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