Teh Uber L33t Aqua-Computer Thread :)

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Dang Shoggy......what a deal to be so close to the source. I'd like to be one of the first here for the ramblocks (pssst, black!) Thanks for all you do.
You know what, that's not all :D :D

Maybe tomorrow we will see the next item?! ;)
Was cleaning my silver XT plate today so I thought I would share with you a nice sight :D


BTW, I don't think I paid as much attention on the other one I cleaned so I should mention that there a lot of structures inside the pin array that you can't see unless you use a magnifier. I think there is a lot more surface area exposed to water than you would think from a casual look at the bottom plate. It also increases the turbulence quite a bit I'd guess. Also had a little fun today and hooked up one of my Aquastream pumps to a bucket of water and the tube to the inlet side with the bottom off. You should try it too and you will be amazed :p
Top Nurse said:
BTW, I don't think I paid as much attention on the other one I cleaned so I should mention that there a lot of structures inside the pin array that you can't see unless you use a magnifier. I think there is a lot more surface area exposed to water than you would think from a casual look at the bottom plate. It also increases the turbulence quite a bit I'd guess. Also had a little fun today and hooked up one of my Aquastream pumps to a bucket of water and the tube to the inlet side with the bottom off. You should try it too and you will be amazed :p

What, water will come out !
Top Nurse said:
No...blood did :rolleyes:

Almost as original as your other postings on wizd forums :(

Edit: changing your avatar to bottom feeder that pug is such a mean guy
USPS said:
Almost as original as your other postings on wizd forums :(

Edit: changing your avatar to bottom feeder that pug is such a mean guy

I can see why you got banned on this forum recently Aviddigi. The mod that banned you didn't particulary like your attitude either. :rolleyes:
LOL almost exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking it was Avididgi too, but doesn't he work for UPS?
She keeps thinking its him, like i told her i bought a computer from avid and the people that follow AC usually end up in the same forums. He looks in every once in awhile and i was just at wizd were everyone lite her up for being,.... well you know :D

I work for USPS thirty years old and just looking for info. Sometimes just have to call them like i see them.

Edit: Along with all of the other people that lite you up for being,.... well you know
USPS said:
She keeps thinking its him, like i told her i bought a computer from avid and the people that follow AC usually end up in the same forums. He looks in every once in awhile and i was just at wizd were everyone lite her up for being,.... well you know :D

I work for USPS thirty years old and just looking for info. Sometimes just have to call them like i see them.
Ya know Aviddigi I could care less if you want to come back after being banned from this forum. But at the very least you should have the decency to do at least a half-way decent haXors post. Within the first couple of posts you made it was obvious exactly who you are. You see everybody has certain nuances, flavors, and a sense of being that is very individualized. I can come back as another personna, but I would have to change everything about me or other people would begin to pickup on this. Just as the person above me did as well.

The other issue is that I learned a long time ago not to lie. Not that I never haven't as I have the capability to lie with the best of them. However, what I learned is that if you always tell the truth it is easy to remember what happened. When you start telling fibs it gets difficult to remember which fib you told to who. For someone who wants to go into the CHP I thought you would have learned this, but obviously not. Have fun in the polygraph test ;)

If you are who you say you are, as a noob, you came to this forum extremely well informed about all the little nuances of what goes on around in this forum. Most noobs don't immediately start making snide comments about other forum members that are reminiscent of things other people have said on the first post they make here. Your first post on this forum is next in regards to an Aquaero Poll thread:
USPS said:
I have seen this post before, if you have not used one you have know idea how great it is. I had some extra cash and went for it and im glad. But there is nothing wrong with getting something that suits your needs and if aquacomputer is not it so be it. tn person should stop slinging AC like it was crack on the street, always posting about it in every thread.
My personal opinion is that you are here to continue some kind of vendetta about the Tubemeter deal. You must have been on drugs to have posted a pre-release Aqua Computer product for sale on the internet. Everybody and their brother all over the world was calling Aqua Computer about why something that wasn't being released for technical reasons was for sale by you here in the states. And yes I was one of those people as you intimated a while back when you started making snide remarks about me. Just as you did on the Wiz D forum today (which got deleted by a mod there BTW) and again here in this thread shortly therafter. So are you a punk ass noobie mimic or a bald faced liar dude?

P.S. I apologize to everyone else about my strong language. You all know I rarely cuss or flame anyone. ;) However, I have been known to argue about other topics quite ardently that some might take it as flaming other peoples ideas. :D
does anyone know if there are any plans to release a system memory block? I'm still looking for one, and all I've seen is a euro block (not alphacool) that ran as much as my system memory, except in euros and not USD (so 1.5x as much as my twinmos), and the ones on SVC, that have plastic fittings. I know I could replace the fittings, but for $20 a piece, I think the quality just doesn't look so hot, and they don't look like copper. If people are bothering to cool their HDs and mofsets, why not isn't anyone bothering to make/sell system memory blocks? I want them to deliver 0C coolant, but I'm sure others would like them just for the "cool" factor, especially with winbond stuff needing a fan (in my opinion, better cool with a long life, than hot with migration)

Given the general quality/selection of products, I'm surprised aqua computer doesn't offer a memory block. Especially because it would be easiest to design around smaller fittings/tubes (low flow), vs. 1/2" tubing, which could become very hard to route properly in such a tight area.
mikelz85 said:
does anyone know if there are any plans to release a system memory block? I'm still looking for one, and all I've seen is a euro block (not alphacool) that ran as much as my system memory, except in euros and not USD (so 1.5x as much as my twinmos), and the ones on SVC, that have plastic fittings. I know I could replace the fittings, but for $20 a piece, I think the quality just doesn't look so hot, and they don't look like copper. If people are bothering to cool their HDs and mofsets, why not isn't anyone bothering to make/sell system memory blocks? I want them to deliver 0C coolant, but I'm sure others would like them just for the "cool" factor, especially with winbond stuff needing a fan (in my opinion, better cool with a long life, than hot with migration)

Given the general quality/selection of products, I'm surprised aqua computer doesn't offer a memory block. Especially because it would be easiest to design around smaller fittings/tubes (low flow), vs. 1/2" tubing, which could become very hard to route properly in such a tight area.

See Post 2473 in this same thread. I think it is about 20 posts back. :) I would figure about $45 or so considering the $ to Euro exchange rate. You can contact Sharka if you want as they are the USA retailer of AC. Please note that they are adjustable!
wait, it cools more than 1 stick at a time? Sounds good, but I wonder if the other pieces can be removed, as it would be more to insulate, and neoprene is really the only way to go. I could end up needing to make a really big gasket/pocket for the whole thing, but I think this is the way to go, as just 1 pair of tubes sounds really attractive, given how hard they are to insulate. Low diameter tubes at that, should be nice.

What would happen to my flow if I introduced a small diameter tube size (needed for ramblock) into a 1/2" system? Would a splitter work to take the 1/2" down to a smaller size, without destroying the flow rate? It is running with a eheim 1250 now, with a RBX, but that's it. So I'm sure it could take a small hit, but I don't want the flow completely crippled. I know it is an easy question, but I lack the plumbing/physics knowledge to get it off the top of my head.

I hope they don't take too long getting to the states, as I would love to get my hands on one of these to test with. I mean I'd really love to be able to play with a block like that (quality and price!!!) with winbond memory, a little juice, and sub 0C coolant. I hope it isn't going to take too long, as if they are 2-3 weeks out, it could be a while before resellers have them.
hey mike, the ramblocks were posted first in YOUR thread about the ram cooling before shoggy even posted em in this thread man.... seems weird you come over here to ask about ramblocks, check your thread bud, lots of good info has come out over there.
Well, fasten your seat belts. A new day, a new product - errr, sorry, I meant new productS :D

aquagrafx 6600AGP Typ 2


(This is a preview picture)

It seems that graphic card builders are changing to a new standard layout so AC decided to do a modified aquagrafx cooler for them. It should be available within the next weeks. I think the price will not change (61,90 Euro).

To get a clue about the differnce between typ1 und typ2:


Aquastream 3.5



The Aquastream 3.5 is already on deliverey for 74,99 Euro. The naked controller costs 29,90 Euro.
As always the changes only concerns the controller, the pump hasn't change since the first release.
The controller 3.5 has a new jumperblock which enables you to overclock the pump in three ranges. It has a overload protection and the electronics have been improved for more stability and reliability.
It has lost the ability to change the LEDs because there were some problems with the sockets because they were not useable in the SMD-assembly-rig.

Bezel for X800 Pro / XT


These bezels are not an official Aqua-Computer product. They are a custom product from Aqua-Computer Berlin.
You can use them together with small copper coolers which are also only available at AC Berlin:


A set with two bezels made of 1,5mm stainless steel for the front and back side costs 9,90 Euro and they are already available.
The shown cooling block with two connectors costs 17,90 Euro, a aluminium version costs 15,90 euro.

A Set for X850 cards will follow very soon!

Look forward to tomorrow ;)
Top Nurse said:
Ya know Aviddigi I could care less if you want to come back after being banned from this forum. But at the very least you should have the decency to do at least a half-way decent haXors post. Within the first couple of posts you made it was obvious exactly who you are. You see everybody has certain nuances, flavors, and a sense of being that is very individualized. I can come back as another personna, but I would have to change everything about me or other people would begin to pickup on this. Just as the person above me did as well.

The other issue is that I learned a long time ago not to lie. Not that I never haven't as I have the capability to lie with the best of them. However, what I learned is that if you always tell the truth it is easy to remember what happened. When you start telling fibs it gets difficult to remember which fib you told to who. For someone who wants to go into the CHP I thought you would have learned this, but obviously not. Have fun in the polygraph test ;)

If you are who you say you are, as a noob, you came to this forum extremely well informed about all the little nuances of what goes on around in this forum. Most noobs don't immediately start making snide comments about other forum members that are reminiscent of things other people have said on the first post they make here. Your first post on this forum is next in regards to an Aquaero Poll thread:

My personal opinion is that you are here to continue some kind of vendetta about the Tubemeter deal. You must have been on drugs to have posted a pre-release Aqua Computer product for sale on the internet. Everybody and their brother all over the world was calling Aqua Computer about why something that wasn't being released for technical reasons was for sale by you here in the states. And yes I was one of those people as you intimated a while back when you started making snide remarks about me. Just as you did on the Wiz D forum today (which got deleted by a mod there BTW) and again here in this thread shortly therafter. So are you a punk ass noobie mimic or a bald faced liar dude?

P.S. I apologize to everyone else about my strong language. You all know I rarely cuss or flame anyone. ;) However, I have been known to argue about other topics quite ardently that some might take it as flaming other peoples ideas. :D

Im not going to waste anymore time writing and also i have no idea what a tube meter is ?

So please like everyone else tells you " take your out landish ideas and bad attitude somewhere else "

Edit: looks like your hated and burned from this forum to oversea's forums so please forgive me if i dont fight back or know what your takling about. I just looked here for things about Aquacomputer since i now have one. Sad that i just found an out of touch lost in space person like you that is stalking me. :rolleyes:

Have a great day

Posted by knipex


I see you posting on alot of forums. On [H] , Bit, AC and here and I have yet to see you come up with a single logical well thought out intelligent argument or even somethign helpfull. You seem to enjoy spreading missinformation and pimping for a company that you apparently have "no involvement" with outside of being a customer.

I do wonder though. On the AC forums you posted about checking XT's prior to shipping and finding faults with them.. You also mention having multiple XT's with blocked jets..

If you want to post something helpful and intelligent on wizd feel free but otherwise go elsewhere.

Apologies to everyone else but top Nurse really really annoys me.

Thought this was good and please check here for the complete outlook of TN or BS whatever that persons name is.

You replying definitely will show your ignorance so please i will just leave.
Again have a great day
USPS said:
Im not going to waste anymore time writing and also i have no idea what a tube meter is ?

You know Aviddigi one of the things I said about telling lies is that you forget who you told which lie to and it gets all jumbled up. :rolleyes: Please see the post you made over in the "Retail G4's coming soon" thread a few days ago:

USPS said:
TN setup bah :rolleyes: the setup i got from aviddigi puts them to shame and the setup he has, all the working tubemeters and some other stuff i didnt understand its amazing and way to much for someone that just looked at forums all the time and played Joint OPs. So i got one and look at forums all the time and play BF2 :p

But i will build another computer to run my aquarium and put a storm block in that baby!

I sometimes get in some heated arguments and say things I probably wish I hadn't said at times, but I have never before found the need on this forum to use the ignore feature before. Today I found such a reason. I'd wish you a nice day but I'm not feeling charitable right now. ;)
Shoggy said:
Well, fasten your seat belts. A new day, a new product - errr, sorry, I meant new productS :D

aquagrafx 6600AGP Typ 2

Hi Shoggy! You guys are definitely having a lot of fun. Must be the start of the new accounting year ;) Will the 6600 AGP have the floating GPU sink as well?

These bezels are not an official Aqua-Computer product. They are a custom product from Aqua-Computer Berlin.
You can use them together with small copper coolers which are also only available at AC Berlin:


A set with two bezels made of 1,5mm stainless steel for the front and back side costs 9,90 Euro and they are already available.
The shown cooling block with two connectors costs 17,90 Euro, a aluminium version costs 15,90 euro.

Now that was a good design....I was always wondering how you were going to put those coolers on. Will AC Berlin make these available to other retailers outside of Germany or will it be necessary to order direct?


Forgot to ask if there is an option to getting old controllers updated?
Your argumnets are luke warm at best

Posted by knipex


I see you posting on alot of forums. On [H] , Bit, AC and here and I have yet to see you come up with a single logical well thought out intelligent argument or even somethign helpfull. You seem to enjoy spreading missinformation and pimping for a company that you apparently have "no involvement" with outside of being a customer.

I do wonder though. On the AC forums you posted about checking XT's prior to shipping and finding faults with them.. You also mention having multiple XT's with blocked jets..

If you want to post something helpful and intelligent on wizd feel free but otherwise go elsewhere.

Apologies to everyone else but top Nurse really really annoys me.

Thought this was good and please check here for the complete outlook of TN or BS whatever that persons name is.

Again have a great day
el rolio said:
hey mike, the ramblocks were posted first in YOUR thread about the ram cooling before shoggy even posted em in this thread man.... seems weird you come over here to ask about ramblocks, check your thread bud, lots of good info has come out over there.
wow, I don't remember seeing the design TN linked to in my thread, but after looking, I guess the thread got a bunch of attention after I thought it had pretty much died off.
i finally finished setting up my watercooling

its messy, i know, its a boy's room
Ohh la la nice looking AC gear there :D More pics! Is that an Evo 1800 bolted to the side of the case? BTW, girls have messy rooms too...
Top Nurse said:
Will AC Berlin make these available to other retailers outside of Germany...?

Forgot to ask if there is an option to getting old controllers updated?
I don't think so because Stefan is only doing a few of them. Ordering directly via AC Berlin seems to be the only way to get them.

Yes, you can update your controller very easily: just buy a new one :p
There is no way to update the controller. If you have an old controller and want a new 3.5 you will have to buy it.
Shoggy said:
I don't think so because Stefan is only doing a few of them. Ordering directly via AC Berlin seems to be the only way to get them.

Yes, you can update your controller very easily: just buy a new one :p
There is no way to update the controller. If you have an old controller and want a new 3.5 you will have to buy it.

Glad I got an Aquaero ;) And thanks for the info about the ram coolers.
Shoggy said:
There is no way to update the controller. If you have an old controller and want a new 3.5 you will have to buy it.

Dang......and I have two old ones....... :(
Toonage said:
Dang......and I have two old ones....... :(

How much would you give for a new 3.5 controller and I keep your old one? Assuming it is a version 3 controller.
OK, I have to ask; how on earth do you fill up the Aquatubes?

As near as I can tell, the portlet comes off as one piece. So if the tube is mounted on the side or front, then when you take off the front piece the tube has nothing keeping the water in. So filling it up won't work that way. If it's mounted on the top then it will work, but you'd have to fill up the entire loop before you put the top back on, and from my experience with other reservoirs you'd have to run the pump to get the air out at least once. So what am I missing here? How are all you people with Aquatubes in your front panel filling your loops?
My Aquatube is mounted in the front. For filling the system I have to turn my case ;) I fill in some water and try to get the water to the pump because it will not work without it. Then I start the PSU (only Aquaero and Aquastream connected), wait till the Aquatube is nearly empty, turn of the PSU and fill in some water again...
I repeat these steps over and over again until the water comes back to the Aquatube.
No, but I know there is more :D

Maybe next week? We will see.
I have a line runing from the top back fitting to a fillport in the top of my case. To fill I lean the case forward ( to increase the angle in the aquatube to the back fitting) and then use a funnel to fill the system. I fill the whole system until the fill line has fluid in it. Then start the pump only, then add fluid as necessary until most of the large air pockets are removed, or you are satisfied with the amount of fluid in the aquatube.
R1ckCa1n said:
Will the northbridge version fit on a DFI NF4 SLI board.
(The Twinplex Pro was meant)

Yes, there will be an other plexi-top with asymmetric connections to fit on that board.
the finish on the blocks are crap .... i went to lap the bottom to reomve the machine marks from the fly cutter they use when making the block but something was not right.

I checked the block with a starrett percision master square(+ or - .00005 every 6"), the base of a 6" starrett depth gauge(+ or - .0001 over the base) , and a starrett steel straight edge (+ or - .00005 every 6")

they all looked the same.

If they charge this much they should at least be SEMI flat not like a dish... any one who is thinking about buying these be ready to lap the hell out of it to get it flat.

Here is the gap ... its going to take hours more to get this thing flat ( i am laping it on a granite surfice plate)

Here is the ginormous gap on the far from flat waterblock.

here is the base after an hour of laping at 400 grt.

Did you buy it new or used? Where did you get it from? Did you check only with it mounted to the acrylic block and screws on or did you check it minus top and screws? Just wondering if screws were not torgued down properly the bottom may have become tweaked. What particular model do you have?
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